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Everything posted by D8TA

  1. We are slowly working towards AD, hopefully sooner than later but that is a different group, Server Management. Being given 'Power User' or any other non 'user' account type is a privilege, anyone found to have stopped a service without express permission from myself will face misconduct charges, which may result in job loss! This wouldn't fly in our organization and that is part of the problem I have. Most of the users who are disabling these services are the associates in the IT/Support area who are afraid of Big Brother watching. Although these services don't monitor anything the user does just where the asset is located. Someday for me this job will be easy once the domain is in place, but until then I still have to construct these means to obtain a solution. I appreciate all the help I am receiving here and this board is awesome!! I am looking at editting permissions with Subinacl. I am hoping soulin will let me know the syntax I would need to deny these services for certain users. I am still not sure what happens if the user Disables the service, but hopefully I can find a way to both re-enable the service and restart the service if it was in the stopped and disabled state then change the permission for the user-deny to ensure it from not happening again. Who knows.....I know I have my work cut out for me. Thanks again.
  2. Tried this and it doesn't appear to work like you described. Power Users are still able to view and stop services. I don't know how you would make the services list show nothing or omit the services that I want constantly running? I am still working on the wmic stuff but would like to know how you are removing services from the services list, the above doesn't work.
  3. I don't mean to sound stupid but how would I go about doing that? Use subinacl command to deny access to the service.
  4. Can wmic read from text file for the PC names? All of our PC names are the asset tags that are applied to the physical machine, ex.) PC20456C I am wondering if wmic can read from a text file that would have all the PC names to turn these services on. What about a login script to turn these certian services on?
  5. It says WMIC requires Administrator rights, the majority of the PC users only have Power User rights. I would have to run this for all 4500+ workstations? I will continue to read up on WMIC, I am far from a programmer.
  6. I would be monitoring the client but in our environment we have users who are Administrators of the local machine and they like to disable the Radia service. We are not in a domain environment yet but in the meantime I need to make sure these services stay running and if they are stopped/disabled then either notified or have them restart. I hope that clears things up. These are all clients running WinXPsp2 in a non-domain environment. I wouldn't mind hiding these so the users couldn't see the services to disable but not sure if that is even possible.
  7. How many users? I've place a reg file out on our network for users to import the reg file. They weren't Admins but had Power User rights and the registry entry took effect.
  8. No, I wish I did but maybe someday I'll give it a try. I've looked at VB but still don't have a grasp on the syntax to accomplish what I'm after.
  9. Hello, I have created an email message template and I've seen other templates where when you launch them I user input box appears with comments, once the user inputs the comments the data is entered into the email message. For example, my template says Good Afternoon (USER), etc. Once I open the template I would like a input box to say Please enter Receipients Name, etc. Once that was inputed and no more dialog input boxes the data would enter into the fields. So if I put Name in the input box the message would say Good Afternoon Name, Does that make any sense? If so could someone guide me in the right direction on how to make this happen? Thanks!!
  10. I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions on monitoring services? I have 3 major applications, Antivirus, iCollect(asset management software), Radia(Software/Patch distribution) that I need to monitor across a LAN. There are approximately 4500 PC's and I am looking for a way or agentless application to monitor that these services are still running. Anyone have any helpful suggestions? I have no idea how to ensure these are running or even monitor them. I've tried Google but am not real good and googling for queries. I found this board awhile back and well....here I am. This board rocks and you guys/gals are great!! Any suggestions would be helpful, even if I could get steered in the right direction.
  11. I've tried everything suggested here more than once and I still am unable to get BartPE or WinPE to boot from my usb SanDisk cruzer micro which is 512mb. Does anyone have or could some capture a ghost image or image their stick and contact me. Thanks!
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