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Everything posted by Formfiller

  1. Displays another W10 ad I think.
  2. By the way guys, what is with this forum? The new version kinda sucks. It's flashier, but seems slower (instant loading in the old one vs all the javacript preloading, load on scroll etc. magic now) and it's buggier. One of the reasons I was away for a while. The forum software feels quite NuMicrosoftian now (form over functionality, solving minor annoyances by creating far bigger ones), which is highly ironic.
  3. Finally. Almost all of the Channel9 denizens are pissed of over the Windows 10 nag: https://channel9.msdn.com/Forums/Coffeehouse/Annoying-Get-W10-updates Incredible. It takes A LOT to turn some of these guys against MS. W10 did what W8 wasn't able to.
  4. It finally happens. Windows 10 will be installed automatically it seems, unless the user actively opts out before that: http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/2458314/updategate-microsoft-is-giving-specific-times-for-compulsory-windows-10-upgrade
  5. Domained PCs getting the forced W10 treatment: http://www.infoworld.com/article/3042397/microsoft-windows/admins-beware-domain-attached-pcs-are-sprouting-get-windows-10-ads.html I want Steve Ballmer back. All is forgiven. Give me metro over scammer behavior any time. Nadella is straight from the Nigerian scam artists school. He's not even stopping at pestering their business consumers, something MS always held sacrosanct. Has Nadella written a book or some personal public memos or something like that? I would love to read that to get a glimpse at his persona. It takes a special kind of as***** personality to pull these things off towards your clients.
  6. I wasn't online for a while, anything noteworthy happened regarding NuMS?
  7. The final spec of the Vulkan graphics API got released, along with beta drivers from AMD, nVidia and Intel. And all this runs on Windows 7! If the API catches on, the only attractive feature of W10, DX12, becomes meaningless.
  8. Now you can go back to those forums and throw their own quotes back at them. --JorgeA Channel9 is pretty much dead now and receives one post per day or so. Windows 10 finally managed to piss off the right amount of people there, even some of the former Windows 8 fanboys: https://channel9.msdn.com/Forums/Coffeehouse/Finally-An-end-to-the-Win10-upgrade-nagging Everyone who noticed that NuMS is without any hope pretty much stopped posting.
  9. I can remember when the first traces of GWX appeared around a year ago or so. I said on channel9 and hardforums that this crap will be annoyed up beyond belief and reach malware levels, given Microsoft's modus operandi since Windows 8 and their original over-the-top creep plans for the xbone. Of course, the shills came up with the usual "they are a multi-billion dollar corporation, they would be stupid to behave like this". Well.. If a company is on a consumer-hostile path, they will go it until the shit completely hits the fan.
  10. I am so tired of NuMS, can’t even rant anymore. I bet that even if you hide it, it will re-appear every three months. I also bet we will soon see more forced installation “accidents”. This whole situation feels so dumb – it’s exactly from the malware-playbook, yet no one calls the FBI because the perpetrators aren’t some Russian or Chinese hackers, but a “respectable billion-dollar company”. I guess that makes it ok then… Might makes right in its purest form. Using Windows since 2015 feels like living in a warzone: You need to be alerted all the time and watch every step, or you might step on a mine. You need to always listen to the news to be informed of new attacks against your area and take precautions. It's ridiculous. We are paying costumers, not their victims.
  11. Epic post from elsewhere: The free period won't end. It's pretty obvious. They will make W10 a free upgrade for W7 and W8 users forever, add more ads into W10, push even more annoying nag screens for W7 and W8 through Windows Update and then boast for months how generous they are.
  12. Windows is going to be a subscription service sooner or later. Modern hardware can last quite easily over ten years (C2Ds from 2006 are still serving). No way in hell it's desirable for MS that businesses put W10 on a machine and run it for ten years or more. What would be the difference to their dreaded "XP/W7 forever" scenario in this case? The home/pro versions of W10 could stay free due all the spying and profiling they do (a business model like Facebook), but having the less spy-happy LTSB version running for ten years or more in businesses without upgrading? No way. They will introduce subscription for the enterprise versions some day. It's obvious.
