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Everything posted by Wunderbar98

  1. The resurrect_pages-1.0.7-mod.xpi extension from the sites linked above is only okay. When right-clicking and selecting 'Resurrect this page' (or this link): CoralCDN is defunct, don't bother. Google Cache works well, using it frequently triggers a Google alarm. Google Cache (text only) is good if you only need text. Yahoo Cache function is broken. Yahoo still caches, was going to try and fix but Google cache works. The Internet Archive function is broken, to fix: - Unzip resurrect_pages-1.0.7-mod.xpi (its a zip file, 7-Zip works) - Navigate to resurrect_pages-1.0.7-mod\chrome - Unzip resurrect jar (also a zip file) - Open resurrect\resurrect.js (WordPad may format better) - About 2/3 down make the following change: -->Before case 'archive': gotoUrl='http://web.archive.org/web/*/'+rawUrl break; --> After case 'archive': gotoUrl='http://web.archive.org/web/'+rawUrl break; - Re-zip everything, rename zip files to jar and xpi respectively - Modified extension must have exact same directory structure, not nested directories - Be sure to delete working directories before re-zipping - Remove the old extension, re-install the modified extension The Internet Archive is hit or miss, they do not cache as much as Google, sometimes the browser redirects to an Internet Archive donations page. MSN Cache function is broken. Even on a modern Linux system with JavaScript partially enabled i couldn't load MSN's cached links from the Bing search engine, not worth the effort. If knowledge is power the leader is obvious. The Internet Archive function may not be worth the hassle of fixing. The extension is only of limited use for accessing Google cache.
  2. The useragentswitcher extension mentioned above works well, only issue is it defaults back to SeaMonkey default at browser startup: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100228 The add-on has three extra built-in Vista-era useragents, the only one that still loads YouTube is: Mozilla/4.8 [en] (Windows NT 6.0; U) The add-on allows adding more useragents without re-working the extension. There are lots of useragentstring websites around, link below is pretty good, somewhat outdated, no JavaScript needed to view: https://udger.com/resources/ua-list The useragents i've quick added are: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; Dillo 3.0) Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:40.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/40.0 A simple test is to load: https://www.youtube.com If the useragent is not supported YouTube will load a deprecated browser page.
  3. Okay, thanks for the feedback Goodmaneuver. Found some useful links for ancient browser extensions. Many tested to work in SeaMonkey v1.1.19. Also available for old Mozilla. Often provide different version releases too. http://users.skynet.be/fa258499/extensions.html http://xsidebar.mozdev.org/modifiedmisc.html Installing extensions in this old browser is different than modern releases. Basic howto: 1. Manually download the *.xpi extension from the website. 2. In preferences, temporarily allow Advanced -> Software Installation. 3. Select File -> Open File, select the desired extension's *.xpi file, install the extension. 4. Manual browser restart usually required to activate. There is no about:addons in this old SeaMonkey. Search around to find extensions settings and control options. Depending on extension, may be in status bar, drop down menus, right click context menu. Installed extensions are stored in the SeaMonkey profile's chrome directory. As far as i can determine, removing extensions requires manually deleting the applicable file from the chrome directory and restarting the browser. Some extensions may require modification to modernize. The *.xpi files are just zip files. Manually rename to zip extension if needed, extract and modify. The users.skynet.be link above has an extension hacking tutorial link. Useful to me extensions briefly tested thus far: cleardata contextsearch resurrect stylesheets useragentswitcher
  4. Hi @Goodmaneuver. Okay this worked, thanks. Right-click and selecting Send to Desktop (create shortcut), creates a broken shortcut to desktop. But right-click and selecting only Create Shortcut, creates a shortcut in C:\ERD and when dragged to desktop works. The shortcuts are not identical. The broken shortcut properties does not have the Start in text field populated, while the working method contains Start in -> C:\ERD. Strange behaviour though, to me this is maybe a bug in the Send to Desktop function, as one would think either method should work equally well. Probably too late to send a bug report :) Do you mean you never use registry cleaners at all, not even in safe mode? Or you use a registry cleaner and then just manually select the items you want deleted from the list? Hi @deomsh, your method works equally well and properly populates the Start in field, thank-you.
