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Everything posted by JFX

  1. Yes, for applying a wim wimgapi is the best solution. Now it even have multi core decompression and supporting "recent" settings like "PinningFolderList". For Capture of course wimlib is much faster so I added a new setting: [Options] UseWimLIB=2
  2. Thanks for the info's, so it will be Bootice version Very sad the he lost the source code, but on the other side good as I though he would have lost interest.
  3. I'll consider adding these 2 to the Final version. Just don't recommend wimlib for apply cases that wimgapi can do. But for BOOTICE i'll prefer a different version. Unless someone can show me a reproducer for a bug that did not exist in
  4. Will see about that, but it was never thought to unset already set options. It's unusual that someone uses 2 ini files or actually setup 2 systems in 1 run.
  5. Well, you can remove the first mentioned issue about extended attributes. They are supported by wimgapi and wimlib since a while.
  6. I've updated Beta 5 with command line option. It's similar to imagex.exe. WinNTSetup_x64 capture C:\ X:\install.wim "Name" "Description" -compress lzx -silent or a console version WinNTSetup_x64 capture-cli C:\ X:\install.wim "Name" "Description" -compress lzx -silent -silent switch will automatically close WinNTSetup after capture.
  7. No, there is currently no command line option for capture.
  8. You, right I have removed the replace message in Beta 5. LZMS compressed SWM files are now excluded for multi core applying.
  9. Hmm, this error is properly caused by the multi core decompression used in beta 4. You can disable it in the ini with. [Options] UseMultiCore=0 Can you send me the links for these *swm?
  10. Thanks, reuploaded Beta4 with Italian Translation and a crash fix.
  11. Hi, Sergei. same place, Tools\Win10Builds.ini. You can edit the ini file to your liking.
  12. Version 4 uses half of your CPUs physical cores, which seems the be the best trade off. Using all cores would make the system unusable and it's unlikely that the destination drive is fast enough to actually write all the data in time. @wimb I can't really spot the cause, it never happens with debugger on, so I hope Beta 4 now fixes this bug.
  13. Thanks, It should now be fixed in Beta 3.
  14. Smiley is for the secure boot state. Disabled, enabled or if no smiley the EFI does not support this "feature".
  15. Beta 2 is ready, should fix all mentioned problems.
  16. I've written my own code, but creating a small vss.exe in purebasic will result in huge amount a false positives. I'm still planing to make a tiny vsshelper application in C++, that will be required to get WinNTSetup_x86.exe fully working inside Windows 10 ARM64.
  17. Wimlib's shapshot option does not include any writer components. These are required to correctly read an open data base, like the windows registry. There is a VSHADOW.exe in windows SDK, i guess redistributable , but there is also a simular vscsc on sourceforge.net. Both create "good" shadow copies and have an option called "-exec=" to run a batch file after creation of the shadow and before it's removale.
  18. Hmm, don't really understand. You are the one who checks for the wimboot flag. wimlib-imagex does not care about it. If $linesplit[1] = "WIMBoot compatible" Then $WIMBoot_compatible = StringStripWS($linesplit[2], 3) If $WIMBoot_compatible = "yes" Then $valid = 1 EndIf If you want to use dism/imagex just add this line to your program. EnvSet("WIM_SKIP_WIMBOOT_CHECK", "1") EDIT: be careful with wimlib's --snapshot option it is incomplete and useless for system backup.
  19. All the caption options are not wimboot compatible, WinNTSetup just ignores this when applying a WIM file. I could add wimboot compression option, but i doubt anyone will use it, caused it's as very week compression. I'll fixed the other mention points later.
  20. WinNTSetup 4.0 Beta 1 - Dark Theme support - Added Disable Reserved Storage tweak added - Added Wim Capture option - Added Hotfix uninstall option - Added Driver Export/Import option
  21. Hi cnhtdyui, see fujianabc's osletter7.cmd: http://reboot.pro/topic/10126-nt-6x-fast-installer-install-win7-directly-to-usb-external-drive/?p=88282 But i don't think using A: is a good idea.
  22. Hi alacran, 1) Yes, that's all. Just select the drivers folder and use right click on checkbox to change the unsigned option. 2) Should look like this https://imgur.com/X8Zgd8V for 3 seconds 3) Yes, it just passed the ForceUnsigned parameter to Dism 4) Windows 7 and newer 5) It set testsigning in BCD
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