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Everything posted by Damnation

  1. OK, I've reinstalled XP, I've got a screenshot of device mager with mouse and keyboard present, should be attached. I'm about to restart, it's gonna disappear again
  2. is there a way i might reinstall the mouse and keyboard? I can still access via remote desktop, so any ideas are welcome
  3. I tried that, doesn't work the only thing that has worked so far is a complete reinstall of XP by configuration, do you mean my hardware? motherboard: GA-Z97X-UD5H-BK graphics card: nvidia GTX 970 soundcard: audigy rx I've managedto get drivers for XP for all my devices (no "other devices" listed in device manager) I can still log into the machine via remote desktop to access things, from there I can access device manager and see mouse and keyboard are gone. It's just this strange mouse and keyboard disappearing thing that's bothering me, and it only happens once i boot into another OS. any ideas?
  4. Hi all, Merry Christmas I recently reinstalled XP on my machine and it was working fine up until just yesterday. The mouse and keyboard have disappeared from my device manager, I'm trying to figure out how I can reinstall them. - The mouse/KB are working fine when i boot windows 10. I can still access and use my XP install through Remote Desktop, so can anyone help me to get the mouse and keyboard reinstalled on XP? any help would be appreciated, thanks
  5. You can get Windows 98 with MIDI through the latest DOSBOX found here http://ykhwong.x-y.net/ It's not a simple task getting windows 98 installed in DOSBOX though. I can help you with it if you have the patience
  6. I'm making some USB 3.0 txtsetup.oem files so that you can add USB 3.0 support to XP textmodem as well as integrate with nlite. (As it is nowm if you install windows XP on a USB stick through a USB 3.0 port, you will get a 0x7b BSOD) ASMEDIA [Disks] disk1="ASMEDIA USB3 Installation Disk",\asmtxhci.inf,\ [Defaults] SCSI=asmtxhci [SCSI] asmtxhci="ASMEDIA USB3 Controller Driver" asmthub3="ASMEDIA USB3 HUB Driver" [Files.SCSI.asmtxhci] driver=disk1,asmtxhci.sys,asmtxhci inf=disk1,asmtxhci.inf catalog=disk1,asmtxhci.cat [Files.SCSI.asmthub3] driver=disk1,asmthub3.sys,asmthub3 inf=disk1,asmthub3.inf catalog=disk1,asmthub3.cat [HardwareIds.SCSI.asmtxhci] id="PCI\VEN_1B21&DEV_1040","asmtxhci" id="PCI\VEN_1B21&DEV_1041","asmtxhci" id="PCI\VEN_1B21&DEV_1042","asmtxhci" id="PCI\VEN_1B21&DEV_1142","asmtxhci" [HardwareIds.SCSI.asmthub3] id="USB\ASMEDIAUSBD_Hub","asmthub3" ETRON [Disks] disk1="ETRON USB3 Installation Disk",\EtronX~1.inf,\ [Defaults] SCSI=EtronXHCI [SCSI] EtronXHCI="ETRON USB3 Controller Driver" EtronHUB3="ETRON USB3 HUB Driver" EtronSTOR="ETRON USB3 STOR Driver" [Files.SCSI.EtronXHCI] driver=disk1,EtronX~1.SYS,EtronXHCI inf=disk1,EtronX~1.INF catalog=disk1,etronx~1.cat [Files.SCSI.EtronHUB3] driver=disk1,EtronH~1.SYS,EtronHUB3 