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Posts posted by Drewdatrip
Have you tried downloading IE an installing it over itself.
Or check this Ms Help article:
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Chill with the flaming guys, just casue someone doesnt know as much as you dosent give you the right to bash them in open topic.
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Thats nuts!
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Thankx for the nice words!
A merry X-mas to you to my friend!
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School gets out the 18th of December and is back in swing as of the 24th of Jan.
But Im going to be working still so ill only have about a week off intotal probley
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The firewall will limit the possiblity of entry into the system, ie access to files etc.
However like you said if the person is sniffing packets, unless you encrypt them it will be possiable to see the size of information and the possiablity of looking into these packects...
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A software Firewall such as Kerio, Tiny, or Zonealarm
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Have you made sure your cable or DSL modem is obtaining signal from your provider?
Do you have a router? Try reseting it if so..
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Many laptop bios's are very limited.
However i have noticed on new laptops alot of the advanced options are hidden.
Check the manual see what it states about the bios.
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I prefer NERO
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Or you could purchase Winternals ERDcommander.
Boot off the CD and the use the admin pass changer within the options.
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Keep in mind that the majority of the posts within this thread follow the rules that we have established.
I was refering to a situation inwhich sigs were 5-15k larger then what are stated in the rules.
Beyond the issue of load time plz do not negate the fact that large and bulky sigs just create cluter and fluff and give a site an unprofessional look. which is the exact oposite were going for here...right?
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I thought my previous post would clarify these issues but by the looks of it, either people are simply not reading what i have stated, dont understand or i myself am not being clear.
Once again i wish to explain the situation:
Pms were issued to the individuals of those who were in violation of the new rule, IE images shall not exceed a total of 300x100 or 80k in total
The remander of people that had their sigs removed was due to a dirrect violation of a rule that has been in place for several months.
In this i refer directly to many of the people that have posted here.
I understand that it may of seem ubrupt, however the policy that enforced a limitation to sig images to 300x100 have been around for a long time, it just so happend that at the time of the sig rule modifcation is when we decided to crack down on the violations.
Many of you are saying "Well what gives? its just a few Kbs or a few extra lines on the page!"
Well lets just make up a hypothetical situation in which lets say per page ther are roughly 10 posts of 8 unique posters and each of them are in violation of 2lines of extra text and each only 5-15kb per sig.
SO with the established of 8unique images a personal would be loading an additional 40-120k on top of the already give 640-760k of assumed data of signatures.
Lets assume the user is on a 56k modem and averages 5-10kbs. Just to load the image on page this particualr user could end up waiting an wait roughly 1 to 2 mins.
This is completly negating the loading time of the forums other components.
From a users stand point trying to find an answer and having to wait several minuts between page loads, is more then frustrating...to put it int he simplest of terms, it pushes a large portion or our community away.
And that is the very last thing I and MSFN wants.
WE are a community that relies on the individuals to show up and become avid posters. With more members come more answers and more questions...and we all benifit from it in the end casue we have come out of the situation more educated.
IF i have I or MSFN has offended you..appologies all around..
just know it was never personal.....rules must be in place to keep the community in order...and with that rules must be enforced.
If your sig was removed you know why.
Yes we have been very lax about this in the past, but there comes a time where it gets out of control, and as our community expands, WE wish to maintain a professional and freindly look. These modifcations and enforcment of the rules are with the user inmind....noone else. They are to aid in making sure people can find what they are looking for in a timly fashion.
I hope this clarifies all that has been discussed
Thank you for your time.
IF you have any further question feel free to PM me
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Dear all,
The rules have been modified as of the 9th of december due to new, as well as many old members exploiting the previous rules in place.
Previosly the rules limited the resolution but was not specific in regards to allowing or disallowing multiple images.
When the rules were made we(MSFN staff) infered this, however made the mistake of not stating t flat out.
All modifications have been made to make the experince of our users a more pleasnt one. Post have been increasing long with very little content due to the utter hugeness of the signatures.
In addition to this Page loads are always an issue for us and we wish to respect all forms of internet speeds..Keeping the images small and optimized will benifit everyone.
Curent standing rules:
5. Images in signatures shall NOT exceed a total of 300x100 and 80kb. Flash and animated sigs are not permitted. You can enter max 4 lines of text in signature or signature image.. Avatars are to be a maximum of 100x100 pixels. If your avatar or signature goes above these guidelines they will be taken off and the member contacted via PM. Any signatures found to be attached to a thread and used as a signature host is not allowed on MSFN and will be removed. Members with slow connection can disable other members signatures when reading posts by going to: My Control - Options - Board Settings.@Tarun
In regards to the PMs i made a typo and stated the sig limitations to 300x300 however I ment 300x100. In the future just refer to the writin rules, however i do applogies for my slip up.
In reagards to mods in violation, this has been correct as of today.
Warning will be pmed in regards to multiple images or animated images.
However if said user violates the previous limitation of 300x100. Image will be removed.
I understand that the new modifcation to the rules will take time to be fully instated. However the 300x100 have been in place for many many months. WE have been very forgiving inregards to this, but it is simply getting out of hand.
Thank you everyone for all your understanding.
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Making available a downloadable XP pro cd is in violation of our policies. Plz refrain from this in open topic.
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While searching for your previous answer i raninto a help guide on how to change frame rates.
I reccomend searching around the VideoHelp website, im sure you will find your answer there.
PS Plz do not attach images to the forum. Plz use one of the many free image host services. Try EasyShare, you can find a link in my sig.
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i downloaded this, but i dont see where it has an option 2 combined 2 avis :S
Amazing what about 2seconds of looking can do
Check HERE
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Only if you purchased the Original release.
No legal forms of download exeist as far as i know.
However you maybe able to find an one online somwhere...maybe ebay...
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As they have both stated i belive they both think that the industry still belives that the end user mostly has CD and CDRW drives rather then DVD drives. Thus if they release it on a DVD only then they would be limiting their audience.
A valid point...however im not sure if its 100pecent true
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In many ways i understand your point...however MSFN is here to help...so limiting how people can get help here at msfn is not our aim.
We do agree that searching and reading the rules are key.....limiting new users abilities on the forum would take away from our community
I think we just need to find away to make people more interested in using the search and reading our rules...
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"Fighting on the internet is like winning at the Special Olympics, if you win your still a retard"
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Id say its a bad Harddrive
or a bad usb controller chip
Either way no good for you
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IF the IDe controller differs you may not beable to boot into windows.
IF the chipset and onboard features differ from the original, you will most likly get some serious issues running windows stably.
I would reccomend atleast repairing if not reinstalling
Asus P4C800 Deluxe RAID Help
in Device Drivers
Have you tried Bâshrat the Sneaky's Driver integration packs?
Im not postive if the Promise are included, but its work a shot