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Everything posted by Siginet

  1. for %%i in (C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L: M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z:) do if exist %%i\CD.txt set CDROM=%%i Try that. I do the same thing. I forget why I did it.... but I needed it for some reason.
  2. Actually here is a fix for the fix. I realized that if someone had a cmdlines.txt file that didn't have "[COMMANDS]" as line 1 errors would happen. For instance if someones cmdlines.txt was like this: [COMMANDS] "RunOnceEx.cmd" Everything would be fine. But if their cmdlines.txt file was somewhat like this: [COMMANDS] "RunOnceEx.cmd" We would run into problems. So I made it check the first 3 lines for the instance "[COMMANDS]" If someone has more that 3 null spaces above their cmdlines.txt file then thats their own fault. Hehe.
  3. I'll try to attach the file here since it is small. Can you delete it from the board when you have it. Downloaded & removed .
  4. New release just uploaded. This one works very well. So far I haven't found any bugs. Except that the gui I made is too long. So if you are in a screen resolution of 800x600 part of the gui is cut off. The next version will have a different layout to fix that. But you can use the program in a higher resolution just fine for now. I may work on a help file soon as well. Does anyone have anything to say about it yet? I know it hasn't been online too long... but I can't wait for people to try it out. LOL! The anticipation is killing me.
  5. There is also a readme.html file inside of the DriverPack Base that is helpful as well.
  6. @Bashrat I have a fix for this problem. I made an exe with autoit that will grab every line after line 1 from their original cmdlines.txt and place them at the bottom of another cmdlines2.txt file (Which will have your BTS_DPs_ROE.cmd file in it at Line 2 allready), Then it will delete their old cmdlines.txt file and rename cmdlines2.txt to cmdlines.txt. I can email it to you if you want. PM me an email address.
  7. I found a couple minor bugs and a huge bug in the program. The huge bug has to do with making the optimised ISO... it wasn't Optimiseing it. I have fixed all of it and added the "Extra Files" section to it. I also added some progressbars in it so you can see it is working while it copies files. The new version should be online later today. I will post here when it has been updated. Has anyone had a chance to use it yet???
  8. OK. What probably happend is you skipped the most important step. First you need to go to Bashrats site and make sure you get The DriverPack Base. Execute the file and it will extract a bunch of stuff. You should see a "DriverPacks" folder. That folder is where you should download all of the driverpacks. (I would suggest skipping the Mass Storage DriverPack for now, untill you get a working disk.) Once you have downloaded all of the driverpacks to the "DriverPacks" directory... Click on the file called "BTS_DPs_Slipstreamer_V505x.cmd" Go through all of the steps. Your best bet in my opinion (For Now) is to choose Method 2. It will grab all of the files it needs and put them in a directory called "UWXPCD_ROOT" Copy all of the contents inside of the directory "UWXPCD_ROOT" And put it at the root level with your I386 directory. Now you need to click on "RUN_ME.CMD" I have had most success latley with the "RunOnceEx" option. It will ask for a number... I usually put 937 (Which is default). KtD option is if you want to keep the drivers on the system after install is complete. This is still in Experimental Stage so I would select "NO" (For Now). But from what I hear it seems to work fine. Let the script finish all the way. when it is done you should be ready to make your ISO. If you run into any other troubles try to look in the file "Readme.htm" that is extracted from the DriverPacks Base. It goes into a bit more detail. Or if you still have troubles post back here. Good Luck.
  9. Have you checked inside of txtsetup.sif with notepad? This error can be caused if txtsetup.sif had not been edited. Open txtsetup.sif and search for presetup.cmd just under presetup.cmd should be setuporg.exe If those entries do not exist Then go back to the top of the txtsetup.sif file and search for the first instance of: [SourceDisksFiles] Then just under it add: presetup.cmd = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0 setupORG.exe = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0 So it should look like: [SourceDisksFiles] presetup.cmd = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0 setupORG.exe = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0 Make sure presetup.cmd and setuporg.exe exist in the I386 directory as well. If you checked all of this and still have the problem post back and we'll see what we can do to help. You can also try my "PowerPacker" app to see if it will help you. The link is in my signature. Good Luck!
  10. Actually Bashrat... my suggestion was not to search for an existing RunOnceEx.cmd file but to make sure that your BTS_DPs_ROE.cmd file is listed as the very first thing that is run in cmdllines.txt. This way no matter if there is another RunOnceEx.cmd or not it will work fine. Because their own .cmd file would overwrite the BTS one. If you take out the title section I am not sure if it will work correctly. But I know that if BTS_DPs_ROE.CMD listed first in cmdlines.txt will work... I have tested it. I'm gonna test your new fix now.
  11. Hmmm I haven't come across a problem with those specific files. You may want to try to burn your media at a slower speed. You may have some bad media. Try to burn as slow as you can and post back here with the results.
