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Posts posted by UCyborg

  1. Mine are in lower 10s last time I checked (slower CPU), cca. 13.9. ChrEdge 94 and Firefox 96 on Win10 easily get 46. MyPal 68 on XP is about 36-38 I think, don't recall exactly, would have to re-test.

    Edit: oh, you showed Speedometer 1.0 and I'm talking about results of Speedometer 2.0. I don't recall ever trying 1.0 variant.

  2. On 6/11/2022 at 2:21 PM, NotHereToPlayGames said:

    I was experimenting with NM28 and St52, javascript and e10s and other miscellaneous settings, and holy crap, I kept wanting to smack the side of the computer to dislodge whatever was slowing it down in contrast to performance I've become used to with 360Chrome.

    Agreed, the performance is abysmal, doesn't matter if you put it on the supercomputer. Don't even try to open the debugger on a bit heavier web page, you'll kill it completely that way.

    The score on Speedometer 2.0 is in the Firefox 52 range; that's the browser from over 5 years ago. MCP guys don't believe in benchmarks, but this particular one is quite telling of what to expect when dealing client-rendered web apps.

  3. 36 minutes ago, Mathwiz said:

    But "4K" resolution lets the marketing guys brag: "You need our phone because we have more pixels than the other guys!!" And enough folks are stupid enough to fall for it, that the disease has become endemic.


    My mother had to buy new phone last year (just so that she has something newer), its screen is 2400 x 1080. I find even that excessive, was feeling "high DPI" problems when navigating menus, eg. why web browser looks normal, but settings menu has barely readable fonts out-of-the-box.

    17 minutes ago, Mathwiz said:

    Really, @UCyborg, that's a double negative. Do you mean it "does work also?":buehehe:

    Thanks, fixed.

  4. 30 minutes ago, GD 2W10 said:

    You also need to run diskpart or some program to make the partitions, bcdboot, and potentially bootrec. You are able to install Vista-11 like that.

    Indeed, I wrote the post with the assumption that anyone familiar installing Windows using DISM is familiar with preparation steps.

    30 minutes ago, GD 2W10 said:

    However, some people are not able to afford SSDs of large capacity


    Windows tends to preload a bunch of files that are used frequently and maybe some less frequent ones, Vista in particular will cache whatever it can, Windows 7 is easier on caching, but it seems by Windows 10 they made it more active again. That can help in a way that files might be ready by the time you need them. Best to wait after login for stuff to get loaded.

    Maybe it doesn't work so well with highly diverse workflows. Some also find RAM disks useful for certain things.

  5. 21 hours ago, VistaLover said:

    @Mathwiz : Chrome 80 is indeed the minimum required, as long as your WinOS is a sanctioned one (XP and Vista are, of course, ostracised like the plague :realmad: :realmad: :realmad: ); I have verified that

    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.163 Safari/537.36

    (Chrome 80 on Win8.1) does work for AW purposes... Again, the same ol' FUD about XP and Vista users definitely being part of the botnet... :angry:

    Chill bro, you're not special with your Vista, I tried the following and it doesn't work neither.

    Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0

    But Linux x86_64 works. FreeBSD doesn't work either, regardless of bitness. There is more to this world than just Windows. Again, you guys aren't f****** special!

    But yeah, I agree with the premise, obviously the site is coded by a bunch of morons.

    BTW, I noticed Serpent has media.suspend-bkgnd-video.enabled set to false, maybe other roytam1's browsers as well. If you often leave videos playing in the background, you might want to turn this on to reduce CPU load as it won't process the video then, just the audio.

  6. On 6/8/2022 at 2:02 AM, VistaLover said:

    @UCyborg, being a contributor to the upstream project, do you think you could come up with code that would implement my suggestion (clicking the "Dump platform information" button will offer to save on disk a "PlatformInfo.json" text file - current behaviour [BC] could be retained) ?

