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Everything posted by Mike86

  1. Hi, I'm looking for the latest cabarc.exe file. If anyone has IEAK 10 on their computer or has an newer cabarc.exe file version than 6.1.7601.16978 then please share it. Strangely though, IEAK 11 has cabarc.exe version 5.0.2147.1, while IEAK 10 has version 6.2.9200.16521.
  2. Is this the best way to do it? @ECHO OFF For %%a In ("*SHA-1;*.jpg" "*SHA-1;*.gif") DO (CALL :shortname "%%a") :shortname SET shortname=%~n1 SET shortname=%shortname:~0,-48% SET shortname=%shortname%%~x1% ECHO %shortname% pause The only problem is that i still get an out put ~0,-48 if nothing was found.
  3. The problem is that the file names are not always the same so it has to check if the SHA-1; exists in the file name. Like: ABC 123 ABC.jpg ABC 123 SHA-1; ks8j0b5a5df56252cab25ddb242bev26a077834b.jpg ABC 123 ABC 123.gif ABC 123 123 ABC SHA-1; fg3j0b5a5df3ff252cab25ddb242bev26a072zsdf.jpg
  4. HI, I'm suck at the last part of my script and I'm try to remove a specific part of a filename. Like: From -> Some Image File 1 SHA-1; 843j0b5a5a06ff252cab25d2142beva7a072aea3.jpg Some Image File 2 SHA-1; fg3j0b5a5df3ff252cab25ddb242bev26a072zsdf.jpg To -> Some Image File 1.jpg Some Image File 2.jpg In Google i found a lot of results but nothing that would work for what i was trying to do. If this even works in Batch.
  5. @EdSon Thanks a lot. That's a really nice simple batch script that you have baked there.
  6. I thought this would be supported on all Windows NT systems, but if that's not the case then i will drop this color thing.
  7. This below is more what i was trying to do. The only thing i miss is turning YES into Green (If possible on Win2k/XP too) and to use alphabetic key inputs instead of only numbers. @Echo Off Set on=[YES] Set off=[NO] Set opt1=%off% Set opt2=%off% Set opt3=%off% :menu Cls Echo 1. %opt1% Option 1. Echo 2. %opt2% Option 2. Echo 3. %opt3% Option 4. Echo 4. GO Choice /C 1234 /N /M "Toggle your option: " If ERRORLEVEL 4 GoTo :continue If ERRORLEVEL 3 (If %opt3%==%on% (Set opt3=%off%) Else (Set opt3=%on%)) & GoTo :menu If ERRORLEVEL 2 (If %opt2%==%on% (Set opt2=%off%) Else (Set opt2=%on%)) & GoTo :menu If ERRORLEVEL 1 (If %opt1%==%on% (Set opt1=%off%) Else (Set opt1=%on%)) & GoTo :menu :continue ECHO Always execute this code when an option is selected. pause If %opt1%==%off% GOTO SKIP ECHO Execute Option 1 code... :SKIP If %opt2%==%off% GOTO SKIP ECHO Execute Option 2 code... :SKIP If %opt3%==%off% GOTO SKIP ECHO Execute Option 3 code... :SKIP pause EXIT
  8. I'm a little bit confused now. I don't see how to do what i had in mind with this script. Here is an example of the next best thing i could do without the option toggle function (Which would be more user friendlier). @echo off echo. echo Selection time! echo. echo 1. My father is Joe echo 2. My mother is Audrey echo 3. My brother is Jerry echo. :getOptions set /p "choices=Type in the option numbers separated by a comma (Example 1,3,4): " if not defined choices ( echo Please enter a valid option goto getOptions ) for %%a in (%choices%) do if %%a EQU 6 set choices=1,2,3,4,5 for %%i in (%choices%) do call :extract & :option-%%i echo. echo Done pause exit :option-1 echo My father is Joe > pause exit /B :option-2 echo My mother is Audrey pause exit /B :option-3 echo My brother is Jerry pause exit /B
  9. Hi, I'm trying to do a Multi Choice Selector script where a user can presses 1,2,3 to select the options he wants to run after he pressing ENTER. When a user selected an option it should turn from [NO] to [YES] (Green) and if the user selected it again it should turn back to [NO] . 1. [YES] Option1 2. [NO] Option2 3. [YES] Option3 I know how to do a script where a user can enter the options separated with a conman, but this script above i try to do is way more complicated and i don't know where to even start with it.