  12. Hmmm... I think djbe was talking about this error. I beleive he is working out the issue later tonight. He hasn't exactly figured out what it is but I think it has something to do with the " (Quotes) You can use Method2 with RunOnceEx. This works as long as you edit the RUN_ME.CMD file with: Change This code: ECHO REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx /V TITLE /D "Finishing BTS DriverPacks" >> $OEM$\BTS_DPs_ROE.cmd With this code: ECHO REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx /V TITLE /D "Finishing BTS DriverPacks" /f >> $OEM$\BTS_DPs_ROE.cmd That'll at least get you a working copy untill the issue you posted is fixed.
  13. Don't forget you have to still ad the " /f" inside of the code I posted earlier. The missing " /f" is what is causeing the hang. The order in cmdlines.txt will assure that the correct title is given when the execution on first bootup happens.
  14. Actually all that would be needed is to have BTS_DPs_ROE.cmd be listed first in the cmdlines.txt file. I think that would clear up that issue because then your own RunOnceEx.cmd file will overwrite the BTS_DPs_ROE.cmd Title. Only prob with midiboys idea is... what if someone is useing a RunOnceEx.CMD file that is named something different? It would be almost impossible to have the DriverPack scripts to check if any file that was used as a RunOnceEx existed. We'll get it. The DriverPack issues seem to be clearing up pretty good now. ThX Bashrat BTW the fix I posted earlier did work.
  15. In RUN_ME.CMD Change This code: ECHO REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx /V TITLE /D "Finishing BTS DriverPacks" >> $OEM$\BTS_DPs_ROE.cmd With this code: ECHO REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx /V TITLE /D "Finishing BTS DriverPacks" /f >> $OEM$\BTS_DPs_ROE.cmd That should fix it. I am testing it right now. This is where the PowerPacker comes in handy for me! LOL
  16. Looky Looky Me Got Sticky! YAY! Hope you guys like. I've been working hard on it. Please let me know any changes I need to make. BTW if Bashrat or anyone who helps on the DriverPacks wants me to send them the Source code so they may be able to Spice it up or tweak it, just let me know.
  17. WINDOWS XP POWERPACKER v1.0 RC5 UPDATED: 08-17-05 Currently Known Bugs: No bugs found as of yet. ================================================== History: ================================================== v1.0 RC5 - 08-17-05 I have extensively re-written most of the code to make it function much better. 1. RC4 had hesitation issues when browsing and selecting things. That is fixed in RC5. 2. I have added a checkbox which allows the user to exclude WIN9XUPG folders from being copied to the destination (To help save a lot of space of your final product if you do not plan on using the winnt32.exe upgrade option... which nobody should use anyways). 3. Also another check box for the user to exclude the LANG folder from being copied to the destination (Which also saves a lot of room and is not needed if you are only going to be using a localized version of WinXP). 4. Also as promised... I made major use of the new powpack.ini file! You now can call PowerPacker_v1.0RC5.exe from a script file using certain parameters and you can actually create your whole entire multiboot disk 100% unattended!!! Completley from the first pack to the last pack... and even have it compile your iso into the destination and name you specify! No more sitting at the computer for hours waiting for every pack to finish so you can start the next pack. Once you have created your script file... and your set of ini files all you will need to do is run your script and leave. Come back later and everything is done! I think I deserve a round of applause for that! You all will never know what I had to do to get this program capable of doing that. (Check the updated help file for more information.) 5. Updated the help file with instructions on how to use the unattended parameters. 6. Added a "Tri-Pack" Checkbox... which will allow a user to quickly create three packs from one source. (Unattended with Driverpacks, Unattended without DriverPacks, and a regular attended pack.) 7. Added a Checkbox called "Custom Pack Name" which will allow a user to choose a four character name to be used as the destination directories and boot files. (**NOTE** when you use this option you have to manually edit the BOOT\cdshell.ini file to add your custom pack to the boot menu.) 8. Many other changes were made... but there are too many to list and remember. v1.0 RC4.1 - 08-08-05 1. I accidentally compiled the PowerPacker RC4 file the wrong way. I recompiled it the normal way and there is no problem now. Sorry guys. v1.0 RC4 - 08-07-05 1. Implemented a powpack.ini file to record your settings. This way everytime you open Windows XP PowerPacker it will remember how you had it setup the last time you used it. 2. Progress windows were changed to not always be on top. This way you can still use your computer normally without having Windows XP PowerPacker's windows being in your way as much as before. 3. Fixed some spelling errors. 4. Fixed the problem with WIN51IP and WIN51IC files getting copied over when they weren't needed. If you are creating a Windows XP Professional pack the WIN51IP files will get copied over, and the WIN51IC files will get copied over when you are creating a Windows XP Home pack. 5. More error checking implemented in the "Compile ISO" process. Now a window will pop up stating that you have successfully created your iso. If your iso was not created or ends up being 0 KB in size it will tell you it failed. v1.0 RC3 - 07-13-05 1. Fixed - When help file is opened I can not use the Main GUI window untill I close the help file. 2. Whenever certain windows are opened by powerpacker the main window will now be disabled so that users can not click on things when they are not supposed to. v1.0 RC2 - 07-10-05 1. Put a logo on the right side of the gui. 2. Placed Donation buttons in the program so users may donate to support the work on Windows XP PowerPacker. (The wife made me do it! LOL! ) 3. Integrated the capability to run custom written .bat scripts at different points of the packing process. v1.0 RC1 - 07-05-05 This release will be Release Candidate 1. Which means this may be the FULL version... if no bugs are reported. 