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Posts posted by hidao

  1. 1 hour ago, v3cv said:

    Thank you so much !! it work as intended, would you mind doing the same id modification for Segoe ui symbol? (it has bigger symbols, without square containers) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/764672175650897932/964522206728171550/segoeuisymbol.zip

    Why do you have to do display the emoji, many of your country people used it in website?

    In China, we never send emoji by keyboard, just only used emojis tin app, because it simple to clicked to use,on the website, the emoji are usually pictures like gif could cliked to used too

  2. 18 minutes ago, Humming Owl said:

    Try installing the following font on your XP system --> https://www.mediafire.com/file/tfr8gg5nr2b6qxx/seguiemj%231.ttf/file

    It is a modded Segoe UI Emoji font with the ID of the chinese font the browser resquests for its interface. I tested it on v13 on XP and works well. I don't know about v12 and below.

    The Segoe UI Emoji font I modded was taken from here (Version 1.35) --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B7CtT8qOyxTzVlRzb1lONmFSaVk?resourcekey=0-zoraVjFWzutxQICXzVmYJw

    I install the 1.35, all of the emoji could display


  3. 5 hours ago, Humming Owl said:

    I had been working on Sogou Browser Version (Chromium 72 based) and so far things look like this:


    And the legend go as this:

    + Gen > Settings - Tab (se://settings/?category=general)
    + Tab > Settings - Tab (se://settings/?category=tab)
    |---+ TA > New Tab
    |	|
    |	|---+ T1 > Open when creating a new tab:
    |	|	|---- 1 > Homepage
    |	|	|---- 2 > "My favourite"
    |	|	|---- 3 > Blank page
    |	|	|---- 4 > A custom URL (input)
    |	|
    |	|---+ T2 > When clicking a link:
    |	|	|---- 1 > Open in a tab and go to that tab
    |	|	|---- 2 > Open in a tab in the background
    |	|
    |	|---+ T3 > When opening external links:
    |	|	|---- 1 > Open in a tab and go to that tab
    |	|	|---- 2 > Open in a tab in the background
    |	|	|---- 3 > Open in a new window
    |	|
    |	|---- T4 > Open bookmark bar URL on a newtab
    |	|---- T5 > Open URL typed on the URL bar on a newtab
    |	|---+ T6 > Drag selected text to search on: 
    |	|	|---- 1 > Background newtab
    |	|	|---- 2 > Active newtab
    |	|
    |	|---+ T7 > Open location: (?)
    |		|---- 1 > To the right of the current tab
    |		|---- 2 > To the right of all tabs
    |---+ TB > Close Tab
    |	|
    |	|---+ T8 > After closing the active tab, switch to:
    |	|	|---- 1 > Left tab
    |	|	|---- 2 > Right tab
    |	|
    |	|---- T9 > Use right-click to close tab (use Shift+Right-click to open contextual menu)
    |	|---- T10 > Close tab by double left clicking on it
    |---+ TC > Tab preview
    |	|
    |	|---- T11 > Show a tab preview when pressing Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+ Shift+Tab
    |---+ TD > Tab appearance
    |	|
    |	|--- T12 > Show close button on inactive tabs
    |	|--- T13 > Show favicon on the tab
    |---+ TE > Other
    |	|
    |	|--- T14 > Wait a certain amouth of milliseconds (input) to switch to a tab when the mouse is over the hover area of that tab.
    + Sec > Settings - Security (se://settings/?category=security)
    + Key > Settings - Shortcuts (se://settings/?category=shortcut)

    It is a very slow process.

    Why do you used so old version?

    And I think may be noboddy could know the text mean...

  4. 3 hours ago, Humming Owl said:

    Updated v9, v11, v12 and v13, English version:

    - It is a very minor translation update (I finally translated the last piece of Chinese I experienced). No need to update if you have the 24-10-21 version.


    Regarding the "debug.log" file, it also creates on Win7. I think it is related to the edits to the DLL files. I don't remember seeing that file when I was testing the vanilla version of the browser.

    @dextyckroms if you get a positive response from the author of Catsxp browser also ask him if he is willing to share the source code of those older versions of the browser compatible with XP. It would be pretty nice to see if that could happen. There hasn't been any source code of a newer version of a complete browser for XP for many time and after what @feodor2 was capable of I am pretty excited to see what is comming.



    Just translated? 

    Has the Chinese version need to update?

    About the browser for XP, the Mypal program wan updated by FireFox 68 Quantum

    Github: https://github.com/Feodor2/Mypal68/

    Language package download link: https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/68.1.0esr/win32/xpi/

    And if who knew @feodor2, could tell him choose some other clouddisk,because these two were not friendly to chinese people

    For example:




    These clouddisk all could used in China, even not useful  than the Chines clouddisk

  5. 1 hour ago, Matias Groen said:

    Can confirm that both of them work.

