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Posts posted by 3dreal

  1. On 9/29/2017 at 7:19 PM, MikeyV said:

    Clamwin + Clam Sentinel gets you real time scanning, and its still lightweight.

    SSE-PC only Clamwin working. Also Clam Sentinel(life-guard) but is blocking a lot of false-positives which is annoying above all since one has to rule them out by putting on whitelist. e.g. irfanview-plugins.  so i stopped using  Sentinel. And: TFC(temp file cleaner) also false positive. will tell them since is very important daily scanner.

  2. On 5/20/2019 at 11:40 AM, Spacedust said:

    Anyone noticed Microsoft Security Essentials stopped updating on 22th April on XP with PosReady 2009 mod?

    Even manual updating doesn't work. Updates are downloaded but not installed.

    I have clamwin, the only working AV on my SSE-PC.  It will falsely detect TFC as threat. will inform them. there is a clamwin-sentinel-a guard which is detecting too much/false-positives(can be whitelisted afterwards) but i am lazy so i dont install it again.

  3. On 5/9/2019 at 4:18 PM, wyxchari said:

    Has anyone tried this program to save all their updates automatically? http://www.portableupdate.com

    Winfuture dot de has Updatepacks/Rollups. The latest one for Winxp is from 2014 but (BEWARE)only compatible to german version.
    Win7 and NEWER are compatible also for english versions.
    There is a seperate Netframework-Fix(not for winxp).
    sorry german only but it should be clear.
    there is a fullversion and monthlies. so one will start with full and will not forget to update monthly. otherwise one must ask for older partly(monthly updates) in the forum.
    Not for Winxp english(One one Rollup from may 2014 maybe called SP4.

  4. On 5/15/2019 at 12:04 AM, sparty411 said:

    I think it's a testament to what a great OS XP is. They're pushing updates, because people are still using it. An operating system from 2001 still has a market share of roughly 1.6%, is that not crazy?

    They want to believe us its only 1.6% to push as much as of the remaining XP-users towards W10. kicked them in the .....in their forum complained blocking an important xp-update which a university had saved. of course they deleted since its not in the rules to tell the truth when done too rude....e.g. there is a win7-update(march i think) which must absolutely be executed otherwise one will be blocked from the remaining updates. in german we call this erpressung-gängelung. and in febr.(i think the activation-suppression which they had to reactivate). all a big shame on MS!


  5. SSE-PC Palemoon 27.9.6
    Youtube download
    After some success with CYS Complete Youtube Saver I was not lucky anymore.
    Found luck with Ant Video Downloader but then there were problems during saving.  videos were stored as .webM-files. But only in restricted account. I know i was "working" in the association-settings.
    i exchanged old admin-account is now the restricted one and restricted one is admin-account. had to do this since there was access to a certain ebay-store anymore(no videos there).
    Could now check this behaviour by setting back the accounts.
    In admin-account videos are stored as mp4. Ant will download sound and video seperately and melting them after they are finished.
    Both CYS and Ant Video Downloader rely on ffmpeg. there are instructions how to setup. i have two ffmpeg-versions. one with exe in bin-folder the other with no bin-folder. with the latter i was successful finally.
    Here i have setup a STICKY for SSE-users maybe also true for others. Its not yet complete.
    Since til now nobody told me how installer is running(if ever it will run with sse) i am running Palemoon/Newmoom 27.9.6 directly from the folder.
    Question is now: How to solve the webM-files- problem?

  6. 8 hours ago, roytam1 said:

    you should always having a XPE/WinPE LiveCD/USB for such issue so you can recover from PE system.

    Recover what if there is no backup?

    System is working only no access to subfolders of second partition(of 2 in total)- Bootpartition seems not affected.
    Access to files should work with Knoppix Live-CD. not all of them are working.  But repair is not done.
    I googled and tried a lot: No chance for a repair.

  7. On 6/28/2019 at 6:21 PM, adata said:


    Google Maps

    Mouse wheel does not work. I can't not zoom in and zoom out the map using the mouse wheel.

    when I try to add, delete, edit a point POI, google maps is blocked and hangs up.

    The page https://www.miplo.pl/?c=0#showmap mouse wheel also doesn't work.

    Zooming in and out of the map with the mouse wheel doesn't work.

    NM 27 nothing altered just started newest version June 29. WORKING.

  8. On 6/29/2019 at 5:16 PM, Flintheart said:

    There has to be more updates not working well with SSE CPUs, I get Explorer.exe error related to gdiplus.dll and the computer isn't useable. :/

    Nevermind, even though I unchecked every update carefully they installed. Removed, everything back to normal. 

    Explorer.exe-crashing, no more chance accessing data within subfolders is most probably sabotage by MS. didnt happen earlier some years ago.
    happened first time some months ago on a second HDD(SSE-PC) on second non-bootable partition. but only dont know what i did before.
    new crashing(all the time) when trying to dig into subfolders started clearly when i installed PosREady 2009-workaround. This tells me its related.