inf=disk1,EtronX~1.INF catalog=disk1,etronx~1.cat [Files.SCSI.EtronSTOR] driver=disk1,EtronS~1.SYS,EtronSTOR inf=disk1,EtronX~1.INF catalog=disk1,etronx~1.cat [HardwareIds.SCSI.EtronXHCI] id="PCI\VEN_1B6F&DEV_7023","EtronXHCI" id="PCI\VEN_1B6F&DEV_7052","EtronXHCI" [HardwareIds.SCSI.EtronSTOR] id="ENUSB\Class_08&SubClass_06","EtronSTOR" [HardwareIds.SCSI.EtronHUB3] id="ENUSB3\ROOT_HUB30","EtronHUB3" id="ENUSB3\EXT_HUB10","EtronHUB3" id="ENUSB3\EXT_HUB20","EtronHUB3" id="ENUSB3\EXT_HUB30","EtronHUB3" NEC (uPD720200 & uPD720200a) [Disks] disk1="RENESAS USB3 Installation Disk",\nusb3xhc.inf,\ [Defaults] SCSI=nusb3xhc [SCSI] nusb3xhc="Renesas USB3 Controller Driver" nusb3hub="Renesas USB3 HUB Driver" [Files.SCSI.nusb3xhc] driver=disk1,nusb3xhc.sys,nusb3xhc inf=disk1,nusb3xhc.inf catalog=disk1,nusb3xhc.cat [Files.SCSI.nusb3hub] driver=disk1,nusb3hub.sys,nusb3hub inf=disk1,nusb3hub.inf catalog=disk1,nusb3hub.cat [HardwareIds.SCSI.nusb3xhc] id="PCI\VEN_1033&DEV_0194","nusb3xhc" [HardwareIds.SCSI.nusb3hub] id="NUSB3\ROOT_HUB30","nusb3hub" id="NUSB3\CLASS_09","nusb3hub" NEC (uPD720201 & uPD720202) [Disks] disk1="RENESAS USB3 Installation Disk",\rusb3xhc.inf,\ [Defaults] SCSI=nusb3xhc [SCSI] nusb3xhc="Renesas USB3 Controller Driver" nusb3hub="Renesas USB3 HUB Driver" [Files.SCSI.rusb3xhc] driver=disk1,rusb3xhc.sys,rusb3xhc inf=disk1,rusb3xhc.inf catalog=disk1,rusb3xhc.cat [Files.SCSI.rusb3hub] driver=disk1,rusb3hub.sys,rusb3hub inf=disk1,rusb3hub.inf catalog=disk1,rusb3hub.cat [HardwareIds.SCSI.rusb3xhc] id="PCI\VEN_1912&DEV_0014&REV_01","rusb3xhc" id="PCI\VEN_1912&DEV_0014&REV_02","rusb3xhc" id="PCI\VEN_1912&DEV_0014&REV_03","rusb3xhc" id="PCI\VEN_1912&DEV_0015&REV_01","rusb3xhc" id="PCI\VEN_1912&DEV_0015&REV_02","rusb3xhc" [HardwareIds.SCSI.rusb3hub] id="RENESAS_USB3\ROOT_HUB30&VID_1912&PID_0014","rusb3hub" id="RENESAS_USB3\ROOT_HUB30&VID_1912&PID_0015","rusb3hub" id="RENESAS_USB3\CLASS_09&SUBCLASS_00&PROT_00","rusb3hub" id="RENESAS_USB3\CLASS_09&SUBCLASS_00&PROT_01","rusb3hub" id="RENESAS_USB3\CLASS_09&SUBCLASS_00&PROT_02","rusb3hub" id="RENESAS_USB3\CLASS_09&SUBCLASS_00&PROT_03","rusb3hub" id="RUSB3HUB,RENESAS_USB3\CLASS_09&SUBCLASS_01","rusb3hub" TEXAS INSTRUMENTS [Disks] disk1="TEXAS USB3 Installation Disk",\tixhci.inf,\ [Defaults] SCSI=tixhci [SCSI] tixhci="TEXAS USB3 Controller Driver" tihub3="TEXAS USB3 HUB Driver" [Files.SCSI.tixhci] driver=disk1,tixhci.sys,tixhci inf=disk1,tixhci.inf catalog=disk1,tixhci.cat [Files.SCSI.tihub3] driver=disk1,tihub3.sys,tihub3 inf=disk1,tihub3.inf catalog=disk1,tihub3.cat [HardwareIds.SCSI.tixhci] id="PCI\VEN_104C&DEV_8241","tixhci" [HardwareIds.SCSI.tihub3] id="USB\TIUSBD_Hub","tihub3" The VIA and Fresco-Logic controllers are dependent on the Kernel Mode Driver Framework, and thus-far have proven very difficult to get working, so they won't be included for now. Unless someone is willing to help me with the VIS/Fresco problem.
