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Everything posted by Bud4wiser
Invalid character in win32 namespace can be "counted" using a wildcard. Cause 6: The file name includes an invalid name in the Win32 name space You may not be able to delete a file if the file name includes an invalid name (for example, the file name has a trailing space or a trailing period or the file name is made up of a space only). To resolve this issue, use a tool that uses the appropriate internal syntax to delete the file. You can use the "\\?\" syntax with some tools to operate on these files, for example: del "\\?\c:\path_to_file_that contains a trailing space.txt "
Use the "folder options" control to set all folders to "list view" - and make sure "restore folders" is unchecked. The options are available from the "organize" menu....in explorer
I can reproduce this error - and I think it IS worth noting that in theory it could bring grief to many users. Essentially what has happened - is that "importing" a bookmark file into IE8 has created some sort of unknown junction point. (at least to me). The object that has caused the non deletable folder or junction creation was a sub-folder shortcut that resided with in the Firefox "Bookmark Toolbar" - which is the equivalent of the IE8 "favorites bar" ...... Powershell command line is the utility that hinted that this object may be a "junction." When I tried to use a remove itme and "force" command - powershell reported that part of the path may be missing. -and it failed. Somewhere along the line - this whole deal "means" something - in theory it could be automated into a system crashing exploit. Thanks for reading....
This post is about another case where a "file object" has somehow become improperly nested with an unknown set of security properties. The object is a "folder" shortcut that was supposed to be a "holder" or pointer for a group of similar IE8 Favorites. It's apparent location is - C:\users\administrator\Favorites\Favorites Bar\Stuff In other words - it a "folder" on an IE8 favorites bar tool bar. It was part of an "import" action of bookmarks from another browser - Firefox 3.56 . The reason for the import was to create uniform bookmarks between both browsers under a single account on a Windows 7 OS. Anyway the "stuff" folder cannot be deleted acted upon under any circumstance that I know of. This include, taking owner ship as well as booting to alternate OS and attempting deletion. I also discovered that it is referenced in the registry -and it reappears after deletion and re login....... This one is weird, any help appreciated. I need to throw away the entire IE user profile and start over - help? I can't throw away the account - this is the built in admin account.....
Is there a correct way to apply images that does not require fixing the boot sector. I use "imagex" as a backup utility, but I always have to boot to an install CD and restore a "guid" and sometimes also fix the boot sector to get an image to boot. This involves have to wait for a Vista install DVD boot at least once -- select "repair" and then sometimes reboot again. Is there a better way to restore a boot selection and boot sector without have to "cycle through" Vista install boot CD... to use their menu and sometimes a second utility, which I assume is bootsect.exe .... Any ideas?
Understanding "wim" files
Bud4wiser replied to Bud4wiser's topic in Unattended Windows Vista/Server 2008
Thank you, I need to take a look at what others have done, I know all these things have already been worked out by many others many times.... -
Understanding "wim" files
Bud4wiser replied to Bud4wiser's topic in Unattended Windows Vista/Server 2008
My answer was based on the above line. I interpreted it to mean eliminating $OEM$ from the install still made the install "DELL" like and not clean. Did I read it wrong? Yes, I guess I didn't explain my questions too well. Here's what I've done so far. I got the computer, new, out of the box and started it and reviewed all those "helpful" Dell apps that were loaded on the special one-time only "customized" just for me software . Actually, this software setup included the Office software I purchased as well. Then I peeked around and looked at the Dell recovery partition and a tool set that included a factory.wim file and a "pcrestore.exe." I would guess you guys know what and how they compiled the "pcrestore.exe" file. And curiously, imagex and dlls are there also..... OK, so I tested the factory restore and backed the recovery partition up to a DVD. (most of it, some long file names wouldn't write to the DVD, but as far as I know - it all works anyway, since I tested it out. Anyway, the gist of this thread is to discover how to load the Vista, making it "clean" of any Dell crap-app related scripting yet retaining at least some of the the slipstreaming if possible. Stuff like vista-product selection, code pages, key number, locale etc....... That's as far as I got, when I studied how to use image manager to make a Vista install.wim. So for right now, I copied the OEM DVD to a drive, and wanted to run a setup that ignored any OEM scripting, yet used the install.wim and license info from the legal DVD. In a best case scenario, I could learn how to take the original factory.wim and strip it of the Norton trial ware and the Dell spyware, add all the latest Vista patches and defender updates, and maybe Firefox, and then create my own custom Dell factory restore DVD, complete with a sysprep pass........ I guess I should go start studying the Vista DVD build thread, I was hoping I had enough brain left just to take a few directions, but maybe not......... Thanks. -
