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Everything posted by JFX

  1. Good you had backups. For me XDEL works as assumed without parameter it shows the help screen. Using /? is also logical, but your right it's unexpected.
  2. W2k3_SETUPLDR_SP2_to_SP1.xdelta3Most of us don't really need/use the WAIK to build our custom WinPE's. So there were always a problem to get the few tools like wimgapi, imagex or the WIM filter drivers. Attempts were made to use httpdisk to download files from inside the WAIK iso, but it was not a good solution as you still need to load hundreds of MB and it requires to install an unsigned driver. You even had to set your x64 Windows in testmode ... But now we came with a good solution: Our tool uses cURL winhttp functions provided by Homes32 to download only the needed bytes for the hugh WAIK ISO's. There is no need for admin rights and you only need to download 4-6 MB per choosen WAIK. For command line: GetWaikTools -? W2k3_SETUPLDR_SP2_to_SP1.xdelta3 GetWaikTools.zip
  3. Ha, ha I know what you mean. Yeah sometimes a project make a lot of fun while doing it, but someday one noticed there nothing more to improve. Thanks for the feedback That's great news. Finally a good way to remove a windows installation without formating and XDEL is also pretty fast Thanks
  4. Hi Nuno, interesting work. But what's the sense of it? I don't really get it It doesn't seems to handle hard links nor does compression works. So it seems it's more or less at the same state as 7Zip. Without compression boot time and RAM usage increase extremely ... But even bigger problems: It seems one have to be a member of the reboot.pro forum to even download it. And if I want to include it in my public projects, I would need to support it on this website? Also every Windows 7 (and later) systems do include the WimGAPI libray that allow handle WIM files at ease.
  5. A bit late, but here are 2 new imdisk installer that works (silently) in all WinPE. Also linking to new Alpha version, as there won't be any new version in the near future ... This version has a lot of rewritten code and was not tested fully. If someone noticed bugs or even mange to crash it, please report.
  6. Sadly Vista is very limited in offline servicing. The only way to change the drive letter of vista installations would be to use the normal setup.exe. And creating a new sysprep image.
  7. This option is not supported for Vista installations, but for Windows 7 and later it should be avalible. I'll take a look at it. Yes all versions of WinPE are supported. This seem to be a problem of the imdisk installer. You could add crtdll.dll from an x86 Windows 7 in the same folder as imdiskinst.exe or unpack it with 7zip and run install.cmd manually. Seems Olaf has ruined the silent install anyway with that msgbox pop up. I'll make 2 new install packages to fix this and also add support for vanilla x64 Winpe. All Windows 7 versions would support VHD booting, but it's a license restriction. During logon there is a check made for Kernel-NativeVHDBoot, think through SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD. You would get an error and stuck on logon screen, if you use a lower edition than Ultimate. I proplery could fix that , but some people would have a problem with this.
  8. Thanks for the infos. Indeed Winntsetup doesn't use language.ini it only get information form the image index xml you posted. It actually don't touch any language settings, besides setting the received language in the BCD store. Well i tried a few different language packs on my german install.wim file and had no problem. I have no idea's what could be the cause here ... That could explain it =) hmm maybe, thought that's actually what I did with WinNTSetup very often with no problem
  9. Need more infos, simple /Add-Package for langpack works alright for me. Did you used /Set-UILang, /Set-UILangFallback, /Set-Syslocale, /Set-UserLocale, /Set-InputLocale, /Set-AllIntl, /Set-SKUIntlDefaults, /Set-SetupUILang ? Why are there so many possibilities anyway
  10. Yes, it applies the WIM file and setup bootmgr and the \Boot\BCD store Not sure want happened there. How was that image created?
  11. Thanks, have fixed this. Btw: You will need to add leading and trailing quotes if the command includes spaces. -RunAfter:"myprogram.exe parameter 1 parameter 2 parameter n" RunAfter will now also add infos to log file.
