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Everything posted by Mike500

  1. Yes, i don't know what to believe anymore.. Anyway, you can't go wrong with a "sorted" install, it's the safe way. And also check which patch supercedes which older patch, so you don't have doubles. It's noted on the patches' website, for instance: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?...kb;en-us;823980 -> "For Windows XP-based computers, this security patch replaces 331953 (MS03-010)."
  2. Yes, it explains why it *is* important to make a "sorted" install when you don't use qchain.exe:
  3. First off, Q331953 is superceded by Q823980. So you don't need to install Q331953 when you install Q823980 later on! For the others, my only guess is that you should try using the full file name, including the ".EXE" part.
  4. Yes, it's wise to do so. This ensures that, if two patches contain different versions of the same file, the newer one is installed. qchain.exe is a tool by Microsoft to chain hotfixes that prevents this, see http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/pro/dow...p1/hfdeploy.asp I don't know if the qchain method is really necessary, if you install the hotfix in a sorted manner... it should be better, but it's not as easy as the traditional method. About the sorting: First Q3..., then Q8..., then KB...
  5. Hehe, maybe if you're not connected to the internet.. Hmm...
  6. Ok, thanks. For everyone's convenience, they proper key name is [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\KB823980]
  7. No, that's not possible via [Components]. See the file "ref.chm" from the deployment tools package.
  8. By the way, you can use this tool to check if a patch is correctly installed: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?...kb;en-us;282784 Start it from the command line with "qfecheck".
  9. Forgot to ask, does it need the entire content of the key or just that key name?
  10. Ah so that's why it showed in WindowsUpdate even when it was properly installed via hotfix.cmd before! I had this yesterday too when i did a test of my unattended XP CD. I guess i will just add that key to my .reg file, thanks for the tip! They never took it offline. Lovsan/Blaster tried to connect to "windowsupdate.com". Microsoft took that address out of DNS, so the worm couldn't reach it anymore. Microsoft itself uses "windowsupdate.microsoft.com" which is not the same address, so they could keep it online all the time.
  11. Hm i understand, but isn't it as simple as checking WindowsUpdate, after you installed something that reverts to SP1? Then you download and install the missing fix again and that's it. But i see why your method is superior, if done right...
  12. If it wasn't for this, I'd use the other way. Well, the hotfixes can't be uninstalled from control panel -> software, and what other apps is this referring to?
  13. I don't think i'll go through this... first i thought "hmm maybe this is really more stable and stuff", but i tried the traditional method - hotfix.cmd - on a Celeron 300A with 96 MB RAM at 66 MHz FSB, and what can i say, it worked fine! So what is the big advantage of the new method? I mean, the end result counts...?
  14. You have a few irrelevant ones there. What you should do is this: Get a machine where you can do a test install of XP SP1 *without any fixes*. Then go to the online WindowsUpdate and make note of the patch numbers. It only shows those that you need, not old patches that were replaced by new patches. Also: Install them in alphabetical order. Right now you have a big mess there, it's not sorted. General rule: Install like Explorer sorts it. First Q3......, then Q8......, then KB......
  15. See http://www.MSFN.org/board/index.php?showto...opic=8187&st=0& Basically, you use this: Q823718_MDAC_SecurityPatch.exe /Q /C:"dahotfix /q /n" It means quiet mode (/Q) and command override, running the included dahotfix.exe with the parameters /q /n.
  16. Try this: Make a xy.reg with the serial extracted from your registry and call it just before the program installation. REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\install\Apps\bla\bla.reg start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Apps\bla\bla.exe /bla
  17. Care to post that .cmd file of yours?
  18. Sorry for that... at least it's what i got with Q823718_MDAC_SecurityPatch.exe /? couldn't test it though.
  19. Correct. At least i didn't include them in my test install today, and Windowsupdate didn't complain. Also, the recent patch 823980 (the well-known "Blaster patch") supercedes Q331953.
  20. Q823718_MDAC_SecurityPatch.exe /Q
  21. By the way, Q822925 supercedes Q818529! So you can remove Q818529.exe and the .cmd entry. See http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?...kb;en-us;822925
  22. Yes, i didn't know about it either. And i can't be arsed now to do this work all over again... i sure spent more than a half hour on it...
  23. Weird, it worked fine here. Try downloading it directly from here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...&displaylang=en
  24. ...via Windowsupdate. Info: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/downlo...925/default.asp http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?...kb;en-us;823718
  25. Just download the new reference driver from http://www.nvidia.com/content/drivers/drivers.asp It will work with all the recent NVIDIA cards.
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