  5. For muti-booters a simple Linux copy command can back up an entire Windows (or other Linux) install, example: sudo cp -axv /mnt/sda1/* /mnt/sda2/save_directory/ Where /mnt/sda1/* is the root directory of the Windows install, typically sda1 (change as needed). And /mnt/sda2/save_directory/ is the target directory for the backup files, change as needed. Target and source directories must be mounted. It works on NTFS Windows XP type partitions too, just ensure the ntfs-3g package is installed, or whatever it is called in your distribution. Obviously it is preferable to backup files to other physical media, such as a second hard drive, external drive, USB stick. The -ax switches maintain ownership, permissions and attributes, which may not be applicable for Windows files, but it does no harm and i use it out of habit. The verbose switch is optional if you want to monitor the action. If preparing a new hard drive for these Window files, especially if it is going to be a new C: drive Windows installation, it is useful to use Linux tools, such as fdisk or gparted, to splice up the drive into primary partitions beforehand. Just reserve the first partition for the Windows filesystem, then create Linux filesystems for the rest (eg. ext2). Then use the Windows 98 boot CD to properly format the first partition, the new C: drive, to create a FAT filesystem. Using proper Windows tools will help ensure the C: drive is bootable after the backed up Windows files get tranferred over. From personal experience and failures, it is generally best to use Windows tools to create Windows filesystems and obviously Linux tools for Linux filesystems. Although i have no direct experience, creating the first partition <137 GB, with the rest Linux partitions, may be a simple workaround for the Windows 98 large drive limitation. IIRC the Windows 98 boot disk does not recognize Linux partitions created beforehand when it's time to create the FAT filesystem.
  6. Cool knowing people are still using Windows 98 full-time @siria and @DougB. Don't downplay your skills @siria. If you have learned to tweak your system to keep it usable today, so many years after release, you've done a great job. FWIW i can see why many users have tweaked Windows 98 to be more useful for modern computing. I was gifted Windows 2000 and Windows XP Pro in the early 2000s, which prompted moving on from Windows 98, then onto Linux mid-2000s when i no longer liked the way the new MS systems were heading. Without these gifted OS', i would have also probably dug in my heels and max tweaked Windows 98 to run as long as possible. Thanks for your comments and wisdom @bphlpt. Thanks for the tip on ERU @deomsh. Nice, lean and configurable. I copied the program files to C:\ERD, which is what it wants to default too for backups, aside from a floppy drive. It runs nice, will keep it around. An issue i've encountered before with creating a desktop shorcut, maybe someone can help. Right-click on C:\ERD\eru.exe and select Send to Desktop (create shortcut). Attempting to launch eru.exe from the desktop shortcut results in an error, in this case 'Could not locate file ...'. Yet when clicking on C:\ERD\eru.exe directly the program runs fine. Sad so much good software quickly gets forgot. My Windows 95 CD with USB support (Win95_OSR25) probably hasn't spun in 20 years. One of my favourites, which is on both the Windows 95 and 98 CDs is help.com in the oldmsdos directory. It's a detailed DOS help guide with examples that i copy to the C: drive after installation.
  7. Random thoughts from my scattered brain on Windows 98, registries, software installs, etc based on recent experiences. Back in the day DOS purists probably detested the new and improved Windows registry. Personally i think it's all good. For the most part Windows 98 does a decent job of backing it up and compressing it at boot. The registry should be safeguarded, a key to avoiding system failure. Not sure if any OS is better than another, to me Windows 98 remains a strong contender. Pure DOS is elegant and simple, no registry, hard to get into trouble but limited for modern computing. In Windows 9x the registry adds complication but is simple to maintain, although the OS is showing it's age. With limited experience of later Windows iterations, other than Windows XP, registry maintenance is still reasonable but these systems are overly complicated for most home computing, no longer have true DOS fallback and have issues with activation. Although GNU/Linux doesn't use a registry, it has it's own complications. Compared to most DOS applications, Linux and Windows typically use high scatter software installation methods. New software files go everywhere and generate during runtime. In Windows 98 files may get written to Program Files, My Documents, C:, C:\WINDOWS, C:\WINDOWS\Application Data, C:\WINDOWS\TEMP plus registry entries. In Linux files go to various /bin directories, /etc, /lib, /usr, /tmp, $HOME, etc. IMHO managing software gone awry, mixing and matching software versions, pinning back and holding old versions can be a bigger mess in Linux, unless using rollback software, a modular distribution or compiling your own programs. If available updates are not installed en mass, version conflicts may cause issues. If updates cause regressions, it's not always easy to roll back. As Windows 98 receives no more updates, once the initial install is done and any desired manual patches applied the system is stable. Windows 98 also makes it easy to remove newer software in favour of installing older versions, as needed or desired. In Windows 98 a software install gone bad is usually a simple fix, even when encountering un-installer issues. Just manually delete the files, clean and/or restore the registry. In GNU/Linux removing software is generally not an issue but a user needs to be wary of removing a meta-package, in Debian-based systems anyway, which may flag and remove other critical software. Both Windows and GNU/Linux still leave cruft behind after uninstalls, which requires an OCD user to perform some manual cleanup. With proper management the need for a re-install of any of these OS' is