    Looks for btnDumpPlatform.addEventListener in lib/main.js and make it like this:

    btnDumpPlatform.addEventListener("click", () => {
        const info = {
            "PolyfillService": toJSON(gService, "is"),
            "appInfo": toJSON(Services.appinfo),
            "addonData": toJSON(gAddonData),
        delete info["addonData"]["installPath"];
        const dumpInfo = JSON.stringify(info, null, '\t');
        try {
            const filePicker = Cc["@mozilla.org/filepicker;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFilePicker);
            filePicker.init(Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser"), "Save platform information", Ci.nsIFilePicker.modeSave);
            filePicker.appendFilter("JSON file", "*.json");
            filePicker.defaultString = "PlatformInfo.json";
            filePicker.defaultExtension = "json";
            if (filePicker.show() != Ci.nsIFilePicker.returnCancel) {
                const fs = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/file-output-stream;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFileOutputStream);
                fs.init(filePicker.file, -1, -1, 0);
                fs.write(dumpInfo, dumpInfo.length);
        } catch (e) {
            alert("Palefill", e.toString());
  7. On 6/6/2022 at 9:24 PM, UCyborg said:

    Maybe I'm just bluffing.

    Nah, I wasn't bluffing.

    Not much to say about my childhood, school was stressful, hated it, mom was psycho about grades. I was really into computers back then, have kept a bunch of computer magazines from the time.

    They were also publishing comics about Mickey Mouse and Tom & Jerry, I was reading those, but none of them were kept.

    Was reading books as well, but can't remember what I even read anymore. I remember reading through whole Harry Potter, there was also Robinson Crusoe. Some were read as part of school's reading whatever it's called, some were read later in high school. I must have been reading during summer time before high school as well, for me, but again, those memories have all vanished.

  8. On 6/8/2022 at 9:57 AM, D.Draker said:

    What can I do to entertain you ? Some funny horror stories from my childhood maybe ?

    Go ahead, but only if you'll do it also for the others. It doesn't have to be for me alone. I'll be fine as usual. I mean as fine as the one can be in this crazy world.

  9. On 6/7/2022 at 6:08 PM, Wunderbar98 said:

    Funny you should comment about the game's age @UCyborg, it's the most CPU and GPU intensive Windows game my old systems have ever run!

    I meant the thermal paste. :P

    Not sure which game was the most demanding on the old PC, a number of them seemed that way since GPU was low-end and only DX7 compatible.

    On 6/8/2022 at 4:03 AM, D.Draker said:

    Why wait for winter ? Just turn your AC on , problem solved , I don't ever switch it off . Helps to keep the paste intact.

    On 6/8/2022 at 11:43 PM, Wunderbar98 said:

    Here minimal air conditioning is used to minimize energy use.

    Fancy, I only have portable fans at home.

    And a non-functional AC in the car. Family tricked me into believing it's not worth investing into repair/replacement since "you'll only have the car for two years". It's not as bad as thought it'll be though. I never go to sauna so I guess that's my sauna.:buehehe: No, wait, you don't have window in the sauna.

  10. On 6/10/2022 at 2:47 AM, VistaLover said:

    ... Recently, I have been toying with the idea of writing simple Violentmonkey userscripts to be used in latest Serpent 52.9.0 (and, possibly, 55.0.0) that fetch online polyfills for missing, native, Web APIs; the core-js bundle of polyfills does have ones for 'RegExp Named Captured Groups', so by the below VM userscript, 

    // ==UserScript==
    // @name        Add 'core-js-bundle' polyfills
    // @version     3.22.8
    // @description Polyfills for ES3, ES5, ES6, ES7, ES2015, ES2016, ES2017, ES2018, ES2019, ES2020, ECMAScript3, ECMAScript5, ECMAScript6, ECMAScript7, ECMAScript2015
    // @namespace   core-js-bundle
    // @include     https://*.iheart.com/*
    // @run-at      document-start
    // @require     https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/core-js-bundle@3.22.8/minified.min.js
    // ==/UserScript==

    I was able to load OP's offending "iheart" URIs in St52:


    You can add additional URIs/domains that need this "treatment" via adding corresponding "// @include" lines...

