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About mshultz

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    Windows 10 x64

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  1. That works out to 88 gallons per day per person. Here in the US, we use 100 gallons per day per person in Water & Wastewater calculations. When I was hooked up to City sewer, I had the option to either get a City water meter on my well, or use the default household consumption rate of 400 gallons per day. Because I previously had my own water meter (out of curiosity), I knew that I used between 90-100 gallons per day, and opted for a City meter. I was always hesitant to recommend that my neighbors get City water meters, as I did not know their water consumption rates. For all I knew, they might be watering the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, and if your City water meter showed you were using more than 400 gallons per day, that became your new base rate, even if you no longer wanted a City water meter.
  2. Why doesn't Windows 11 support Intel 6 & 7 generation CPUs? Asus motherboards from the 100 series on up have TPM 2.0 support (with updated Bios), as does my Dell laptop with 6 gen Skylake CPU (It's called PTT in the Bios). I can understand Microsoft's insistence on TPM 2.0 support, but to require Intel 8 gen or newer CPU is nothing more than planned obsolescence. Also, those of us in Real America (and probably other parts of the world) cannot depend on 24/7 internet access, so we need to be able to logon to a local account, and have Microsoft Office that does not depend on the cloud, so that we can still get work done (I use Office 2010, so not a problem).
  3. You can try Open-Shell: https://open-shell.github.io/Open-Shell-Menu/ to see if it does what you want. I just replaced my motherboard, and quickly installed Open-Shell, along with UBitMenu: https://www.ubit.ch/software/ubitmenu-languages/ for Microsoft Office 2010.
  4. I agree. What happens if your internet is down, but you still have work to do in Microsoft Office? I am not a gamer, so I limit my CPUs to 65 watts, and my GPUs to 30 watts. It's not like the old days, when a Pentium CPU was noticeably faster than a 486 CPU. Since the Capacitor Plague is no longer a thing, you can easily get 10 years out of hardware.
  5. Fully supported. I was using it on my Windows 8.1 laptop until a few weeks ago, when I installed Windows 10. I did find, with a clean installation, that I had to install the Visual C++ Redistributable Runtimes All-in-One: https://www.techpowerup.com/download/visual-c-redistributable-runtime-package-all-in-one/ first before installing Waterfox.
  6. Waterfox supports Windows 7 with Intel Core 2 or AMD FX. It is a 64-bit only web browser: https://www.waterfox.net/download/
  7. Just download the version that is already named wnaspi32.dll from this site: http://www.frogaspi.org/download.htm. That being said, I'm not sure this program is compatible with a 64 bit operating system.
  8. I think I was using NT4 when I got my first dual processor board, an Abit BP6. There was a marked improvement in performance. Whenever a stalled process brought one CPU to a halt, the other CPU continued to perform. I continued to buy dual CPU motherboards until dual core CPUs became available.
  9. My first computer, a 486/33 with 16mb memory, was a speed demon compared to the 8088s at the local community college. I think I was still running the same setup when I installed NT4 & Win 95 (dual boot). The speed improvements have slowed to a crawl since those early days. It is not unreasonable, in my humble opinion, to expect operating systems to support 10 year old hardware.
  10. I agree. Going from mechanical hard drives to SSDs made a big difference in my performance, as did going from DSL to fiber optic internet. But in terms of working with Microsoft Office programs, there is no noticeable difference from the Intel 3770S (65w) CPU with NVIDIA GeForce 210 I once had to the Intel 7700 (65w) and NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030 I am currently using. When I went from a Skylake CPU to a Kaby Lake CPU, Windows 8.1 complained that it did not support this CPU. Microsoft is now complaining that I can't go to Windows 11, as it does not support it either. My current motherboard is TPM 2.0 compliant, too. Current hardware is robust; easily designed to last 10 years. There is no reason to require new hardware.
  11. All they need to do is to adopt the Open-Shell layout.
  12. Just use Open-Shell: https://open-shell.github.io/Open-Shell-Menu/ It works with Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, and 11. I use it on my Windows 10 desktop and my Windows 8.1 notebook. I also use UBitMenu with Microsoft Office 2010: https://www.ubit.ch/software/ubitmenu-languages
  13. Deleting a system file is not a good idea. You may need to reformat and reinstall.
  14. Waterfox 6.06 once again allows me to retrieve my email. Not sure what the problem was. Some time ago, I could not access one of my financial accounts with Waterfox. This problem was eventually corrected, but no indication in the release notes.
  15. For the first time in a number of days, I was able to update the Windows Defender definitions on both the desktop & laptop, and without error messages. It could be much worse; a recent Windows 11 update is causing a BSOD on some computers.
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