    Pity i have no newer backup.
    Maybe i will try older systempartition-recovery when i backed-up full sata-drive. direct-cloning with trueimage 2014 is not possible. 200 to 1000 gb. one must backup first as file. also used clonezilla. one of them was enlarging the partitions the other copied 1:1. will leave them alone for now.


  9. On 6/22/2019 at 6:57 PM, henry18th said:

    Dave-H....Thank you very much for asking a mod to move my post,as this was where I wanted it to be in the first place..I don,t know why I have so much trouble on this particular website with my browser ...Right now I am using Safari on my IPad to post here,as my New Moon doesn’t, work correctly!.....NOW...hopefully someone can show/tell me what I need to do to fix this  very annoying “cookie” problem ...ie: settings being removed and not being saved...

    ITS RIGHT HERE threads were merged. see later message

    1. remove website-link from your favourites temporarily. save it elsewhere.

    2. Reset Newmoon

    3. remove cookies/cache(all of them)

    4. remove Noscript temporarily 

    5. use ccleaner i am using also regvac(only scan safe items(default).

    6. defrag systempartition. i am using perfect disk, smartdefrag(beware iobit downloader will be installated in background one cannot avoid, can be removed with clamwin, maybe malwarebytes most probably Adwcleaner(quickest way).

    NB: TFC(temp File Cleaner) will also be falsly detested as troyan by clamwin. clamwin the only antivirus working on my SSE-PC.

  10. On 6/7/2019 at 4:10 AM, i430VX said:

    It's working for me...

    asked several time without instructions:
    until now i was running all NM-SSE-versions from their own directories. yes had to adjust almost all of the settings all over again.
    so how is downloading and installation of NM-SSE done correctly? where must be the (SSE also)-Installer?
    2. I am currently struggling with downloading Youtube Videos. Was working with Complete Youtube Save(CYS) and Ant Video Downloader
    Was on youtube the beatles.
    with CYS i could download MP4-files. with Ant video downloader AVI-files are created and WebM-files are saved. both downloaders related in ffmpeg. couldnt run any of them. maybe the reason is on my actual drive. the other one has a nasty LOGONUI-problem now!
    Yes tried every possible adjustments which i did before when having videoproblems. reinstalled what is needed for videos. from lav-files(yes also the official files),ffmpeg, xvid, vidx, new installation of WMP11.

    Maybe better leaving it alone and make a new installation on SSD with raid-card.
    No i didnt yet try the UOC-batch. Will not since i dont have a HD-clone yet.

  11. On 6/1/2019 at 7:06 AM, i430VX said:

    As usual, my browser installer will now install the latest builds... the new version with firefox45 and UOC patch support IS coming soon, I promise. I've just been a bit busy lately.

    Is it working for NM SSE? if yes how to setup the file? same directory like PM? until now it didnt work in my SSE-PC.
    I couldbt install PM until now.

  12. On 6/5/2019 at 2:26 AM, Reino said:

    It's really nice that with LAV Filters and FFmpeg it's still possible to watch videos in New Moon, but I assumed most New Moon users here have a really old cpu which makes it nearly impossible to get a smooth video playback to begin with.
    I stopped investigating years ago, as with my AMD Athlon XP 3200+ it's simply not possible to watch videos in-browser. Whenever I can I try to get my hands on the direct video-url and open it with MPC-HC instead so my gpu can do the decoding (dxva)!

    Youtube-dl works for this url and so you could simply do:

    FOR /F "delims=" %A IN ('youtube-dl.exe -gf dash_hd_src "https://www.facebook.com/arcturosgr/videos/2355323964725837/UzpfSTU2MzI1NjMwNjoxMDE1NTgyNzQ4OTUzNjMwNw/"') DO @mpc-hc.exe %A

    I also wanted to see if I could extract the video-urls myself with my favorite scraper, and it appears I can :):

