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About helmutcheese

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  1. ^^ Same issue, no doubt next build will fix it.
  2. MS have changed something and now its not as ideal. I loose the whole BT/WIFI/NIGHT LIGHT Buttons and SAB's little custom icon in taskbar menu in Green if flight enabled (no WIFI as I am wired 99.9% of the time). I was 100% happy with it the before this changed again in this build of Win11 Example: https://postimg.cc/gallery/G4W0YMz
  3. New Win 11 CAN/DEV build (1st in almost a month) stops SAB loading no matter if you agree to it after updating as per normal, it will be not be running. QUOTE: "The only disappointment so far is the hit that StartallBack took. Something about DisableWin10Taskbar being enabled by default, though vivetool'g it (42537950) disabled again had no effect for me." Unlike the above user I have not enabled that setting.
  4. I agree.
  5. ^^ Beat me to it, what a tight tightwad!
  6. Not sure if to post here on in RC thread but todays first Win 11 Can 2600 build installed and now I have the Ribbon on Windows Explorer no matter what I select in SAB, even if I choose the Win7 Command bar the tools to delete etc are missing. EDIT: So is the new style right click menu. The good news is my tray icons order was retained. EDIT 2; My apologises, it was not SAB, I removed it and did another in place update and it is the same so not sure how this has happened.
  7. I have to re-order them every new build (minor PIA), the native taskbar remembers them and others have asked for this feature for a long time now.
  8. 24 hours with test build and all is fine on latest Win 11 Can build. 👍
  9. Also happens on new Can build (1st in weeks) but that is to be expected, I will wait on a new build.
  10. Today's Can build it does need reenabled after update.
  11. I thought you meant when SAB does not run 9/10 after update to new build and you have to agree to run it.
  12. What's the difference, they are both test builds not aimed at general public, it takes 1 click to fix it. My only small PIA issue is I lose the layout order of my Tray and OverFlow Area Icons.
  13. I know the Reg entries as looked them up before, but I read it is not as simple as that and will not work. https://superuser.com/questions/1332399/where-is-the-icon-tray-notification-area-registry-stored
  14. Windows remembers then even after upgrades, but SAB does not, it is a little bit of a PIA to redo each week. I was looking at way to export/import the reg entry.
  15. Works fine on Canary as basically that is what the old Dev is now as Dev has now been watered down.
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