1. I coded my own Dosnet.inf parser... so now I am no longer using BootFolder.exe. This version should work much better. Now there is so far no problems with createing the Boot Folder because my parser does not car if anything allready exists in the folder or if the file allready exists. It will overwrite if it has to. There should also be no need of MS Framework .net being installed... because that was needed by bootfolder.exe. My parser is completley based off the idea of bootfolder.exe by Nazgul... but my version is made to work better with powerpacker and it's needs. (Nazguls new version seems to be able to overwrite existing files now. So if you want to create a boot folder only... his tool is the best for the job!) P.S. A huge THANK YOU to moesasji for his patience and beta testing. Without his help I don't think I could have fixed all of these errors so soon. v1.06 - 06-28-05 1. Fixed a few minor bugs. (None that were harmful... just annoying.) 2. Coded the temp directory a little differently. 3. Added the newest version of BootFolder.exe v1.05 - 05-24-05 1. Integrated Nazgul's BootFolder.exe file to handle createing the boot directory. This method is much faster and creates a lot less steps. Now you do not need to go through the windows setup process to make the boot folder. Much thanks to Nazgul! v1.04 - 05-22-05 1. Fixed problem with Boot directory not copying to the destination sometimes. It should work every time now. v1.03 - 05-21-05 1. Added Embedded Help File. 2. Added Help File Button. v1.02 - 05-18-05 Fixed all known bugs. 1. I fixed the window size. It should now fit any resolution that somebody would use. 2. Made PowerPacker Set Attributes on all files to normal. 3. Added features to help make sure users do not point to incorrect directories. v1.01 - 05-14-05 1. Fixed problem with creating optimised ISO. 2. Added extra files section. 3. Added progressbars. ================================================== ================================================== Plans for next release: ================================================== Fix any bugs that are reported. So far no bugs reported. ================================================== This program was made with the BTS DriverPacks in mind. Basically it does just about everything you need to do to add a windows XP load to your MultiBoot Disk. It will gather the needed files from your source XP CD and put them into a directory you specify. It will grab the DriverPack Files and install them. It will create a boot directory for your load and even hex edit the files that need to be HEXED to allow you to boot to it. It will put the needed info into the boot list so you can select your XP load. It makes testing the DriverPacks very easy!!! Right now it is still a beta version because I want to work out any bugs. So please be carefull when you use it. Here is a quick tutorial and some info you should know... The program was built using Autoit v3. If you are going to use BTS DriverPacks you must run the "BTS_DPs_Slipstreamer_Vxxxx.cmd" file to create the "UWXPCD_ROOT" directory, which you will need later. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Open the program. 2. Browse to your source XP files. (The directory containing the first I386 directory you want to use.) 3. Browse to the directory where you want to create your "PowerPack" disk. (Make sure you have plenty of room on this hard drive because we may be using a lot of space.) 4. Select Your Windows XP Version. (If your I386 folder is a XP Pro disk choose "Professional" or if it is a Home disk choose "Home".) 5. Now choose your Windows XP Edition. (Corporate, Retail, OEM, or Upgrade.) 6. Next... will this be With or Without BTS DriverPacks? If you select "With BTS DriverPacks" you will notice the Input boxes for DriverPacks and the next steps "Unattended" will be enabled. (You must be createing an Unattended load if you want to use the DriverPacks!) Browse to your "UWXPCD_ROOT" directory which you created using "BTS_DPs_Slipstreamer_Vxxxx.cmd". "UWXPCD_ROOT" should have a file inside of it called "RUN_ME.CMD". 7. Now select whether or not this is an Unattended Install. 8. If it is an Unattended install you will need to browse to the winnt.sif file you will use for this load. 9. Then browse to the $OEM$ directory you want to use for this load (Optional). 10. You will notice a section called "Extra Source Files". This section is disabled for now because it has not been implemented yet. 11. Now that you have made your selections you can click on the button "Pack Files Now". ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you did everything correctly it will begin doing it's work. When it gets to installing the driverpack files you will need to answer anything BTS's Scripts asks you. Or if you know how to edit the RUN_ME.CMD file you can make this process automated so it won't ask you. When it finishes the DriverPack process it will begin createing your boot directory. After the boot directory is created all of the necissary files are Hex Edited and this Pack is finished. What I like to do is create 3 loads for each XP CD. One which is automated with DriverPacks, One that is Automated without DPs and one that is a regular XP load (Which is good for doing an XP Repair etc) So I have made the program able to handle these 3 different loads for each different Version/Edition of XP. Once a pack is finished all you need to do, For Example, is click "Without Driverpacks" and then "Pack Files Now" and it will begin your second load with all the same settings except DriverPacks. When you have created all of the packs you need for your powerpack disk then you can move on to the button "Package ISO" this button will walk you through the other steps and use cdimage.exe to compile your optomized ISO for you. =========================================== Please post bugs and requests in this thread... and be nice... this is my first Public App! ScreenShots: powerpacker-gui.jpg (Screenshot Updated August 17th 2005) P.S. Please check out Windows XP PowerPacker's spot at BetaNews.com Give it a rating and place a comment if you get a chance. Thanks everybody! Looks like Windows XP PowerPacker is becoming very popular! Check out google to see what I am talking about. Search: Windows XP PowerPacker on GOOGLE.com I even found a site that claims to have a keygenerator and Crack for WinXP PowerPacker! (Duh... it's freeware and doesn't need a keygen or crack.) Please Don't get the crack it must be a virus!!!
