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Posts posted by Drewdatrip

  1. PS: This isn't a spam or anything like that but a simple way to help out ppl who are in need of a reliable host. Hope the moderators understand this.

    Site Advertisement is welcome here at msfn, as long as it is respectful and not over done.

    And free hosting is always a subject of much interest here, so your helping not hurting.

    Thankx for the service.


  2. In order to enter Safe mode hold the F8 Key on Os load.

    Once in safe mode try to disable Automatic retarts on BSOD.

    Mycomputer>Properties>Advanced>Startup and Recovery Settings>Untick automatic restart.

    From there yoyu may get a Blue screen, it will give you error code that you can refernce on the MS knowlegde base website

    Once you get it to boot give some further details as to what happens after that.

    If you still cannot get it to boot after the safemode and automatic reboot disable.

    Give us some details as to what may have happened right b4 this problems started to occur. Such as a Windows update, software install, hardware change, power outage etc

    @Tarun - In regards to the Lan card casuign problems, belive it or not the lan card plays a large role in creating the randomly generated system ID Xp creates on system load.

    When the system ID is not matched on os load It will either prompt you to reactivate, or will simply reboot casue the Hardware ID is so different.


  3. First determine if the Version you have is retail or OEM. If you purchased seperatly in a nice big box then its retail, if it cam with your prebuilt computer then it it most likley OEM.

    From there you can contact MS and they can provide you with a CD.

    Or if you live near a PC Club i know that they can provide you with a CD aslong as you show them you COA or KEy sticker. Im sure other Computer shops do this as well, however it dependes on the reseller agreement with MS.

    But contacting MS would probly be the best bet.

    (800) 892-5234

    Hours for Phone (Pacific Time)

    Monday - Friday

    Saturday - Sunday 5:00 A.M. - 9:00 P.M.

    6:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.

    You must have an existing contract or SA account to get support for this product.

    TTY/TDD help requests - cost will vary


  4. no, its not a pentium 1, i believe its a 3.  its cuz i found it in the garbage :rolleyes: , and it looked alot better then teh pentium ones we have here already
    the fans shouldnt run if its off lol :wacko:

    they dont run when its off, when i turn it on, they start to do the ticking thing

    ps. GH, im keeping the parts for me :P

    K well then replace the power suply, if its still no dice from there you got a BAd Mobo.

    I have a few lying around if you want one for cheep


  5. This is kinda a wacky poll you have lots of different systems in the same catigory.

    And the last one jsut simply doesnt work.

    Im gonna have to nullify my vote.

    But i will say that the Xbox has proved to me to be the msot versitile. i have converted my box to play divix movies, be a linux server, media center, and even a emulator for every older system ps1, snes gameboy etc


  6. We have tryed it in the past, and i was generally dead in there.

    We also are are kinda Windows relasted ie our sites name "Microsoft Software Forum Network" Implies.

    However i will run it buy the Mod and admins

    Thankx for the suggestions, they are always welcome



  7. I'll belive it when i see it!

    HL2 has been the most pushed back game i have ever seen!

    Truthfully with all this hype i think they may have set themselves up for some big time let downs.

    Im not doubting the game will be good, but they have created too much expectations out of it.

    And the whole Direct disto thru Steam...im not sure thats really a great system, seeing as only a small percentage of people have cable or DSL.

    But i guess thats just my 2 cents.

    I look foward to playing it but in my eyes First person shooters are getting rather dawnting


  8. So wait...your proclaiming it as the best racing game ever, yet you havent played it yet?



    Honestly the first underground was ok, im not ecpecting that much difference in the second, however im willing to eat my hat if im wrong on that one.

    Underground is nice for the looks but interms of realism and gameplay Gran Turismo is just all out better


  9. Ummm so wait...it IS going to be released on GC...so are you just mad casue its being released on more then your console... thats kinda strange..but ok.

    But ya look foward to the relase of the New zelda, that will for sure only be on GC, and it is a truly great game


  10. First thing i would replace would be the Power supply.

    Get yourself an Allied, Enermax or Antec 350w or higher.

    From there you can swap out componets to see if one thing or the other is casusing the problem.

    More likely then not its just the power supply.

    However hopfull there wasent a spike in voltage casueing damage to the internal hardware of the system.


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