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Everything posted by Anbima

  1. Is it possible that 360Chrome is the brake on a speed test? The speed test shows 230 Mbit/s in the download. With another PC (Windows 10) and current Firefox it is 260 Mbit/s.
  2. Now it's already on there and I can't undo it. I thought maybe by remapping a DLL the problem can be fixed.
  3. It is an older driver. The error occurred only after I made the PosReady updates. And I need this driver because it has certain functions which I need. I also have a similar error with another program since the PosReady update. However, this error always occurs when I start a certain function.
  4. OT: temporarily I have the problem with a mouse driver that it crashes. Error message included. Can fix this problem with a remapping of the DLL? If so, how should I do it? It is not related to 360Chrome.
  5. When I import bookmarks 360Chrome freezes. This also happens occasionally when I change bookmark entries. Can someone confirm this and is there a solution for it?
  6. OT: How can in uBlock Origin for a domain to determine that no (or certain) filterlists are not used. uBlock should not be switched off completely.
  7. This folder does not exist. The .zip are also missing. I just downloaded it again, but the files aren't there either.
  8. In the console I have the following error on all pages: DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for chrome-extension://mmhlniccooihdimnnjhamobppdhaolme/lib/tp/browser-polyfill.min.js.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME This is the extension "Kee - Password Manager" The file browser-polyfill.min.js.map don't exist in the folder. How can I fix this error?
  9. When I switch on the computer and then open 360Chrome, it always freezes at the first start. When I then stop the 360Chrome-process and restart, 360Chrome works. What could be the cause
  10. If I have activated in Windows in font smoothing, all websites are flawless at Chrome. I don't have to change anything at the font. I would like to leave it that way if I just didn't get a headache. If Chrome does the font smoothing itself, could not be set in Chrome that the font smoothing from Windows is "standard"? Chrome has to query this setting in Windows. This would be a perfect solution.
  11. This setting works fine, but it gives me a headache. Does Windows do the anti-aliasing, or does 360Chrome take the setting from Windows and do the anti-aliasing itself?
  12. I found the following: https://wp-mix.com/font-smoothing-chrome-firefox/ Could this be used to do a global change with stylus? If yes, how would I have to do that?
  13. With Mypal68 it is not the case. The fonts are always good. How would this work? Is there a solution to change antialasing so that everything is displayed correctly with a change, or would this have to be done individually for each website?
  14. With this setting, all sides that I have visited so far are presented correctly. A lock of external fonts or a change in the fonts is no longer necessary. The result is very good. But now it comes: I get a headache from this view. Is there no possibility that this change only applies to 360Chrome?
  15. Both settings do the same for me. If one is switched on, the other switches on. Is there no switch to only activate this with 360Chrome? It is sometimes bad in other programs.
  16. I changed it and the font is much better. I will test it now. I hope I don't get a headache.
  17. Is there a UserContent.css as is available at Firefox with 360chrome? If so, where should it be in?
  18. I have DISABLED und restart 360Chrome. But there is no difference between DISABLED and ENABLED. Nothing changes in the font.
  19. Yes, that's how I have it. But when I change to Enabled and restart, nothing changes in the fonts. I have found this: https://www.ghacks.net/2016/06/06/chrome-font-rendering-google/
  20. Turning DirectWrite DISABLED or ENABLED doesn't change my view. How can I check if it is DISABLED? In chrome://flags it is DISABLED. Is there a parameter for the 360Loader.ini?
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