  7. Hello all, I'm from the driverpacks.net forum, Caleb37 posted there about this problem he was having there too. - http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic.php?id=6403 I'm asking, is the megasr.sys driver that intel provide for X79 RAID - http://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?agr=Y&DwnldID=20963〈=eng&OSVersion=%0A&DownloadType=Drivers) HWID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2826&CC_0104 Is this driver in fact incompatible for XP Textmode with RAID?
  8. OK sorry for the confusion, I should clarify I would like a command prompt script (or batch file, if the term is still used) to loop through all the drive letters, FOR %%i IN (C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO IF EXIST %%i:\foundme.txt and then if it's finds foundme.txt, to set that drive, based on the drive letter to read only, using diskpart did I describe it well enough?
  9. only partially, I can set it to read only manually, but I would like it scripted
  10. I've got windows install booting off a USB I would like to have a command prompt script so that it will find the USB and set it to read-only during install - so that you can't inadvertently format the USB being booted and then have a post install script that sets it back to writable can this be done? any help would be appreciated
  11. Successfully passed phase1 phase2 also passed but I received a Rundll32 and a GRPCON error message, but it continued on and restarted I also got this on first restart Dpsfnshr.exe Cannot access, you may not have permission to access after the "welcome" screen but it has not occurred since the first boot, and seems to get to the desktop just fine, and shutsdown Can I assume it's been installed successfully?
  12. my bad, needed to change OemPreinstall="Yes" to "No" which I only now just noticed, I'll try it out later tonight and let you know how it goes
  13. You were right, the Bootbusextender entries aren't required, so thanks! Ilve run into another problem now, says it cannot copy winvblk32.sys, but I get the option at F6 to select it, so not sure what's going on see "before I start XP Phase2"
  14. OK I tried the txtseup.oem you provided. [Disks] disk1="RENESAS USB3 Installation Disk",\nusb3xhc.inf,\ [Defaults] SCSI=nusb3xhc [SCSI] nusb3xhc="Renesas USB3 Controller Driver" nusb3hub="Renesas USB3 HUB Driver" [Files.SCSI.nusb3xhc] driver=disk1,nusb3xhc.sys,nusb3xhc inf=disk1,nusb3xhc.inf catalog=disk1,nusb3xhc.cat [Files.SCSI.nusb3hub] driver=disk1,nusb3hub.sys,nusb3hub inf=disk1,nusb3hub.inf catalog=disk1,nusb3hub.cat [HardwareIds.SCSI.nusb3xhc] id="PCI\VEN_1033&DEV_0194","nusb3xhc" [HardwareIds.SCSI.nusb3hub] id="NUSB3\ROOT_HUB30","nusb3hub" id="NUSB3\CLASS_09","nusb3hub" it did not add any additional lines to bootbusextenders or bootbusextenders.load http://www.clevo.com.tw/en/e-services/download.asp model is p150hm the version is not as recent as the one I got from intel but I'm not altering the .inf files at all
  15. OK, I removed the firadisk as it was BSODing on my machine but now I'm having issues with winvblock on phase1 WindowsXPP1.LST find --set-root --ignore-floppies --ignore-cd /winvblock/winvblock.ima.gz map --mem /winvblock/winvblock.ima.gz (fd0) map --mem /winvblock/winvblock.ima.gz (fd1) # if this loads the ISO into memory slowly - then you need to run WinContig on the ISO file on your USB drive to speed it up! map /multiboot/ISOs/WINXP.X86.MAHER.ISO (0xff) || map --mem /multiboot/ISOs/WINXP.X86.MAHER.ISO (0xff) map (hd0) (hd1) map (hd1) (hd0) map --hook root (0xff) #map --status echo chainloader (0xff)/i386/setupldr.bin || chainloader (0xff)/I386/SETUPLDR.BIN || chainloader (0xff) echo clear pause You MUST press F6 when prompted, then hit S to select WinVBlock 32, S to select FiraDisk driver, then hit S again to select your AHCI driver (e.g. Atom Netbook=WinVBlock+ICH7R/DH, DQ67 series 6=FiraDisk+Desktop,Workstation,Server Express) pause clear pause Now quickly hit [Enter] twice (and then F6 if you need to install drivers) ... clear It's boots, I press F6, then press S, Firadisk (32 and 64 bit) and WinVBlock (32-bit only) show up, Firadisk BSODs, so I select WinVBlock, gets to formatting stage, Formatted my disk Then a message pops up saying it cannot copy WinVBlk32.sys, retrying does nothing and it gets stuck I've tried this one http://www.rmprepusb.com/tutorials/install-xp-from-an-iso/winvblockJmicron_C600.ima.gz.gz?attredirects=0 and this http://www.rmprepusb.com/documents/rmprepusb-beta-versions/winvblock.ima.gz?attredirects=0 Same result on both.