    xidel.exe -s --user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 Firefox/67.0" "https://www.facebook.com/arcturosgr/videos/2355323964725837/UzpfSTU2MzI1NjMwNjoxMDE1NTgyNzQ4OTUzNjMwNw/" --xquery "let $a:=json(replace((//script/extract(.,'\((\{bootloadable.+?)\);',1)[.])[1],'\\\x','\\\u00'))/(.//videoData)() return {'name'://span[@class='_6w6o'],'date':extract($raw,'data-utime=\"(.+?)\"',1) * duration('PT1S') + date('1970-01-01'),'duration':format-time(duration($a/parse-xml(dash_manifest)//@mediaPresentationDuration),'[H01]:[m01]:[s01].[f001]'),'formats':[{'format':'pg-sd','container':'mp4[h264+aac]','url':$a/sd_src},{'format':'pg-hd','container':'mp4[h264+aac]','url':$a/hd_src},for $x at $i in $a/parse-xml(dash_manifest)//Representation order by $x/boolean(@width),$x/@bandwidth count $i return {'format':'dash-'||$i,'container':concat(substring-after($x/../@mimeType,'/'),'[',extract($x/@codecs,'(^[\w]+)',1) ! (if (.='mp4a') then 'aac' else if (.='avc1') then 'h264' else .),']'),'resolution':$x/@width ! concat(.,'x',$x/@height),'samplerate':$x/@audioSamplingRate ! concat(. div 1000,'kHz'),'bitrate':round($x/@bandwidth div 1000)||'kbps','url':$x/BaseUrl}]}"
      "name": "Ο Μπράντλεϊ και ο Κούπερ πίνουν το πρωινό τους γάλα σε χρόνο ρεκόρ!",
      "date": "2019-05-28",
      "duration": "00:00:21.430",
      "formats": [
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    found these workarounds for downloading videos: on my SSE-PC.

    https://www.downfk.com/ (onlineFACEBOOKvideodownloader)
    https://www.downfk.com/private-downloader.php chrome addon

    https://www.onlinevideoconverter.com/youtube-converter (on some forum login enables download)
    an actual drive i have ant video downloader but something ffmpeg-related not working.
    if still no working try maxthon 3-has buzilt-in downloader, rightclick above video.
    I cannot run Videos in FB.
    Tip: You can check https://www.youtube.com/html5 to see what your browser supports.
    Check my Newmoon Sticky (not complete)
    Have e.g. new hints related to Firefox Nightly. not yet implement in that Sticky- go back in the forum.

  13. Found this interesting statement from my old friends(before i reached Sysopt):

    Will now execute the Posready Hack on actual drive, like done on others.
    That was a bad idea.
    Result was explorer-crashing. i am now on a different drive with other problems.
    Have the very same explorer-crash on a third drive, same SSE-PC.
    Have not found a solution, tried everything incl. repairinstallation with endless amount of troubles since it was falling back to SP2. dont have a SP3-installation yet here. a) couldnt install SP3(finally found a workaround) b) couldnt run winxp updatepacks from winfuture dot de. found a solution.

    (NB:Other than written by me elsewhere in this forum-if not deleted by the administration- only english versions of Win7(NOT WINXP like i stated) will accept these updatepacks.

  14. On 5/16/2019 at 5:42 PM, looking4awayout said:

    I have just tried the newest version of Firefox 45 ESR SSE (45.9.15) on my Pentium III RDD, and compared to the older versions, I noticed that scrolling in webpages appears to be choppier, less smooth than it is for example on New Moon 27 and the older versions of FF45 ESR SSE. To make sure it wasn't an impression of mine, I rolled back to 45.9.14 and the latest stable version, 45.9.11, and I've indeed noticed that the older versions are way smoother when scrolling websites, even with pictures (especially after applying the UOC Patch). I noticed that in 45.9.15, when I scroll a website with pictures that are loading, the scrolling noticeably lags, while in the older versions it scrolls almost seamlessly when pictures are loading, at least with the UOC Patch enabled. I hope this choppy scrolling issue can be addressed and eventually fixed, as I've currently rolled back to 45.9.11, which behaves as fine as 45.9.14 on my machine. A big thumbs up to @roytam1 for his great work, and I hope my report can be useful. :)

    Pls lead me to the UOC Patch

  15. On 5/3/2019 at 2:27 AM, dmiranda said:

    Cheers VistaLover. I would not recommend using Maxthon in XP at all. First, it doesn't seem to allow running most DRM sites (netflix, etc). Second, it is not stable/usable on XP in portable mode.  Third, and most importantly: DO NOT INSTALL IT! It messes with the firewall directly, and somehow manages to bypass programs controlling access to security settings in a non-transparent way.

    I have not tested it fully, but the add on "Flash and Videos" works fine on roytam1's serpent fork.

    i was running installed maxthon 3 in XP-SSE to be able easy downloading a video from winfuture since maxthon 3 has built in downloader(is displayed right above the video-window. see also new workaround with palemoon 27 with webconsole.

     The installer which was provided here didnt work for palemoon SSE. I thought it was a universal installer. we will see if it will run on XP-SSE2 when i will have my PC revived.

  16. 18 hours ago, VistaLover said:

    ... Please understand I have nothing personal at you, you're just a typical example of the mindset exhibited by most help seekers; I also apologise if you felt personally offended, which wasn't my intention in the slightest; but do allow me to stick to my beliefs, which are properly expressed in the following (well known, I hope) saying: 

    Give a hungry person one fish and he'll have his stomach full for a day; teach him how to fish himself, and he might never go hungry again...