  10. Dose anyone have a list of the POSReady updates that require SSE2?
  11. Hi, I'm looking to set some default TaskBar Icons. The only way i fond out how to do this is by using the file "LayoutModification.xml" but with that method a user can't delete the default Icons for the TaskBar.
  12. Microsoft did this intentionally so that less technical people would create an Online Account to get more personal information for a User.
  13. HI, Is it possible to always display the Local Account setup first at the OOBE setup stage instead of the Online Account setup?
  14. HI, I added the default Theme Color registry entries into the default User Profile. But Windows 10 is always overeating them after the first User Login. How can i set a default Theme Color without using the "Autounattend.xml" file? My Settings -> "$OEM$\$$\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.cmd" REG LOAD "HKU\LoadedDefaultUser" "%SystemDrive%\Users\Default\NTUSER.DAT" REGEDIT /S "%SystemRoot%\Setup\Files\RegAdd.reg" REG UNLOAD "HKU\LoadedDefaultUser" "$OEM$\$$\Setup\Files\RegAdd.reg" [HKEY_USERS\LoadedDefaultUser\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Accent] "AccentPalette"=hex:de,c7,7d,00,c3,af,6e,00,a9,97,5f,00,84,75,45,00,63,56,2c,\ 00,4d,42,1f,00,3b,32,17,00,ef,69,50,00 "StartColorMenu"=dword:ff2c5663 "AccentColorMenu"=dword:ff457584 EDIT: I found a work around for this by editing the file "aero.theme" (ColorizationColor=0XC44C4A48) and then putting the theme file it in ISO folder "sources\$OEM$\$$\Resources\Themes".
  15. I did now a fresh install with the latest 5eraph UpdatePack (POSReady,IE8,WMP11) which does not include the KB4134651, but i get the same problem. Mailwarebytes v3.5.1.2522 EDIT: I see you are using Mailwarebytes v3.4.5 this still works but Mailwarebytes v3.5.1 doesn't work anymore on Windows XP.
  16. I tried MBAM v3 on a Windows XP from 2015 and it's also not working on that one. It says not supported operating system. MBAM v2 works with the KB4134651 and whitout it.
  17. Thanks for the info. I thought my Auto Update was broken.
  18. Did anyone got this KB4316682 over the Auto Update?
  19. @jaclaz The CMD mode command is an interesting idea but the little CMD box will hide some text of the HTA file and if a user accidentally clicks on the close (X) CMD window then everything would stoped. @gunsmokingman Do you know by any chance, how to do this minimize thing in a HTA file with a JavaScript without send keys or using auto focus loop? I have searched in google for a long time but i found only send keys or body loop focus scripts.
  20. I could play this twitter video with sound on Windows XP with Firefox v52.8.1 ESR (H.264 Mode).
  21. I think the next best option for me would be to trigger the HTA script with a JavaScript to put itself on focus again after a command has been run. Like: .......... if (cbo.value==null==false && cbo.checked) { try { display.innerHTML=(cbo.indicator); pause(3000); Act.Run(cbo.value.split("%CurDir%").join(basepath),1,true); <--- Command to put the HTA Script on Focuse again ---> pause(6000); } ..........
  22. Okay it's working now. it wasn't a good idea to Copy/Paste this settings from the forum directly into Firefox, because it has copied some strange symbols into the Firefox config file. That's way it didn't work. Here is also a automated script that will do this stuff for every new created Firefox profile. https://www60.zippyshare.com/v/R3Fek0SI/file.html
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