rare, usually only due to hardware failure. As GNU/Linux configures most hardware at boot, it probably holds the advantage for rebooting after catastrophic hardware issues, even motherboard swaps, without an OS re-install. Like a kid with a new toy i run registry cleaners and occasionally optimize the registry manually. Without benchmarking, uncertain if there is an appreciable performance improvement, probably only if the registry wasn't 'cleaned' for a long time. Whatever registry maintenance software is used, configure it to create backups before deletion. It's best to avoid using more than one registry cleaner or running more than one cleaning cycle per boot. This minimizes breakage and makes it easy to find the culprit and restore an accidental registry deletion. Consider running this in COMMAND.COM, especially before installing software of questionable origin: scanreg /backup /comment="RunningWellBeforeXYZ" It's also a good idea to run the above command before manually tinkering with REGEDIT. Using REGEDIT, the registry can also be backed up and restored by selecting Registry -> Import or Export Registry File. Registry keys can be deleted manually after searching (Ctrl-F) for keywords, like the software vendor's name, but exercise caution, reboot and check for issues. Registry backups only take a few seconds and can save lots of grief. I've never restored using REGEDIT and prefer the DOS commands, as REGEDIT will not be available if Windows fails to start. In case of emergency, reboot to DOS, select and restore the registry that contains your comment tag: scanreg /restore Run scanreg /? to view usage help. Registry backups are stored in C:\WINDOWS\SYSBCKUP as *.cab or *.CAB files. By default, only five backups are maintained. To confirm your system is regularly backing up the registry, check the date stamps of the *.cab files. Can also run MSCONFIG and check the Startup tab for a SCANREG autorun entry. Review C:\WINDOWS\SCANREG.INI for default settings, adjust as needed, only after backup up the original file. Exercise caution when running with a problematic registry, better to restore and fix immediately, as by default every reboot creates a new registry backup and shuffles out the oldest backup, even if it was a good one. In this manner, a few reboots and there will be no good registry backups to restore. Since i prefer manual methods, when the system is running well perform a commented registry backup as outlined above. Then copy all five *.cab / *.CAB files to other media, such as an external drive or USB stick. This way a good restore is always available.
  8. Hi Goodmaneuver, you don't need to justify, colour is subjective and beautiful. My Windows 98 presently looks plain and pale, having too much fun with software. I used to spend hours playing with Desktop Properties -> Appearance tab -> various Item dropdowns. Pretty much what bphlpt said, thank-you for summarizing. I just want to see how far a vanilla installation can go today and like to keep software installs more pure. There are so many threads, after Windows 98 support officially ended in 2006, that pertain to custom tweaking. This makes it difficult to determine how a base system runs and what software versions work. Thank-you for your feedback siria. Correct it is primarily a hobby system, though i now spend almost all of my computing time on it, including internet. The only login, however, is this site. For email, banking and more sensitive computing i multi-boot or use another system. For users where Windows 98 and old hardware is their only system, i don't think the situation is so grave. My hardware specs are poor by modern standards, not if running appropriate software. Windows 98 SE flies on this system with comparable performance to a lean GNU/Linux install. From my perspective, kernel extensions and other additions have made Windows 98 more functional, though most of this development has stalled, leaving the systems once again compromised on the modern internet. A step higher, still compromised. Not in regards to the basics, such as setting up a good firewall, but rather secure internet protocols, supported web browsers, proper page rendering, etc. If Windows 98 was my only system, without upgrading hardware i would just dual boot an open source operating system. Earlier in this thread is an example of a dual boot that does not compromise the system's master boot record. Nor does it require creating a new parition, transferring a new OS onto a USB stick or burning a CD. The available software will be more up to date and functional on the modern internet. Not the biggest fan of Puppy Linux, just used it as an example. There are hundreds of freely available operating systems and 'distributions'. Another method is to burn and boot a LiveCD for banking, see https://livecdlist.com. Security is a primary advantage, as the OS can not be written to and altered during the session. I just booted into the Tahrpup Puppy Linux installation, used in the earlier example, to check things out. The system runs okay on the same hardware but not as snappy as Windows 98. Definitely adequate if just logging in for an hour to catch up on banking and email. A 512 MB - 1 GB encrypted save file should be adequate to upgrade browsers and install a few extra packages. Although newer Puppy releases can be installed, available web browsers for this dated though perfectly functional Tahrpup include: Dillo v3.0.3, Chrome v41, Chromium v65.0, Palemoon v27.1.0, SeaMonkey v2.26 and Tor-browser v3.6.6. For Firefox v66.0.3 is available, it installed fine, ran sluggish and crashed when loading tabs. I believe it is because the newer Quantum releases dropped support for non-SSE2 capable processors, like mine. So i installed the base Firefox v32, it ran very well and immediately updated itself to Firefox v45.0.2 without drama. To me it's not like hobby system only versus completing real work. I just view an OS as a tool, whichever tool gets the job done. If Windows 98 is a preference, then spend as much time using it as possible, knowing additonal tools are available as needed. Hopefully i did not offend anyone, just my viewpoint.
