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Posts posted by hidao

  1. 1 hour ago, Humming Owl said:

    Thanks. :)

    Yes, many websites will complain because of the certificates not being valid (XP can't handle some new certificates). Updating the certificates with this tool or maybe starting the browser with a clean profile might do the trick, but in most cases that problem will persist. If none of those options work and you want to see that website correctly you will need to use a Firefox-based browser for XP. Roytam and Feodor browsers have no issues with certificates, at least the ones I use.

    If you want to read more here is this link --> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33922231/why-cant-windows-xp-handle-newer-ssl-certificate-versions

    And, I found this on GitHub, the files present in there are supposed to update XP to support "TLS 128-bit & 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) cipher suites" (certificate related I suppose). From what I read, that update requires "Windows Embedded POSReady 2009" so I don't know if it will work on normal XP-SP3 installations. If you don't have it you can try installing it to see what happens.


    I installed the Cert_Updater_v1.6.exe some days ,it fix some problems, but some other website dosn't work will

    The other windows update pack couldn't installed in WinXP sp3 Pro

  2. 8 hours ago, Humming Owl said:

    Your welcome.

    By the way, do you know about other Chinese Chromium-based browsers that are available and that are compatible with XP? Languages barriers might be to strong for me to be able to find more. And, do you know if the 360EE source code (or a modified source code for Chromium to work with XP) is available among the Chinese internet?

    Thanks in advance.



    I am more optimistic about the Sogou browser, the current version is 11, the kernel Chrome/80.0.3987.87, some functions are basically there. There are 2 background processes SESecurityCenter.exe, SCMainFrame.exe, and 1 protection driver SCAegis.sys. From my observation of Sogou input method, Sogou's products are really solving user needs, but you can also guess by analogy that many inexplicable processes will emerge in the background.
    Finally, I said that I was really cheap and installed the 2345 browser. The current version is 10.17, the kernel is Chrome/69.0.3947.100. What is outrageous is that a bunch of things appeared in the background: 2345SafeCenterSvc.exe, Protect_2345Explorer.exe, Helper_2345Explorer.exe, 2345RTProtect.exe, ttmtor.sys, 2345Base.sys, 2345Prot.sys, 2345ExProtect.sys, 2345Iron.sys, 2345Misc.sys, 2345NetMgr .sys. Are you a browser? Trojan horses are not so rampant.
    When I wrote this article, browsers started a war in the background and successfully crashed my computer. Fortunately, I saved the draft...
    Published on 2021-03-27 06:13

    This is the user feedback I saw in a discussion forum,if you want to test chinese software ,you must turn on security software

    The sogou explorer official forums:http://ie.sogou.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=forumdisplay&fid=2

    If you want to get the source code from a chinese company,I think it is impossible,Although I am Chinese, But I think most of Chinese people and companies are immoral...

  3. 1 hour ago, msfntor said:

    @Humming Owl,

    I would like to ask you to take a look at the ArcticFoxie thread, where I had put (Ok, by omission, since now I want to put them in your thread...) all the posts I posted about your builds, especially the last ones about problems related with the use of my favorite DcBrowser (recently...). Thank you very much, I look forward to your answers in your thread!

    Why do you like to use DcBrowser?

  4. 8 hours ago, Humming Owl said:

    I get what you are trying to say. The extension is supposed to display in Chinese instead of English. Don't worry about the English, at first I wasn't very good at it :)

    Is this the behavior you want?


    Yes, I deleted the files that made that option work, as they weren't files that come with an standard Ungoogled Chromium build.

    I installed a SimSun font on XP and in Win7 (I don't remember if it was actually this one), and the Chinese characters displayed immediately after.

    Thanks for the info. But apparently the name of the language PAK file determines the language of some stuff of the browser by itself, for example the language displayed in the Adblock Plus extension.


    Your understanding is correct,thank you,but I still want to know how to set the 360EE is the default browser

    And I've found another BUG for a long time,the taskmgr  statistics are inaccurate,but does not affect to use


  5. 1 hour ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

    Info for Humming Owl (only tested v11)  --

    Unsure if this is all that the OP requires or not and I cannot test fully as I cannot get the Asian Language Pack to install in an XP VM.

    If I change "accept_languages": "en-US,en" to "accept_languages": "zh-ch,zh,en-US,en" in the Preferences file (the ,zh, part is an outright guess) [and unsure where a hard-coded equivalant is located], then I get this at https://passer-by.com/browser/  --


    I have not edit the Preferences and the other file

    If not have zh-cn.pak





    Or keep the zh-cn.pak






    This .gho file is a windows XP image of chinese language by someone mod(move many functions and files,so it's soo little)you can use this .gho by symentec ghost to your vm in WinPE,and you can test the 360 EE in the windows of chinese language,hope it can be help you

  6. 7 hours ago, Humming Owl said:

    That "en-us.pak" is the "zh-cn.pak" renamed, so the browser should be on Chinese. Can you send a screenshot of the issue? 



    You can cliked this url to test,you will find the language is En-US

    Or you can add some extensions like Adblock Plus and so on,if you open the option of ABP,the languge is English

    If you keep the zh-cn.pak file,these all displayed Chinese

    I don’t know if my description is proper,sorry about that and my bad english

  7. On 11/26/2021 at 3:03 AM, Humming Owl said:

    Added v9, v11, v12 and v13 in Chinese (I left all the original Chinese intact and translated the new tab and the new incognito tab).

    I hope you like it @hidao, share it with your friends if possible :)

    As always, report errors if needed. They may be fixable.


    Thank you for your efforts,I used it and find you have forgot the zh-cn.pak(the Locales folder),It causes the browser to always be detected as English

  8. 8 hours ago, Humming Owl said:

    I didn't have plans, but I can do it (it will take a while though).

    Do you want everything exact the same but in Chinese language? Just to be sure.


     Yes,You know that we are all worried about the private data sending to 360,I used your mod version some days,I think it's suits me well, if you mod a version keep chinese language , I think some chinese people like me will use it and thank you too

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