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  1. @AstroSkipper, I'm was tryed MyPal68 for the first time today. Are you know (and point me) the simple/fastest way to force it to play youtube videos using H.264 format (and DXVA 1.0 if it can) on XP ? Now it seems its playing it using vp09 format. (from stats for nerds). I'm want to use it with intermediate Radeon HD card, which can HW video decoding with MPC-HC at least, and see how fine MyPal68 will work.
  2. Ok, I will wait for next build. Is the code compiled with standard MSVC or with MS CLang compiler before linking ? I see MyPal68 uses "clang-cl.exe"
  3. Hi, @roytam1. So , can you create such PDB's with fixups for Serpent ?
  4. @roytam1, It was hidden option of linker all the time, so its not listed as available options. If it will not say errors, then it supports it. (at least it was in previous ms link versions) UPD: I have checked running linker from VS2015 (linker v14.xxx as you show me). Its really supports it as before. All right,
  5. @roytam1, thanks for PDB files. Another thing here: Can you add that options for MSVC linker to create fixups? : /DEBUGTYPE:cv,fixup (I hope its linked by MSVC linker?) The resulting PDBs will be some more in size But its need for profiling by some tools. Then its need just relink (without full rebuilding).
  6. It was with January builds, and all previous builds, so its build-independent issue. Dont know if it was fixed, I have not installed updates after that (after january). Yes, please provide the PDB files for current build(s), and I will see its behaviour, And if it will occured again, will watch it. Also it will help in exploring of slow loading of bunch of tabs on startup (opened sites from previous session). (its another problem)
  7. Hello, @roytam1, Thanks for the Serpent browser builds, But I have a long-time problem (and I think not only I). Its a freezes (hangs) of this browser on youtube. A have described the problem here on githuib and requested PDB files for it to check what is happened: https://github.com/roytam1/basilisk55/issues/48 But no reply still there. Becase of this hangs, I have moved to Supermium this winter. If you can, provide PDB files please, And I will check it again. And may be will found whats happens.
  8. @Dixel, @Karla Sleutel, are you not using my DLL at all ? I will know at least. I'm working for people, who need this.
  9. Is shuch HW acceleration works on you Gfx card w/o such side effects, with any of old versions of Chrome, which was officially supported by XP ? (I dont remember version), say some versions released beetween 2008-2013 years. It's need to check the code of libLGESv2, how it handlend on such old Gfx card while translating OpenGL calls to D3D9 calls.
  10. It was software only decoding and rendering. If you will enable GPU acceletation, the CPU load will be less, depending on what parts of acceleration used on you GPU by Chromium code.
  11. UPD: finally I have fixed that problem, and 66cats confirmed it in our private messaging. AV1 decoding works fine for him now. additional problem was in thread synchronization handling on his multicore type of CPU. So anyone can test fixed version: https://github.com/IDA-RE-things/Chrome-xp-api-adapter/releases/download/v1.2/chrome-xpapi-adapter.5062.3.for.testing.zip and I will create final optimized build later.
  12. Ok, thanks, @ED_Sln. Now we will wait for any other user with such problem.
  13. Ok, its fine. I hope you are also done that testing with my build, created for testing (it has some changes in CPU detection code). But because the problem was only with *some* of CPU types, it can be no differences with my previous adapter builds, which also handles multicore CPU's properly. https://github.com/IDA-RE-things/Chrome-xp-api-adapter/releases/download/v1.2/chrome-xpapi-adapter.5062.2.for.testing.zip So we waiting for another user, which will have such differences, if there are. (except 66cats).
  14. Ok, is the result nearest same as it is with original progwrp.dll ? If so, then all ok. If no, I will do more investigation of differences in code of functions. Because I have only 4-core max CPU on my side. And all works fine for me. And another one: Can you compare also AV1-video decoding with it (about loading of Cores, and entire process of playing it, it should be without freezes ets. (compared to original dll lib)). We have such test links: https://bitmovin.com/demos/av1 https://test-videos.co.uk/
  15. At least no one bothered us with their unnecessary comments, and this also helped. It is not necessary to show off the entire process of problem solving. For those of you who have been analogous multicore-handling problem, can test intermediate version of adapter (not fogot to rename to "chrome-xpapi-adapter.dll") : The problem was in detection of *some* CPU's (not all) as single-core instead of multi-core. And now should be fixed. https://github.com/IDA-RE-things/Chrome-xp-api-adapter/releases/download/v1.2/chrome-xpapi-adapter.5062.2.for.testing.zip And try onother one test, Which should show how many cores loaded. Should be loaded all possible cores. https://webglsamples.org/aquarium/aquarium.html Should be runned w/o hardware acceleration (i.e without switches like --use-angle=d3d9) to be handled only by software.
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