  9. Hi Goodmaneuver. Thanks for trying to help, it's okay, no refresh button in Windows 98 SE. I know it was available in later releases, Windows XP too. Thought there might be a simple solution, such as a registry setting, but couldn't find anything online. Your screen colours are crazy dude, your eyes must be much better than mine. For anyone getting back into using this awesome retro OS, the internet was already popular by the time Windows 98 launched, and an amazing amount of information remains available. Couple examples from today's adventure. Some information is outdated, most still applies. 148 Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows 98 (no JavaScript needed): http://keyxl.com/aaa289e/44/Microsoft-Windows-98-keyboard-shortcuts.htm Windows 98 Tips and Tricks (no JavaScript needed): http://www.helpwithwindows.com/windows98/all-tips.html
  10. Hi @Goodmaneuver, you're so smart. Didn't know opening COMMAND.COM through a run box would open it to the pathway in an active Windows Explorer window. Thanks for this tip, i may remove Drop to DOS. Regarding a refresh button for Windows Explorer. When creating a new text file, for example apples.txt, Windows Explorer automatically places the new file at the bottom of the list, not alphabetically or whatever your sort preference. Right-click and refresh or F5 is needed to properly re-sort the directory. Since i'm too lazy to hit F5 key, a menubar refresh button beside Cut, Copy, Paste would be nice. Almost every conceivable button has already been placed on the menu bar, except refresh. As mentioned it's not a big deal, don't really need a fix, just picky and lazy. That's it exactly, thread title updated to reflect vanilla status. Also added an addendum to the first post of this thread, thank-you again.
  11. Hi @Goodmaneuver, my desktop refreshes fine, just wanted a refresh button for folders in Windows Explorer. Thanks for the feedback @bphlpt, title updated, if still around will update again in a few weeks. Hi @Drugwash, i tried several variations of *commanders* over the years and it never stuck. It is good, powerful software, probably why variations have been ported everywhere. On Linux i forked my own file manager that has similar swiss army knife abilities. In Windows 98 i actually like Windows Explorer, part of the nostalgia maybe.
  12. Phew, torrented out. Great to see all the sharing. Thanks again Drugwash, you put a lot of work into this software, even just a few years back. Your old PC pics were fun to review. I too have a small collection of stuff, late 1990s to early 2000 era. My daily drivers are ~2000-2001 spec, 800 MHz, 384-512 MB RAM, CRT monitor. Party like its 1999, it's all i need. I plan to run Windows 98 on real hardware for a long time and Linux makes it easy to run lean. Still regret getting rid of stuff a few years back before a move. Eco station will not fully recycle it, mostly a feel good drop off. IMO best to keep alive and enjoy as long as possible. Regrets include floppy drives, box of new floppies, 30 pin RAM, many <800 MHz CPUs and motherboards, etc. Still exploring the net for useful, to me anyway, Windows 98 software. Quite a few goodies here others may be interested in: https://www.terabyteunlimited.com/downloads-free-software.htm The software i kept from the site is Drop to DOS. Lightweight install, right-click on a folder in Windows Explorer, click Drop to DOS to open COMMAND.COM popup to the folder's pathway. Standard in most Linux file managers now, missed not having this in Windows. If only there was a refresh button on the main Windows Explorer menubar (not dropdown or right-click), believe Windows XP has this functionality. Doesn't matter, aka don't bother trying to help, i'm okay, really
  13. Hi Drugwash, thanks for sharing your hoard. Juat downloaded the zip file from the dropbox link via vanilla Windows 98 SE, using Dillo without forum login. So these files are now pretty much world accessible, not sure how long dropbox maintains them. Thanks again. Will be fun going through it. This thread has never seen this much activity, lol.
