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About PPeti66x

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    XP Pro x86

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  1. @Svyatpro Installing XP (x86, x64) on the Dell M4800 is tricky. I had no problem to installing it from USB via GRUB4DOS/Firadisk after figuring out the display switching mechanism. If you have 2 display drivers (1st is built in to the CPU, 2nd is an MXM PCI-Express card), you need to check the "Video / Switchable graphics / Enable switchable graphics" in the BIOS after text mode reboot (and at 2nd reboot also, until you have no correct device driver installed for the graphics card - because if compatible OS is not detected, it is switched back at the next boot). And note: Do not install the Intel Graphics Device Driver, because you will get a black screen, when Intel Graphics is activated. Only the built-in universal VGA driver works for it. I have no solution for it - the display driver seems to work, but backlight (or the entire display?) is switched off. Then you will need to resolve the problem with the USB3, ACPI and the Realtek Audio. All of these can be resolved. Only this Realtek driver works: REALTEK_ALC3226-HD-AUDIO_A04_D3P06_SETUP_ZPE.exe (85 950 936 bytes) (it was released for a completely different notebook)
  2. @roytam1 It seems that Inspect Element (Q) does not work in the New Moon v27 (the DOM content is empty, even for the simple offline pages). Tested the latest version, but the bug is probably older.
  3. @roytam1 Alt+CharCode text input now works correctly in the latest New Moon v27. Thanks!
  4. @Dietmar I think, the image loader part of the kernel must be hacked to do that. But the task itself is not so easy. The long jump is 5 bytes, the cmpxchg8b is 4 bytes, so we need to recognize and preserve the next instruction. I have no idea, how to do that.
  5. @ClassicNick Works on all previous versions. This is nothing web-specific or browser-specific. The new version simply does not accepts/processes the Alt+CharCode input from the keyboard (which works in near all Windows applications). This should be accepted in any editable text field (address bar, form fields,...). Probably the new WinTextEventDispatcherListener patch is the guilty introduced in the mentioned version.
  6. @Dietmar But the cmpxchg8b is probably used in many system files and drivers, so you must patch probably hundreds or thousands of files. (0F C7 4D 00 pattern found in ntdll.dll, duser.dll and some others, not only in ntoskernel, and there are more variants).
  7. @roytam1 Hi! Is there any chance to fix/implement the Alt+CharCode text input support in the New Moon v27? This was removed by build 2024-02-02.
  8. @Dietmar WinXP SP3 really works on 486 CPU? It does not requires Pentium1 CPU or Overdrive CPU (P1 CPU in 486-compatible casing)? About the problems around PCI cards: be prepared, that most of modern PCI cards will not work (it will be undetected), because your mainboard/BIOS does not supports later PCI specifications (PCI v2.3 / v3.0?). And these informations are mostly unknown about PCI cards. Some new cards are backward compatible, but many of them are not. I had similar problem with my P-1 and USB 2.0 card.
  9. @roytam1 May be it helps somewhat: bug with Alt+Code introduced in NM 27.10 build 2024-02-02. May be a bug around "WinTextEventDispatcherListener"?
  10. @roytam1 New Moon v27 (2024-02-26) test: - Save image as... now works - use Alt+CharacterCode to enter language-specific characters is still not works (this is important for me) - "Show downloads for this session" button still not works as intended (so it is not possible to check details on file currently downloading (but works for future downloads, when it was 1st opened), and it can not be cancelled without closing all New Moon windows)
  11. @roytam1 Thanks! An another bug found (still New Moon v27.10 (2024-02-08)): I was unable to use Alt+CharacterCode to enter language-specific characters (e.g. Alt+251 = ű). Seems that all text fields are affected (search field, address bar, message fields in HTML pages).
  12. @roytam1 New Moon v27.10 (2024-02-08) I was unable to save JPG images by right-click and Save Image As... (other types not tested). (I do not updated the New Moon cca. 2 months, so I do not known, when it introduced.) The "Show downloads for this session" button is still not good. It not lists even the files currently downloading. Is there a way to pre-initialize this without user clicks? Or at least list files, that are currently downloading (download not finished yet).
  13. Hi!

    I tried out your vcfix v0.301 (http://blog.livedoor.jp/blackwingcat/archives/1452362.html) to retain W95 compatibility, but found a problem in it: When used with the VC2008, the compiler used a function call "GetModuleHandleW" (not the Ex variant) which is not resolved by the fix, which causes an endless loop in the initialization stage.

    Have a nice day!

    Sincerely, PPeti66x

    1. blackwingcat


      Did you set "#define WINVER 0x0400" I explaned  on this article ? and is enabled  unicows ?

    2. PPeti66x


      Thanks! I did not known, that these are required (these things are not mentioned in commonfix.h or in the included text files). Now it works. But I get page faults on some cases (probably the available memory (256MB) was exceeded) which not occurred on a variant that uses the Legacy Extender. I will try to investigate it later.

      Have a nice day!

  14. @roytam1 new bug in the latest Newmoon 27: When downloading a file (or more), the download list is empty (the icon itself displays the download status correctly). But sometimes things are displayed correctly.
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