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Everything posted by nicolaasjan

  1. And now the Classic Addons Archive's files are gone as well... See: https://old.reddit.com/r/waterfox/comments/phgle9/classic_ad_on_archive_unfortunately_has_been_shut/ https://github.com/JustOff/ca-archive/issues/100 The complete archive is still accessible via this URL (or via the Internet Archive): https://cdn.waterfox.net/AMO/caa20190306.tar.xz ( 14GB compressed ! ) (file list)
  2. Don't know if they're breaking the licence (I'm not a lawyer), but it's a shady loophole for sure.
  3. (offtopic) For people under oppressive regimes, dissidents, journalists, the military, etc. it's a valid and legal option. From Wikipedia: Sure, there are people who abuse it for nefarious purposes. But there are enough that have a good reason to make use of it.
  4. In the good old days it was straightforward to clone the GitHub Pale Moon repo and build yourself. I see it is now on repo.palemoon.org and you need an account. With the TOR browser you get: 403 Forbidden And now this: I can't call this open source any more...
  5. Yeah, I see now (didn't check yesterday...). Sorry. These are downloadable: https://web.archive.org/web/20210901082440/https://www.mypal-browser.org/release/?C=M%3BO%3DD You mean the youtube-dl project that got hit by the RIAA? Their repo got reinstated with help of the EFF, but at the moment they're not doing very well again, because there hasn't been an update since 2021-06-06... Luckily there's the yt-dlp fork, which is actively maintained.
  6. Yeah, it's gone... Last "usable" version: https://web.archive.org/web/20210815103613/https://github.com/Feodor2/Mypal/releases
  7. I use uBlock Origin/uBlock-for-firefox-legacy (and uMatrix/eMatrix), which don't have that shady behaviour. I fully trust the maintainers of these.
  8. My pleasure! But maybe extensions have to be downloaded first and then you have to edit the `install.rdf` file in it?
  9. Workaround: general.useragent.override.addons.palemoon.org ---> Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Goanna/4.8 Firefox/68.0 PaleMoon/ Before: After: But there's a real possibility that they come up with something more "clever" (JavaScript?).
  10. Saved in the webarchive. https://web.archive.org/web/20210901082440/https://www.mypal-browser.org/release/?C=M%3BO%3DD
  11. VLC plays local files fine here on the XP VM (3.5GB RAM, 2 processors, video memory 128MB). But you can always try ffplay (no GUI whatsoever) from: https://rwijnsma.home.xs4all.nl/files/ffmpeg/?C=M;O=D [Edit] (Offtopic) To play YouTube video's through ffplay: youtube-dl --ignore-config -o - 4aXi3lOmICI | ffplay -i - Limited to 720p; I could only get 1080p working with the following command using the yt-dlp fork of youtube-dl (x86 version doesn't work on XP!): yt-dlp --ignore-config -o - -f "bv*[height<=1080][ext=mp4]+ba[ext=m4a]/b[ext=mp4]" --downloader ffmpeg --external-downloader-args "ffmpeg:-movflags dash" 4aXi3lOmICI | ffplay -i - Note that ffmpeg must be compiled with: --enable-demuxer=dash --enable-libxml2
  12. 2015-09-23 did absolutely nothing (not even audio played). You mean I have to install a codec pack from there and if so, which one should I install?
  13. Didn't see anything special in FileMon (only "SUCCESS"). MPV has hardware acceleration on Linux as well here (only h264): mpv https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfhiLIktIzA (+) Video --vid=1 (*) (h264 1920x1080 60.000fps) (+) Audio --aid=1 --alang=eng (*) (aac 2ch 44100Hz) Subs --sid=1 --slang=en 'vtt' (webvtt) (external) Subs --sid=2 --slang=pt 'vtt' (webvtt) (external) Cannot load libcuda.so.1 Using hardware decoding (vaapi). AO: [pulse] 44100Hz stereo 2ch float VO: [gpu] 1920x1080 vaapi[nv12] You have to turn on hardware acceleration in the config (hwdec=auto). I think I have to give up trying to get MPV working properly in this VM, haha. (it's working in a Vista and Windows 7 VM though)
  14. Yeah, I got it from: https://web.archive.org/web/20160610143950/https://mpv.srsfckn.biz/ Didn't work here at all (see edit above). [Edit] I could open a mp4 video, but got only sound and no interface. Are there maybe codecs I need?
  15. +1 I play video's through MPV as well (also with the help of "Open With"), but haven't been able to find a version of MPV that works in my XP Virtual Machine... Do I have to look here: https://www.videohelp.com/software/mpv-media-player/old-versions ? And if so, which version works? [Edit] Version mpv-i686-20151029 is supposed to be the latest working on XP, but did absolutely nothing when attempting to start...
  16. I'm a Linux user (XP in a VM), and I can say their Linux instruction worked for me, when I built Pale Moon a few times in the past. Added this compiler flag: ac_add_options --enable-optimize="-march=native -g -O2" Don't do that any more however, because it's a burden for my HD and CPU. In general, compiling on Linux is much more straightforward and faster than building on Windows.
  17. Ah, that must be it. The thought indeed crossed my mind. Do you remember who made that. I can't find it. [Edit] Found it. Thanks!
  18. I'm sure it is New Moon (palemoon-28.10.4a1.win32-git-20210814-857caec4e-uxp-741fd8b61-xpmod) from: https://rtfreesoft.blogspot.com/ Don't know why it's called Pale Moon... @roytam1?
  19. The only thing I could think of is Dutch. In my language there's the "letter" 'ij' , which is pronounced as 'y'. But the sorting in my Firefox nl version is like it should be ('y' between 'x' and 'z')...
  20. And the August updates as well! https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?q=2021-08+server+2008
  21. It wasn't eMatrix, but something in uBO. When I disabled uBO on YouTube, I got a cookie consent overlay. When I accepted the terms and turned uBO on again, everything worked. I've now protected the "CONSENT" cookie (expiration date Jan 10 2038) with CookieKeeper (caa:addon/cookiekeeper), so that it won't be deleted when closing the browser. Thanks!
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