  14. Playing around with proxies. There's a long Windows XP thread entitled Problems Accessing Certain Sites HTTPS aka TLS. Mathwiz proposed a solution on January 5, 2017 about three-quarters down the page: https://msfn.org/board/topic/176344-problems-accessing-certain-sites-https-aka-tls/page/3/#comments It appears to fizzle out, another adventure down the rabbit hole. Upgrade this, try that, recompile, mix up various software, probably won't work on SSE only processors, etc. Since this thread is related to Windows 98, even more problematic. On vanilla Windows 98 SE, Privoxy v3.0.10 works well. My notes indicate trying newer versions less than v3.0.21, which failed, but i ended up removing the software as for me it did not provide any additional functionality, just another layer of complication. Although Privoxy worked as intended, it does not provide increased access to sites due to Windows 98's security limitations. Of course, Privoxy is about improving privacy and security, there's no magic setting to decrypt the data and send it on over. As this is just a hobby system, i would be happy if sites could simply deliver flat-sheet HTML pages, forget about certificates and protocols, just serve the data. There were other proxies mentioned on the thread linked above and others, Burp Suite, ProxHTTPSProxy and WinProxy. Tried WinProxy but it ended up being a trial version, unknown at the time. Upon reboot it requested registration, even before initiating the one month trial. Removing the software in haste resulted in a non-working network connection. Easy to fix as Windows 98 provides the tools to easily restore a previously good working registry. So for me, giving up on proxies, aside from the wonderful web-based proxy sites mentioned in earlier posts, which hopefully won't be too fleeting. Maybe that's as good as it gets. Even with unrestricted internet access, these old SeaMonkey and Firefox JavaScript engines don't work too well on the modern web. And personally i would still not be logging into secure sites or performing sensitive work on this system. Just bugs me when stuff doesn't work. Darn it, this OS is only 21 years old.
  15. Thanks Goodmaneuver, Process Explorer v10.2 also works well for me.
  16. Thanks for the tip Goodmaneuver, Process Explorer v8.52 was on my keep or delete shortlist, never new about it's built-in systray CPU meter. It works great and appropriately displays no CPU usage when the system is 99% idle. This is all very functional, nice eye candy and runs lean. My system tray looks like the helm of a starship. Makes one wonder what this OS could have become, given time to develop and mature versus modern quick change business models. Edit: Added Process Explorer version number. Will try to post version numbers when applicable so anyone who runs vanilla Windows 98 SE knows a minimal version number that works. This has been one of the more frustrating aspects of getting this old OS tuned and running. There is lots of great advice on this forum but so many system variants from years or tuning and tweaking.
  17. Goodmaneuver IpTest.exe works as advertised on vanilla Windows 98 SE. The program provides the registry merge and i believe a reboot, not just logout, was required. On reboot the network activity icon magically appeared in the system tray. Your comments regarding high CPU usage are interesting. My system shows high CPU, even when the system is resting with no running applications. This is confirmed via TinyResMeter and sysmon.exe, both show ~ 50% CPU usage. Despite this, running Microsoft WinTop shows the system is >99% idle and the system is very responsive. Similar to your comment, wiggling the mouse cursor around brings the reported CPU usage down. I know with Windows XP when gaming, launching a windowed-mode game will show 100% CPU usage on SysTrayMeter just accessing game setup screens. The system otherwise is performing fine and the CPU remains very responsive. Wish i could find the link, read this issue may be related to system registry calls. To me this is just normal behaviour for Windows, unless you are experiencing other symptoms, others would know best.
