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ED_Sln last won the day on July 7 2020

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About ED_Sln

  • Birthday 06/28/1987

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  1. It's supported, but some sites don't work well in it anymore, or ask to refresh the browser. And Cloudflare doesn't work sometimes.
  2. It does not require VxKex or other kernelex to work. Firefox https://github.com/e3kskoy7wqk/Firefox-for-windows-7/ https://github.com/e3kskoy7wqk/Firefox-for-windows-7/releases Chromium https://github.com/e3kskoy7wqk/Chromium-for-windows-7 https://github.com/e3kskoy7wqk/Chromium-for-windows-7/releases
  3. Software will play, but for hardware acceleration, you need to have a decoder that supports NVDEC and video card was Nvidia 700 or 900 series. I checked on GTX950, LAVFilters and MPC-BE and MPC-HC, on XP x32 h265 8bit plays, but there are artifacts, apparently the driver is such, but on XP x64 h265 8bit plays without problems. Hardware acceleration h265 10 bit is not supported by NVDEC in 700 and 900 series, appeared only in 1000, but there are no drivers for it on XP.
  4. I don't know, I haven't checked that. I'll have to check it out.
  5. Downloaded the list of supported CPUs, you can download the Excel spreadsheet there. https://www.upload.ee/files/17540532/H110MHV3__CPU.zip.html
  6. This is because of the file comctl32.dll, you need to try different versions, for MPC-BE I chose on the version from Server 2003 x86, with it the interface is displayed as correctly as possible, although the settings became with the classic theme. Here is this version, try to run with it. https://www.upload.ee/files/17540516/comctl32.zip.html Control buttons is a skin, try to remove it from MPC-HC folder, then standard buttons should appear. Unfortunately you can't make separate dll and ax with manifest, you need to have an executable file.
  7. r3dfox originally runs on Win 7 and even Win Vista. And it has a fully portable version. https://github.com/Eclipse-Community/r3dfox/releases/tag/v128.4.0-hotfix
  8. I am updating the root certificates using a utility Cert_Updater_v1.6: Once started, it automatically downloads the current version of all root certificates and then installs them. After that it shows the date of each of them. Just run it every 3-6 months and all system certificates will be up to date.
  9. But for example mpc-be as well as mpc-hc will not work this way, the problem is in user32.dll, with the file from OCA they still do not start, you have to edit dependencies through CFF Explorer.
  10. I do manifest a little differently, I have it in two parts, and the dlls that are loaded are in a separate folder. Using mpc-be as an example. The first file is called mpc-be.exe.manifest and is located next to mpc-be.exe its contents: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?> <assembly xmlns='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1' manifestVersion='1.0'> <dependency> <dependentAssembly> <assemblyIdentity type='win32' name='share' version='' processorArchitecture='x86' /> </dependentAssembly> </dependency> </assembly> The second share.manifest is located in the "share" folder along with the dll, its contents: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0"> <noInheritable/> <assemblyIdentity type="win32" name="share" version="" processorArchitecture="x86" /> <file name="advapi32.dll" /> <file name="advapibase.dll" /> <file name="bcrypt.dll" /> <file name="dwmapi.dll" /> <file name="dxva2.dll" /> <file name="kernel32.dll" /> <file name="kernelbase.dll" /> <file name="ntext.dll" /> <file name="propsys.dll" /> <file name="shell32.dll" /> <file name="shellbase.dll" /> <file name="ws2_32.dll" /> <file name="ws2_base.dll" /> <file name="comctl32.dll" /> </assembly>
  11. chrome://flags Chrome Labs - Disabled Hide SidePanel Button - Enabled Show avatar/people/profile button - Never
  12. Welcome! Use the Resource Hacker program to replace icons. Search which files contain the icons you need and replace them.
  13. So Firefox now also has three supported versions at once, 115 ESR, 128 ESR, 133. And in the description of Plasmafox it is written that it is a night build, for tests, that's why it has a different name to distinguish it.
  14. New version of Widevine plugin is incompatible with Win7. The latest version of Supermium has a patch that fixes the dll, you can take a test on this site, but the digital signature becomes invalid, so it may not work on sites with protection. You can still replace the dll with an older version, but sites may not accept it soon.
  15. Maybe it will be noticeable on very old and weak computers, but on my computers I didn't notice any changes. Of course on IntelHD there may be little sense to put a new driver, it's hard to call it a gaming graphics card, but for example on my nettop with Celeron N3150 processor old drivers cause blurring of fonts and interface in browsers, and the 2020 driver fixes it. And if you use the latest generations of Nvidia or AMD graphics cards, new drivers are necessary.
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