    First of all, I do not consider myself a "software-pro" as you put it ;); on the contrary, computing came quite late in my adult life and I was horribly clueless at first, having no-one in my immediate circles to help me towards that goal; many nights over many months over several years reading forums and receiving just minimal (usually) tips from more "educated" people on line was the way to get myself slightly more "comfortable" with computers and software and to this day there exist fields for which I unashamedly confess my total ignorance. :blushing: Mind you, like you, I also had "more serious tasks than software-learning", but I did strive to find at least some personal time devoted to that ;)

    It's only through educating oneself that the what-you-called "low-level" people will, over time, become "middle-level" people and even - why not? - "software-pros"; otherwise, those "low-level" people will forever remain in a help-leeching stage, seeking guidance for even the simplest of things in forum after forum after forum...

    ... and you're only seeing your own side of things, as a help seeker; don't you think the volunteers (not only here in this specific forum, elsewhere too...) offering the help have themselves more serious tasks to do than explaining things down to the finest detail to people not willing to do some of the needed work themselves?

    My stance on offering help is to give people the needed push towards the right direction (e.g. in the form of knowledge articles and related documentation), not hold them by the hand all the way to their final destination...

    To make it perfectly clear to those using the SSE variant of New Moon 27 (latest win32 build here), you need to download at least the MMX LAV files found here and, after decompressing, put them in NM27's installation directory (IOW, adjacent to main executable palemoon.exe); it is unclear from the instructions in the first page of this thread whether the standard LAV files (found here) would work with just SSE (but not SSE2) processors!

    ... Again, it should be self-explanatory if one cares to study already "provided" screenshot or even attempts to familiarise oneself with only the basics related to Developer Tools; but as we established, people need pre-chewed food spoon-fed to them:


    ... write .mp4 on the "Filter output" input field...

    ... and you are genuinely welcome... :P

    1. in german its not filter output but search. i tried but i think was unsuccessful or made something wrong. maybe due to wrong lav-files. standard lav not mmx. we will see. but i simulated except the .mp4-filtering and using standard-lav-files worked.

    sorry had overseen mp4 in search window. will test again and tell about outcome in SSE. On XP-SSE2-PC  in next weeks.

    Thanks a lot

  17. On 5/2/2019 at 5:18 PM, VistaLover said:

    ... YES, we know already! :angry: Please stop repeating yourself ad nauseam... :( As I wrote in my post:

    What is it exactly you don't understand? I think the saying "A picture is worth a thousand words" should have applied here... If you're not at all familiar with the browser's Developer Tools section, then educate yourself; basically, for the purposes of URL sniffin (detecting background URLs for media and other content), you really only need WebConsole (CTRL+SHIFT+K):


    ... and, on occasion, Network Monitor (CTRL+SHIFT+Q):


    Load  https://winfuture.de/UpdatePack in a New Moon 27 tab; in that same tab, open WebConsole, filter for ".mp4" (without the quotes) and then reload the page, followed by clicking the play button in the embedded web player; the link to the video itself should appear (https://videos.winfuture.de/16838.mp4)

    Right clink the link; you can copy the link (and use whatever download manager/extension already installed to fetch it to disk) OR you can opt to open it in a new New Moon 27 tab; if you have set up the browser correctly (LAV filters provided by roytam1 for SSE-only processors), it should start to auto-play; right-click the video and an option is there to save/download it!

    (<Personal rant>: I acknowledge most people here offering guidance/help do so on a voluntary basis, out of the goodness of heart, sacrificing valuable personal spare time... I'm no different :P; but what really aggravates me is the lack of willingness on the help-receiving parties to do some of the "homework" themselves, learning things along the way; it appears that most people expect to be spoon-fed like a one year old toddler, this attitude never promotes one's own knowledge :( </Personal rant>)

    You dont need to tell me what we have to learn. we have here a lot of low-level(compared to the software-pros here)-people who need advice and have other more serious tasks than software-learning.
    You should better have setup a STICKY like i have done after endless amounts of hours grabbing through this informations. THE WINXP-WORLD would thank you.
    so i executed what had been said about the LAV-files(will correct in my statement about simply running LAV-filters-exe).
    Could run everything except dont know how to filter .mp4. Thanks


  18. On 4/29/2019 at 6:25 PM, VistaLover said:

    ... You don't need an extension in NM27 to download that video to disk; it is being served through HTTPS progressive streaming, so you can use the browser's native Web Console (inside Developer Tools) and filter for ".mp4" links while loading the embedded player:


    The screengrab is from New Moon 27.9.6 32-bit (the SSE2 compile, running on Vista SP2 x86; you should be able to get the video download link on your SSE compile under WinXP, too! ;)).

    everything from me is only SSE-related! and i dont understand your instructions. how and where to get the DL?


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