  18. Drugwash thank-you for your efforts, i've found a suitable alternative outlined below. Linux is overall very good and configurable. Can see why you've switched over, me too during Windows XP. Was wondering why your name doesn't show up here much anymore. Hi jumper i may play around with my settings later to fine tune, for now my network connection speed is pretty good, what i'm accustomed to. If sysmon.exe had the option of displaying in the system tray it would be great. Tihiy's Tools Network Activity Indicator is perfect. At first, thought the tray icons were too small, but they light up almost florescent when in use, great stuff. Monitoring network activity from the system tray is important to me, so i will keep using Tihiy's indicator, this is a gem. For casual monitoring of CPU, RAM and Swapfile i will use TinyResMeter, linked in an earlier post. It's very lightweight, unobtrusive, configurable, can sit over/under and even overlay the task bar if desired. Closest thing to Conky i've seen for Windows 98. As usual thanks for everyone's input.
  19. Since using this system online more than anticipated, got tired of the manual certificate update workaround mentioned on page 3 of this thread. The workaround is okay if routinely visiting the same old sites but most recent browsing has been visiting new sites, exploring and learning more about Windows 98. This was already mentioned by siria on page 3 and others have brought it up too, just being thorough. A simple way to update certs even in old SeaMonkey v1.1.19 is to replace the outdated cert8.db file with an up-to-date file from a recent version of SeaMonkey. I imagine this would also work for older Firefox. If you don't have ready access to an updated cert8.db file, download the latest SeaMonkey for 32-bit Linux from https://www.seamonkey-probject.org and extract the downloaded *.tar.bz2 file, which 7-Zip handles nicely. The default location is C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\Mozilla\Profiles\default\your_profile\. Beats constantly handling new certificate popups the manual way.
  20. Thanks for the feedback jaclaz, very creative system monitor. Also came across this site, which has TinyResMeter (92kb) in the system section, unfortunately it does not monitor network activity. Lots of other goodies at this site too. https://tinyapps.org Sometimes almost panic thinking this great old software is going to disappear but can't download the entire internet. Seems i'm always late to the game, enjoying Windows 98 after most have left, enjoying games most everyone has forgotten. Maybe i'm mistaken, i always thought Windows 98 had a built-in network activity monitor. I don't have one running and didn't see it in any of the network adapater or networking configurations. Maybe it just pertained to dial-up or i'm confusing it with Windows XP.
  21. Is anyone using an equivalent to Conky (Linux) or SysTrayMeter (WindowsXP)? Windows 98 feels a little like night driving without dash lights. Preferably low resource requirement, sits in system tray not desktop, displays CPU/RAM/Network activity. Haven't been able to find anything.
  22. Since the 56k dial-up days I have used Speed Guide TCP Optimizer (now v3.0.8) on Windows 98. Recently discovered i was doing it wrong for high speed ethernet. Quick selecting 'optimal' and applying changes results in improvement but is not comparable to the same hardware on a modern OS. For high speed connections recommend clicking optimal then adjusting the General Settings -> Connection Speed slider towards max. This is the key to triggering DefaultRvcWindow changes, a huge performance bottleneck. When adjusting the slider and applying changes, the confirmation table pop-up should indicate a significantly larger DefaultRvcWindow setting. So for modern broadband, if it goes to 10 set it for 11 :) Not a sophisticated benchmarker, just downloaded a large file to test and am now matching the ~750 KB/second speed this same hardware gets from my particular ISP on a more modern OS.
  23. Thanks for the information deomsh, your suggested proxy is fantastic. Now i won't have to reboot for file downloads. Lots of work-arounds to keep Windows 98 functional.
  24. Got a corrupt Reycle Bin after some crazy file management. Selecting Empty Recycle Bin would not fully empty the bin or reset the desktop icon. This was associated with an error popup. Deleting more files and re-emptying the bin did not work. Neither did emptying the bin from Safe Mode or running ScanDisk. The solution was simple, no reboot needed. Run COMMAND.COM and CD C:\RECLYCLED. Run DIR to check for rogue files or directories. Switches like DIR /AH (attribute hidden) may be useful, not required in my case. Run applicable DEL or DELTREE commands to purge the bin without mercy using the fiery power of DOS.
  25. Hi deomsh and Goodmaneuver. Thank-you for your responses, there's lots of crossover in these threads. Just wondering deomsh why you settled on this web proxy, any advantages? The ones i've tried, the biggest drawback is an ability to download even smallish software files (<20 MB). From the old RetroZilla thread, my understanding is rn10950 is no longer actively working on RetroZilla. IIRC roytam1 has also moved on to Windows XP browser development.
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