    This can only work in cases where the site's code only ever sets up regex objects explicitly through RegExp().

    Code like...

    const myRegex = /incompatible regex here/;

    ...won't work.

    22 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

    Can you explain further?  I thought that the latest Serpent 52.9 already included the polyfill coalesc (?) and chaining (?) polyfills?

    Those aren't "polyfills", those are core language syntax constructs. You can't "polyfill" core language syntax constructs.

    22 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

    Does this userscript add coalesc (?) and chaining (?) polyfills to NM28?  To 360Chrome v11?

    It manipulates/replaces RegExp object among other things. So concluding the statement above, the answer is no.

    Learn C++, Windows API and their limitations on XP, fork old Chromium, backport to XP, modify the JS interpreter to understand nullish coalescing, optional-chaining operators and code your own GUI on top since you don't like the default one. That's possible with the right skills.

  11. I saw a discussion on Reddit recently on Win10 subreddit regarding Win10 and HDDs, which applies to Win11 as well due to similarity. It was said it's not so much about Win10 being poor with HDDs, but rather modern HDDs performing poorly due to SMR (Shingled Magnetic Recording) technology and manufacturers not giving a damn because everyone buys a SSD for boot drive or blames Windows for bad performance otherwise.

    Not up-to-date on Win11, but with the first release, you could just do "DISM /ApplyImage" to install the OS from the Command Prompt (Shift + F10) in the setup environment without tampering with anything, no system requirement checks were run then.

    In my experience, Win10/11 are unusually slower to login, they messed up file enumeration performance since Windows 8.1, at least noticeable in Explorer when you check the properties of a folder, no idea if it's still like this and finally there's some more background noise by default. Seem a bunch of background tasks can be turned off without much compromise on the functionality.

    So still humming along with older HDDs and relatively up-to-date OS. Also, I might be one of the more patient people alive today.

  12. 2 hours ago, RamonUn said:

    Maybe I will keep my fork, just for those two platforms, with the alternate install.rdf, or ask again martok, but I do not think it is possible for Serpent55 because it would make the install.rdf, far too forgiving.

    Those min/max version checks are more about what is officially supported and tested. Last time I checked, it wasn't a big problem just to simply run it on Firefox 52.9, but it's not as useful in the current state since you'd also have to add stuff missing in that browser required for web sites.

    I'm keeping mine for myself since I bothered to look up how to get window object from bootstrapped extension. :P

    2 hours ago, roytam1 said:

    there are 2 branches in development, 2.53 is more mature one: http://www.wg9s.com/comm-253/

    while 2.57 is more unstable: http://www.wg9s.com/comm-257/

    Indeed, I was referring to the stable one. I didn't know until rather recently that 2.57 exists for several years now (which I never tried).

    Reminds me of Process Hacker, though I didn't find instabilities with some newer builds of it, but then, there's a lot of things to miss if you're a simpler user. Or it just seems to works, there's a build of CyanogenMod 7.2 for Samsung Galaxy Mini that never left nightly status. :)

  13. Replacing K32EnumProcessModules string in the import table with any valid kernel32.dll function name of equal or lesser length, then adding new entry in export table for psapi.dll -> EnumProcessModules, then fixing references (addresses) in the code (so that they don't point to the random kernel32.dll function from the very first step) to the new one could work.

    There are multiple PE editors that can add new imported functions, don't recall which ones I tried in the past, for the code fixing there's OllyDbg and similar software. I mostly worked with OllyDbg in the past, but it handles only 32-bit stuff. Quick procedure is something like this:

    1. Open the DLL.
    2. CTRL + N to show imports/exports.
    3. Locate the name you changed from the original, right-click, find references something option so you get the list of instructions to update.
    4. Check the address of the new name / functions in the window you opened with CTRL + N, go to the instructions found before (double click the entry), then double click the instruction, modify the addresses.
    5. Somewhere in the right-click menu is the option to copy everything you changed to the executable on disk.

    Not easy if you've never juggled with these things before, but doable if you take the time to sit down and absorb it slowly.

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