    It seemed to do that on my XP32 machine as well, not sure what it is.

    I've been running XP64 24/7 on my Sandy Bridge server since August 2019 and have yet to run into any major issues.

    About the "debug.log", some times I found it too, but I'm not find any other problems, so let it go

    About the XP x64, I just heard, not tried

  6. 1 hour ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

    Seems pretty stable to me.

    360Chrome seems to have better process management on multi-core CPUs, MiniBrowser requires more background processes then 360Chrome.

    YouTube on MiniBrowser seems on-par with 360Chrome v13.  I had lots of stutter on several YouTube videos that did not stutter in 360Chrome v11.

    Users that prefer 360Chrome v11 because it uses less resources than comparable browsers won't really gain much with MiniBrowser.

    Some of it's options are confusing - when you toggle the blue switch, the setting text changes and some text is confusing, do I hit the blue switch to activate what the text says before I hit the switch?

    Built-in Ad Blocker is "all or nothing" - would be nice to have an idea of what it considers an ad and what it does not consider an ad.

    Only real gain is it having a polyfill javascript engine but that only puts it on-par with 360Chrome v13 and v13.5.

    I do have a personal bias against any "XP" program that doesn't use a "real" title bar with XP-themed colors and icons, but that aside it does seem to work well.

    I would prefer a "portable" loader, but I could create that on my own - had it met other requirements, which it fails to do for my usage.

    I didn't really run it long enough for a long-term stability test and didn't load up an "unrealistic" number of YouTube tabs just to intentionally try to crash it.

    I don't like the MiniBrowser's UI,so I always used 360 EE v11

    About the option , if you don't know, you can show me the screenshot picture, I'll help you if I can

    About the built-in ad blocker, I think it's not useful, I used Adblock Plus or uBlock Origin extention

  7. 2 hours ago, Humming Owl said:

    Added both versions with the modifications you suggested. Can you test them to see if they work? Thanks.

    Yes, that browser has versions that were compatible with XP, unfortunately I don't know where to download older releases. But now that I think of, @hidao, can you write an email to the author of that browser asking for a way to download older releases of the browser? I didn't want to do it myself because it would look kind of bad :unsure: but another person can, and of course, only if you want. Thanks.


    I'll try, and I will ask some other people in Chinese IT forum

  8. 4 hours ago, dextyckroms said:

    Today in softpedia.com i saw listed catsxp browser https://www.softpedia.com/get/Internet/Browsers/Catsxp.shtml.The current version is 2.4.4 chromium 100.0 based. The autor list Windows vista as compatible https://www.catsxp.com/faq and the last version with xp support was released in October 29, 2020,https://www.catsxp.com/history#  v0.7.7 [2020-10-28 11:29:46].

    I don't found the download link of Caatsxp 0.7.7, it's a chinese browser, someone said it's based on brave, and it's devlopment by one person, I don't know it's true or not

  9. 6 hours ago, Humming Owl said:

    Oh, ok. I thanks for the info.

    Either way, messing around a little I found a way to translate some parts of the browser (I hope it can be used for all the chinese), but it will take many time. The chinese is hardcoded into the "Dialog.dll" file. I have to do a conversion to get the actual chinese characters but it is doable. However, since the space to write the translation is very limited, I might need to insert like a legend so people can actually know what a button or a dialog says.

    Is it possible to insert new sections to a DLL file without breaking it? I am asking because it would be way cleaner that way. I am open to any suggestions and I know that maybe it can be impossible given my experience with that.


    Sorry, I don't know how to edit the .dll, But I found a tool could to extract the language .pak, Even I know it's not useful to SogouExplorer



  10. 8 hours ago, Humming Owl said:

    I did tried to mod this one after finishing with DC Browser and it seemed like another good alternative, I tested first with an older version (based on Chromium 72). I then saw 2 big problems, the first one being that the language could not be changed (removing the "locales" folder didn't had any effect over the interface, so I guess it was hardcoded into the DLLs - only guessing) and, some files that I think are compressed cannot be openened with any decompressor I know about (7-zip asks me for a password, so the company may have a custom compressor or a security password). Aside from that, it ran very well on my old laptop. If someone know a way to open those type of compressed files and know how to change the language of this browser then I can try to mod it.

    I've seen that there was a chinese page in which most of these browsers were modded, maybe one of those developers could have the answer, but I don't know how to comunicate with them. 

    I think this was the page --> http://www.qiuquan.cc/browser/360chrome.html


    We don't know the where is the language package and don't know how to edit it

    You found the "devloper" is not real devloper, I don't want to say that, but they only make some extract and  package and mod little things, These worked were more less than you

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