  16. XP doesn't have default USB3 Drivers yes I did but the TXTSETUP.OEM did not add the BootBusExtender entries, or can it work without them? Because TXTSETUP.OEM doesn't add BootBusExtender entries
  17. here http://www.rmprepusb.com/tutorials/firawiniso and here http://www.rmprepusb.com/tutorials/install-xp-and-win7-to-internal-hdd in the XP7PWD.zip file In case one did not work If I must remove one which one is best? I haven't encountered anything yet that wouldn't accept a long file name
  18. Before I start XP Phase 2 - using multiboot grub4dos should these commands work properly? map --mem (md)0x800+4 (99) find --set-root --ignore-floppies --ignore-cd /winvblock/winvblock.ima.gz map --mem /multiboot/ISOs/WINXP.X86.MAHER.ISO || map /multiboot/ISOs/WINXP.X86.MAHER.ISO (0xff) map (hd0) (hd1) map (hd1) (hd0) map --hook write (99) [FiraDisk]\nStartOptions=cdrom,vmem=find:/multiboot/ISOs/winXP.x86.maher.ISO;\n\0 chainloader (hd0)+1 or did I miss something? P.S, I inserted USB3 drivers into the install, they work in phase1, will they work in phase2?
  19. OK, I used nlite to inject the USB3 Drivers, and then I edited TXTSETUP.SIF adding these manually [BootBusExtenders.Load] nusb3hub = nusb3hub.sys nusb3xhc = nusb3xhc.sys [BootBusExtenders] nusb3xhc = "Renesas Electronics USB 3.0 Host Controller",files.none,nusb3xhc nusb3hub = "Renesas Electronics USB 3.0 Root Hub",files.none,nusb3hub Seems to be working now, it's seeing my USB So one last question, does anyone know what to add to a TXTSETUP.OEM file so that it will add those lines to BootbusExtenders automatically? heres my revised TXTSETUP.OEM [Disks] disk1="RENESAS USB3 Installation Disk",\nusb3xhc.inf,\ disk2="RENESAS USB3 HUB Installation Disk",\nusb3hub.inf,\ [Defaults] SCSI=nusb3xhcx86 [SCSI] nusb3xhcx86="Renesas USB3 Driver x86" nusb3hubx86="Renesas USB3 HUB Driver x86" [Files.SCSI.nusb3xhcx86] driver=disk1,nusb3xhc.sys,nusb3xhc inf=disk1,nusb3xhc.inf catalog=disk1,nusb3xhc.cat [Files.SCSI.nusb3hubx86] driver=disk1,nusb3hub.sys,nusb3hub inf=disk1,nusb3hub.inf catalog=disk1,nusb3hub.cat [HardwareIds.SCSI.nusb3xhcx86] id="PCI\VEN_1033&DEV_0194&REV_03","nusb3xhc" id="PCI\VEN_1033&DEV_0194&REV_04","nusb3xhc" [HardwareIds.SCSI.nusb3hubx86] id="NUSB3\ROOT_HUB30","nusb3hub" id="NUSB3\CLASS_09&SUBCLASS_00&PROT_00","nusb3hub" id="NUSB3\CLASS_09&SUBCLASS_00&PROT_01","nusb3hub" id="NUSB3\CLASS_09&SUBCLASS_00&PROT_02","nusb3hub" id="NUSB3\CLASS_09&SUBCLASS_00&PROT_03","nusb3hub" [Config.nusb3xhc] value = Interrupt Management\MessageSignaledInterruptProperties,MSISupported,1,0x00010001,1 value = "", ErrorControl, REG_DWORD, 1 value = "", Group, REG_SZ, "Boot Bus Extender" value = "", Start, REG_DWORD, 0 