  13. Forigve me my harsh words, but one must have to be a complete RETARD and MORON to “upgrade” to Windows 10 after the GWX malware lesson (it’s all there: trying to trick the user, constantly reappearing despite uninstalling, no clear cancel button or never-bother-me option, resetting registry keys, "accidental" forced installs). The W8 debacle was bad enough, but Microsoft’s actions of the last six months show that they have not one single iota respect for the opinions and settings of their users. Given how updates on W10 work (forced), you have to have trust into MS that they will do the right thing. But how the heck should I trust them after witnessing their scamster-like behavior with GWX? They behave like Nigerian scamsters and they still expect that people trust them that they will handle privacy and updates with care AFTER THIS? Seriously, that’s the ultimate sucker-test.
  14. This is really crossing the line, now businesses are subjected to this nonsense? I can only imagine how smoothly that will go. Just crazy.
  15. Doubt it. http://betanews.com/2016/01/01/despite-microsofts-increasingly-aggressive-tactics-windows-10s-growth-continues-to-slow/ The adoption rate continues to fall each month, even in December. If this trend continues, W10 will peak soon and not gain much after that.
  16. Good find. What's interesting is that it's from overclock.net. Gaming and overclocking forums are usually always cheering for new OSes to satisfy their tinker-urge.
  17. The invitable has finally happened: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.verbraucherzentrale-bawue.de%2Fabmahnung-microsoft&edit-text= German consumer protection agency wants to go to court against MS because of the Windows 10 nagscreens on W7 and W8. This could escalate to EU-court level yet again.
  18. The lawyers seem to exist, though: http://www.abbottlawgroup.com/
  19. Desperate measures in light of desperate W10 marketshare numbers: http://www.inquisitr.com/2618389/is-microsoft-shoving-windows-10-down-your-throat-too-gwx-control-panel-can-help/
  20. Looks like MS might have pissed off finally enough people: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-hardware/upgrade-10-class-action-lawsuit/cd4bfca3-e297-479a-a7fd-94bdf765dcc9?page=1 http://microsoftclassactionlawsuit.com/
  21. Too bad we're all somewhat burned out by Windows 8 already. Me included. W10 needs ten times the criticism W8 had. At the end of the day, W8 was mostly about the UI, but W10 is outright corporate fascism. No exaggeration, it is. ("your opinions, settings and decisions are irrelevant and you will be forced. All your conscious efforts to avoid will be circumvented"). I am just horrified.
  22. Hm, you might be right on this one. One more reason to avoid Neowin forums.
  23. This is a really good possibility. Telemetry is one of the best things about Windows 10. Microsoft can't use telemetry right. Telemetry should be withheld from MS for their own advantage. Microsoft's though process regarding telemetry is flat out from the loony bin: "People spend most of their time in the living room - so let's remove the toilet". According to MS, telemetry was the reason for the lack of start button start menu in Windows 8. According to MS, telemetry was the reason for the start button in Windows 8.1. http://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/1266560-windows-10-you-cant-disable-reporting-errors-back-to-microsoft-and-wheres-network-config-options-for-setup/ The OS atrocities (W8 etc.) happened after the extensive data minings started. Just by telemetry you won't get any good product. I don't uninstall programs often, but removing the uninstall function would be a catastrophe. But Microsoft is operating on exactly that premise (most networks are on DHCP, so let's remove any other options etc.) and this leads to just retarded results at the end. Telemetry is dooming Microsoft.
  24. Hahaha, trust the cloud and online-DRM they said.. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3096659 All your DRMed Zune files are expired and dead. Thanks for the ride.
  25. It's not just reminiscent, but exactly the very thing they want to achieve. The ultimate goal of cloud-computing is a tech-priesthood consisting of very few members (just the upper echelons of three-four companies), and the all world being depended on them, forever. They don't even deny it if you read their strategy papers etc. That's why even expensive server-related on-premise solutions (Exchange, SQL etc.) get more and more hobbled by MS and Azure is pushed. Their dream-future and long-term-goal is all thin-client, everywhere. With no in-house administrators, not even in large companies. Every data-processing and storage being done at the cloud-farms - and having the whole IT-using globe by the balls. It's weird there's so little opposition to this. It's straight out of dystopia movies and books.
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