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Everything posted by mackid1993

  1. Found what looks like a Dark Magic bug with the driver for my new printer. The driver can be downloaded here: https://www.usa.canon.com/support/p/color-imageclass-mf656cdw This is the driver I installed:
  2. This may be caused by the deskband you have. Try turning that off and seeing if it doesn't happen. I've seen all sorts of weird things like this from deskbands.
  3. This is what I use Directory Opus floating toolbars for. I personally dock mine to the top of the screen and invoke it with a keystroke/macro combination but they do support autohide (or on a multi monitor set up it can just be a permanently docked fixture). It's nice as the buttons can launch anything from simple executables to scripts, Directory Opus macros which are very powerful as well. I felt it was a more sustainable solution to using something that has been long deprecated and its continued existence can't be relied upon. https://docs.dopus.com/doku.php?id=additional_functionality:floating_toolbars This is also why I moved to NetWorx for my taskbar network speed indicator, as the devs fully support Win 11 with it and actively maintain and improve support. I'm grateful to @Tihiy for rewriting the legacy taskbar... my whole philosophy is to not build workflows around legacy tools that can eventually break. A new codebase that isn't reliant on MS (as much) makes me feel a lot better.
  4. TrafficMonitor has a transparency setting. Also the dev hasn't touched it in years. I moved to NetWorx (which is paid but cheap). I had an issue with them caused by the new SAB system tray a few months ago and they actually took the time to fix compatibility with SAB and gave me a test build. Really awesome devs.
  5. You're the best! I don't blame you. I'd rather blame Steve Ballmer for everything!! 😂
  6. I see this as well on 26100.1876.
  7. Not sure if I'm just missing it, but I'm not seeing the option to disable task grouping.
  8. Found a Dark Magic bug, this is in Macrium Reflect 8 Home Edtion viBoot:
  9. Yeah how about no, I'd rather have bugfixes when they are ready. Just update when you feel like it, no one is forcing anyone to update. Auto updates can be disabled as well.
  10. Don't plan on upgrading to 24H2 with 3.7.11.
  11. Same thing on AMD64, it's possible Microsoft removed it.
  12. This is not done with SAB/SiB. There are workarounds within the registry to make TC open instead of Explorer look into that with TC specifically. I use Directory Opus which supports this functionality natively.
  13. He also said not to bump your questions and that he sees everything posted. Clearly it isn't a priority. If every request made were implemented SAB would look like Start 11 lol.
  14. Thanks so much for this info, This is indeed the solution!! Edit: Fun story, I'm banned from ElevenForum. Someone made some pretty nasty remarks about @Tihiy and I reported their post. I was suddenly banned for abusing the reporting system for one post. I guess it's okay there to make remarks about individuals nationality. It's a good resource but terrible moderation.
  15. Same issue here!
  16. I just installed Mega sync with SAB 3.8.6 installed no problem. So @Tihiy is correct. Although I swear I just saw SAB run over a stray kitten in the middle of the road.
  17. I believe it is a scheduled task. There are no triggers set though so after looking I'm very curious how @Tihiy sets it off...
  18. Thank you for consistently fixing things!
  19. That's up to @Tihiy, I didn't delete his posts. He is directing his anger at me.
  20. Good luck getting your feature implemented with that attitude. 😂
  21. Enable Dark Magic and turn on Sharp Corners. SAB already supports this. Run startallbackcfg.exe /magic from cmd.
  22. No it is no longer supported. The taskbar has been rewritten for 24H2 due to Microsoft's removal and neither SAB nor Explorer Patcher support this any longer.
  23. Another user was aggressive in a post that was removed. You're good! Also the 7+ TT dev I believe develops Windhawk now.
  24. I saw in his post history that he requested support for OLED pixel shift on the taskbar. That is in his post history and not deleted. I would guess that request was ignored because it is very much outside of the scope of what SAB is trying to do and he must have asked again. I can't confirm that because the post was deleted but I'm not surprised if it was if he kept asking and then got aggressive. There's no place to be rude to the developer, especially when asking for a highly niche feature that most users won't take advantage of.
  25. What were you requesting?
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