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Everything posted by rjz

  1. Won't that put to much wait on 1 side of the mobo?????
  2. Great. TY We need a rollout or a sp real soon. Is there any was from ms to downlaod all critical and non critical updates in 1 file like a small rollout liek this?
  3. I still get those but not as much.
  4. rjz


    TY I need the updates ervice badly. I hope we can get that at my work. Does this sus wus alternate provide a rollback feature for bad updates to clients?
  5. rjz


    What are the main differences between these 2 System Management Server and the small b server? I have a network with 75+ computers and 1 with ess than 20. Would 1 of these be a better choice?
  6. I get timeouts in firefox to. When that happens a time out message appears on the old one or if opeing a new tag a blank page appears with the error in a box.
  7. rjz


    I just checked at google. Go do the ie.inf right click install trick and when it asks you for the files point to the 64 bit directory not the i386 one. You might need you win cd.
  8. rjz


    How about the inf file would that do it? IN 32 bit if you right click ie.inf it will reinstall. The name might have changed.
  9. Do they do this with there consumer av and corp av as well? I hope not. Lately I have had a lot of problems with NIS several clinets in a 2 week period had to be wiped and xp reinstalled. Do they do this with there consumer av and corp av as well? I hope not. Lately I have had a lot of problems with NIS several clinets in a 2 week period had to be wiped and xp reinstalled.
  10. I wasn;t sure about that? So what is the main difference? Doesn;t power toold have something for him??
  11. How about the one from star office?
  12. Hi. How are you?
  13. http://www.dslreports.com/forum/remark,140...ialup;mode=flat It's called shotgun. Your isp must support it. You must have 2 ph numbers.
  14. http://windowsxp.mvps.org/admins.htm try this
  15. I just installed a new sbs 2003 server to replace a 2000 one. We will be putting on exchange for this server. What is the easiest way to convert users over to the new system? IS there a utility or do we have to do this manuly?
  16. Great Merry Xmas
  17. There are several answers here: http://www.experts-exchange.com/Web/Graphi...Q_20533156.html Try the solutions near the middle and bottom.
  18. It might have copied over a file structure error. So if you run chkdsk on the flooppy and hd it might open. Let me know.
  19. Send me a copy I will see if I can open it. You could also try to run chkdsk on the hd.
  20. What happens if he takes it off the floppy then opens it?
  21. http://www.ontrack.com/software/ I use the pro one if these. Try the light 1st. I use it with my company I work for.
  22. I tried to use it with ghost and sata mirroring and also with 1 sata drive. Bith failed to clone. I will try othher methods later.
  23. I had the same problem to but with mirroring on sata. I guess it depoends on the hd controller. I had the same problem to but with mirroring on sata. I guess it depoends on the hd controller.
  24. Does it have audio out? Like an rca cable or something?
  25. Hi. Welcome to the forum.
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