  18. @Ghostrider I previously posted the same error as you and the fix was just delete the "Title" section from BTS RunonceEx. I think it was a problem with having two different Title sections. One in your own RunOnceEx Seciton and one in the BTS RunOnceEx section.
  19. @Bashrat I belive I tried to place it in the cmdlines.txt file both ways. And I still had the problem. I'll take another look and make sure. ThX Bashrat. Edit: I belive the /f that I didn't post was a mistake when I posted it. I think it actually had that. I had to copy and paste that line seperate because I had allready removed that line from my file.
  20. OK... Everything seems to be working well now... Except I found a big bug. I used Windows XP Pro Corp Ryan Updates (Manually) Full DriverPacks Includeing Mass Storage. RunOnceEx Option Used kTd No I allready had my own $OEM$ directory with my own RunOnceEx.CMD file It seems that My file: RunOnceEx.cmd: for %%i in (C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L: M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z:) do if exist %%i\POWERPACK set CDROM=%%i SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx REG ADD %KEY% /V TITLE /D "Installing Programs Drivers and Updates" /f REG ADD %KEY%\002 /VE /D "Install Windows XP Updates" /f REG ADD %KEY%\002 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\INSTALL\Install.exe" /f REG ADD %KEY%\005 /VE /D "Performing Cleanup" /f REG ADD %KEY%\005 /V 1 /D "%cdrom%\INSTALL\cleanup.exe" /f EXIT And The BTS_DPs_ROE.cmd File: CMDOW @ /HID @ECHO OFF REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx /V TITLE /D "Finishing BTS DriverPacks" REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx\937 /VE /D "BTS DriverPacks: finishing..." /f REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx\937 /V 1 /D "CMD /C %SystemDrive%\D\BTS_DPs_finish.cmd" /f EXIT EXIT Or not compatable together because both files are setting the "Title". When my setup would get to the 12 Min mark it would stop and go no further. So I started playing around with different configurations and found that if I deleted REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx /V TITLE /D "Finishing BTS DriverPacks" from the BTS_DPs_ROE.cmd File setup would function properly.
  21. ASH1205 error seems to be fixed with the new fix. No wonder the old fixes didn't work for me... My dumb a** was putting the fix in the Driverpacks folder and not the Files folder LOL! Duh. I am doing a fresh install now... So far the Winnt32.exe part went well. Setup seems to be stuck at the 12 minute mark. I noticed that inside the BTS_DPs_ROE.cmd file it has this: CMDOW @ /HID @ECHO OFF REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx /V TITLE /D "Finishing BTS DriverPacks" REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx\ /VE /D "BTS DriverPacks: finishing..." /f REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx\ /V 1 /D "CMD /C %SystemDrive%\D\BTS_DPs_finish.cmd /f" EXIT Doesn't seem to have a number for the entries. Maybe that is my issue? I know I didn't put a number when the RUN_ME.CMD file asked for one... but I thought it would allready place a default one. I am going to try to install again but I am going to put a number this time.
  22. Well... it seems everyone allready posted the error I was about to post about. Fedit is having some issues. Also is anyone else having an issue with your winnt.sif file becomeing a mile long because it has a bunch of spaces between everything? I also noticed these files created in the I386 directory: WINNT.SIF766023360 WINNT.SIF773939940 WINNT.SIF774128430 WINNT.SIF774536825 Are these errors related to fedit crashing, I assume?
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