  12. Update: Version - fixed command line -drivers not worked in some cases (Thanks Atari800XL) - fixed command line -NT5/-NT6 not standalone (Thanks IceBlackIce) - fixed command line -RunAfter not works with relative path (Thanks IceBlackIce) - fixed some bugs with the ISO file option (Thanks Lancelot) - fixed Windows 7 N and KN versions were not accepted for nativeVHDBoot - fixed GUI respond a bit slow in last versions - added bootmenu now contains edition name and VHD mark - added log file now contains details of successfull and failed driver integrations (Win7 only)
  13. For Windows Vista and 7 the offline servicing tools pkgmgr and dism are use directly on the selected folder. XP and 2003 Install are a bit different: - drivers are copied in "Drv" folder in the root of the installation drive - all sub folder from this will be listed in "OemPnPDriversPath" of the unattended file "winnt.sif" - MSSTMake is used on this folder to extract mass storage drivers and required information to load them in TXTMode of setup - MSSTMake results are merge in txtsetup.sif and setupreg.hiv, found driver files are copied to $WIN_NT$.~BT folder in the root of the selected boot drive
  14. Hi LeoZhu, You very quick finding the language.ini. This "feature" is not ready yet and will change in subsequent version. Well it's up to you, I've uploaded version that will accept the file in "unpacked" form. @Atari800XL, You would need the rebuild the ISO with these files added to \I386 folder. Carefully deleteing the lines in txtsetup.sif may help, have not tryed this. Maybe the same goes for dosnet.inf also. But you could also copy these files after WinNtSetup has run. Place them inside \$WIN_NT$.~LS\i386\ folder. The nomral Windows setup parses the txtsetup.sif and dosnet.inf to build up the $WIN_NT$.~LS folder. WinNTSetup just copies the complete i386 folder. @IceBlackIce Thanks, fixed in version
  15. I think The reason of these errors is that setup somehow request these files in both states, compress (oleacc.dl_) and uncompressed (oleacc.dll)If you only have oleacc.dl_ than try add expanded version to the same location. (with expand.exe or 7Zip) if you only have oleacc.dll than just make a copy and rename it to oleacc.dl_ (does not need to be compressed API accept it both ways, just the extension matters ) Thanks! Actually I highly appreciate feedback! Supporting all these windows version is very time consuming. Knowing problems helps a lot.
  16. Atari800XL, Please download again, I used wrong return code in one function that must cause failure of the "-drivers:" parameter. For nlite packs, I only fixed some that were reported multiple times. Fixing the root of this nlite problem would be way to much work. Thanks for reporting these bugs
  17. Sure have added Data File Host Mirror to first page
  18. Update: Version - Use "Noerr lines" in VHD creation only if needed - multi boot improvements - automatically unload system BCD if necessary - creates a log file in the system root of the new installation - copies NT6.x $OEM$ folder content to its respective location - all registry operations are done through the offline registry libary - no longer depends on reg.exe and bcopy.exe - fixed save settings to ini forgot some options - fixed file copy errors for some nlite update packs - reduced CPU usage - cosmetics
  19. You didn't missed anything, I should have give this information earlier.
  20. WinNTSetup uses a "fast" install mode The complete section <settings pass="windowsPE"> is ignored in this way of setup. You should get unattended setup by adding SkipMachineOOBE and SkipUserOOBE in your <settings pass="oobeSystem"> <OOBE> <HideEULAPage>true</HideEULAPage> <HideWirelessSetupInOOBE>true</HideWirelessSetupInOOBE> <NetworkLocation>Home</NetworkLocation> <ProtectYourPC>2</ProtectYourPC> <SkipMachineOOBE>true</SkipMachineOOBE> <SkipUserOOBE>true</SkipUserOOBE> </OOBE>
  21. Hi Atari800XL, The system drive needs an extra parameter: -sysletter. WinNTSetup2_x86.exe -nt6 -source:f:\sources\install.wim -syspart:c: -setup -unattend:"autounattend.xml" -savedriveletters -sysletter:C EDIT: Just found a parsing bug: -sysletter only accept C but not C:
  22. Hi amitri, Seems I forgot the $OEM$ folder for Vista and newer windows version. Will be fixed in next release.
  23. 1. select your windows distribution 2. choose a installation partition 3. push the setup button hmm, maybe not my biggest talent to explain things... Could you make a list of questions that arise while using the tool? So i can address every thing that is not so clear.
  24. You can load /save settings with CTRL +S and CTRL +L XP Setup Launcher, I don't know this tool and screen shots and download links aren't working anymore. If this all about having gui options for unattended file then no won't be integrated. You could easily create your own editor tools for this with autoit3, that could do exactly what you want.
  25. None. So let's say freeware Actually by the high download count I should consider changing to the beerware license
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