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Martin L

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Everything posted by Martin L

  1. you might want to read this: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?s=&sho...ndpost&p=465268 topic moved.
  2. View forums is working fine, only the view posts is not working correct, i thought that i saw that ipb fixed that in next release.
  3. we would like to see everyone happy here, but since this is a real huge site its just not easy to implement more skins since we have to choose: or skins or modifications to the board. We've chosen for the modifications And my personal opinion is that this MSFN skin is way better than that ipb skin but tastes are different.
  4. aisad, Cheops, cyberworm, TheOne873, afya and The Unicorn you guys got email
  5. no, we cant do that because we only applied the modifications to this MSFN skin.
  6. a emailaddress would be nice but i suppose that seregwethrin ( at ) gmail.com is yours? ziwang85 check your email
  7. what is the username you want to use? moved to correct forum btw.
  8. MegaCale, fraefel, ahmedwa and tengesdal check your email
  9. Martin L

    Red x

    moved to the correct forum, next time try to post in the correct forum instantly
  10. press-any-key we dont care about what laws say, we say that it is forbidden to tell people how to get illigal stuff. No more of that! As for the others... discussion about a possible new beta is permitted but it is out of question if you can tell people where to get it, so dont
  11. http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showforum=92
  12. posted here two days ago. thanks anyway
  13. XPero sended this to me yesterday with the request to post it... so here it is a Temporary MMC fix for normal install. mmcfix.rar
  14. http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showto...view=getnewpost
  15. jups but i got it and once... first theorie than drivinglessons and after 19 lessons exam good luck with it buddy!
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