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Everything posted by tj007s13

  1. is there a different way to get the ISP besides gethostaddr? I get some IP4 and IP6 error if i use the gethostaddr command...???
  2. I had a similar problem
  3. ok sorry...didn't know and it was my 21st post
  4. Nod32 is the best by far in my opinion...It uses little to no system resources and does a great job...kudos to them
  5. I made something like that... www.filebarracks.com/sig/ my friend helped me with some htaccess stuff but besides that it was pretty easy to make...
  6. try here: http://www.pixel2life.com/tutorials/Macromedia_Flash/All/
  7. speed...no...i max my net out at like 750kb/s download....and they have few downtimes....the last one i can think of is 2-3 weeks ago...they were down for like 20min...becuz they were upgrading the servers...
  8. i have had em for over a year and I bought GOLD
  9. Canaca Check this hosting site out. This is who I use and have been very happy with. Bronze: 3.95$ 10,000 MB storage space 200 GB file transfer Free Web site Templates Silver: 7.95$ 20,000 MB storage space 400 GB file transfer Free Web site Templates Gold: 16.95$ 30,000 MB storage space 600 GB file transfer Free Web site Templates The more months you aggree to buy the better deal you get. http://canaca.com/virtual.html There is a chart at the bottom of that page that shows u what im talking about. Oh. and for the company you posted above. Never heard of them.
  10. That is mine as of now... My Desktop Here
  11. I found the base skin...and just changed it slightly
  12. now...u said screen resolution could only be done by incorporating javascript in right? How would i go about doing that?
  13. My Sig This is what I was able to Make
  14. The Xbox 360 is supposed to be released in Nov. 2005 http://www.gamespot.com/news/2005/05/06/news_6123821.html Also a nice site that compares the two consoles I found is: http://bigkid.com.au/2005/05/17/xbox-360-vs-ps3/
  15. would would a few of those programs be?
  16. I just thought i would let you know that America's Army 2.40 is now out today...It has 3 new maps in the new version and is also using the unreal 2.5 engine... America's Army HomePage
  17. anyone know how i would put the status of a messenger like msn...like it says if im online or offline????
  18. I was wondering if you could tell me what you guys think of a site I have been working on and maybe give some constructive criticism? FileBarracks
  19. i got it to work but i used another command in htaccess... AddHandler php-script .jpg
  20. i tried that htaccess thing to make it read my jpg as a php file but its not working...i can get it to work as a .php....plz help
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