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About 2forza

  • Birthday 10/21/1985

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  1. Nope, no third party softwares, I deleted my partition with vista setup.. hmm Im going to try to make a new one with partition magic... edit: I solved my problem, I used my XP disk to make this new partition. The XP disk never let me down Thanks for helping anyway!!
  2. Hello everybody!! I''ll keep this short: I deleted my D: Partition (30 GB) and now I cant get it back... (see screenshot) Does anyone else know how to solve it?? Thank you!
  3. Yes, me! I had the same error/bug? I'm running under Firefox 3.0 beta 1 Thanks for your solution
  4. Yes, an "Empty Recycle Bin" context menu entry would be nice. That's one of the things that I do most commonly--keep the bin clean. I've been trying to find this in the registry but have been unsuccessful as of yet. ; Add Empty Recycle Bin To Right Click Menu [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}] @="Empty Recycle Bin" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Empty Recycle Bin] @="{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Empty Recycle Bin] @="{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Empty Recycle Bin] @="{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Empty Recycle Bin] @="{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}"
  5. I use Rocketdock (Freeware) Rocketdock website: http://www.punksoftware.com/rocketdock
  6. I dont know if this is a good solotion, but you can try: system restore Good Luck!
  7. Hmm stil cant integrate IE7 this is what i did 1. Integrated the latest RyanVM Pack with nLite 2. Integrated Direct X 9.0c with nLite 3. Integrated WMP11 with nLite 4. Integrated Internet Explorer 7 with nLite 5. Integrated the three hotfixes with nLite 6. Added my Applications ($oem$) 7. Integrated Driverpacks(.net) All I get after Virtualmachine.. is Internet Explorer with a IE6 interface... So what did you do?
  8. Hi, Just Laze, can I ask you something? 1. Which three hotfixes do you need...to integrate IE7? 2. And what about your desktop icon? Is it gone? Thnx!
  9. To restore the show desktop icon: run: regsvr32 /s /n /i:U shell32 Looks like, it didnt work for me after RunOnceEx nLite will ask if you'd like to replace certain files: Integrate Ryan's pack and IE7 at the same time. You get a prompt keep the newer file (because IE7 uses an older version of a file).you need to hit NO for browseui.dl_, shdocvw.dl_, and shlwapi.dl_. That screen/prompt doesnt appear to me
  10. Oh many many thanks!! Ill try tomorrow
  11. Ok thanks for your fast reply!! but still, I dont know what u mean by hit No for browseui.dl_, shdocvw.dl_, and shlwapi.dl_. Hehehe... Do you mean remove files? or keep? Please explain... I ve found the solution for the desktop icon run: regsvr32 /s /n /i:U shell32 (then reboot) Oops:P for hijacking someone else's thread
  12. Hi, Dont know if this is a bug or something, here it goes: "Show Desktop" icon on the quick launch is missing after intregrating IE7 with nLite. Does anybody else have that problem too? Or is it just me? Oh and a last question: My IE7 ui looks like IE6; is that normal??
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