value = "", Type, REG_DWORD, 1 [Config.nusb3hub] value = "EventMessageFile",0x00020000,"%11%\iologmsg.dll;%12%\nusb3hub.sys" value = "TypesSupported",0x00010001,7 value = "", ErrorControl, REG_DWORD, 1 value = "", Group, REG_SZ, "Boot Bus Extender" value = "", Start, REG_DWORD, 0 value = "", Type, REG_DWORD, 1 just wondering what to add to it so it will add the lines to BootbusExtenders Automatically Thanks for the help
  20. So I attemped to follow your instructions and edited TXTSETUP.SIF as well as hivesft.inf I created USB3\Renesas Directories but it says it cannot find nusb3hub.sys
  21. OK, hers my new TXTSETUP.OEM Any problems with it? It's made these changes to TXTSETUP.SIF
  22. Can you clarify: Do you like to install XP from a USB device at Renesas controller to a internal hard disk? Do you like to install XP to a USB device at Renesas controller? Do youuse Renesas USB 3.0 Driver http://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?DwnldID=19880 From the USB onto a harddisk Renesas USB 3.0 Driver Thats the driver I got yes
  23. Hi everyone! new here, looking for some help So I've already got XP working on USB stick in USB2 I'm attempting to inject a textmode driver into my install for USB3 support I've attempted to create a txtsetup.oem files for my USB3 controller (A Renesas USB3 Controller) I've injected successfully but have not had much luck installing as it BSODs right after the part where you can select your RAID Driver here is my attempt at a txtsetup.oem (not really sure how to do this, so it's sure to have mistakes) TXTSETUP.OEM [Disks] disk1="RENESAS USB3 Installation Disk",\nusb3xhc.inf,\ disk2="RENESAS USB3 HUB Installation Disk",\nusb3hub.inf,\ [Defaults] SCSI=nusb3xhcx86 [sCSI] nusb3xhcx86="nusb3xhc Driver x86" nusb3xhcx64="nusb3xhc Driver x64" nusb3hubx86="nusb3hub Driver x86" nusb3hubx64="nusb3hub Driver x64" [Files.scsi.nusb3xhcx86] driver=disk1,nusb3xhc.sys,nusb3xhc inf=disk1,nusb3xhc.inf catalog=disk1,nusb3xhc.cat [Files.scsi.nusb3xhcx64] driver=disk1,nusb3xhc.sys,nusb3xhc inf=disk1,nusb3xhc.inf catalog=disk1,nusb3xhc.cat [Files.scsi.nusb3hubx86] driver=disk1,nusb3hub.sys,nusb3hub3 inf=disk1,nusb3hub.inf catalog=disk1,nusb3hub.cat [Files.scsi.nusb3hubx64] driver=disk1,nusb3hub.sys,nusb3hub3 inf=disk1,nusb3hub.inf catalog=disk1,nusb3hub.cat [HardwareIds.scsi.nusb3xhcx86] id="detected\nusb3xhc","nusb3xhc" [HardwareIds.scsi.nusb3xhcx64] id="detected\nusb3xhc","nusb3xhc" [HardwareIds.scsi.nusb3hubx86] id="detected\nusb3hub","nusb3hub" [HardwareIds.scsi.nusb3hubx64] id="detected\nusb3hub","nusb3hub" [Config.nusb3xhc] [Config.nusb3hub] Any help would be appreciated!
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