Last year I studied unattended installations and slipstreaming and learned enough to slip stream an XP cd, and even a Vista installation. The way I remember things the Vista "wim" file called on an unattend.xml file as well as some others. Catalog files? Anyway, I've been investigating how Dell slipstreams their OEM copies of Vista. I thought that all the customizations would be under a directory named $OEM$ on the setup CD. If I wanted to use a Dell OEM cd to install OEM Vista (legally?) on the original Dell PC, with the original install.wim without any slip streaming or customizations what would I do. I already tried renaming the $OEM$ directory. I guess I need to change more answer files? Or are all the changes in the setup cd's install.wim. So is it impossible? Again, my aim is just an experiment to "see" how a completely unfettered copy of Vista installs on a Dell, and rebuild an image driver by driver........ Thanks.......
Can I "slipstream" or answer Vista setup questions?
Bud4wiser replied to Bud4wiser's topic in Windows Vista
Thanks, for the link. I downloaded the kit. Got as far as adding user data and locale to an autounattend.xml file. I can see how "remarkable" the new customizations can be from the kit's interface. And I've seen xml code samples for network customization, but can't figure it the settings out in the kit's interface. (tcpip) I couldn't find the input settings in the answer file pane after selecting appropriate component objects. Yeah, nothing convoluted about the WAIK , clearly too easy to use. However thank you for your help. -
I know MS is planning a big convoluted imaging and installation tool. Here's the link to the doc -- but no tool... http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en Where the heck is the WAIKl? Anyway, it not on the Net..... Anyway, all I am looking for is a way to install with a preset of network and activation settings. No big wupp - just something like a "simple answer file"...... Is it possible I could "gut " an XP install and leave behind system files that Vista would configure? Any ideas?
I would suspect that there is no good way to account for all the various configurations of PCs, their hardware and installed applications - so whether or not a tweak produces a performance gain may not apply to all situations. When troubleshhoting performance Microsoft has always insisted that administrators identify the "bottleneck". In almost every case, the slowest performing part of the PC is the disk subsystem. Therefore, any tweak that reduces disk access or speeds disk writes is a successful tweak. However, something, I think is much more important is the "networking loads" put upon a PC by various applications. (often in the backgroud) My perspective suggests that most users are operating their PCs on the Internet and experience most slowdowns as a result of applications, "polling" or otherwsie "keeping alive" remote connections to Internet based servers. Often these slowdowns are spwaned by applications repeatedly attempting "update checking", or other data exchanges. Of course "file scanning" performed in the backgound by various security applications causes noticable delays as well.
The "official" way to design new user desktops would be to use the Group Policy editor. {gpedit.msc} However, you may get the results you need by simply adding the icons to the "default user" profile. And either copy the profile to new users, or -- and I'm guessing -- the Icons will just show up when you create new accounts. I just double checked, the "default user" thing -work, but the Icons show up as shrotcuts, not native 'system icons'... hope that's good enough....
I was asking about the "free" laptop, for pruduct evaluators....it's on the homepage http://www.msfn.org/ right under "latest news".. http://www.consumerincentivepromotions.com...&catalog_id=123
I'm kind of new around here and I guess I'll try to be helpful. But most of the time -- the few things I can answer "right on" don't mean much anyway..... I agree, that "all you need to know" has been published somewhere, on some tech page, some support website or owner's manual.pdf...... What I'm looking for is "distilled - contextually specific info" that will meet my intellectual curiosity at a level that makes perfect, concise sense to me. One of my first questions on these boards had to do with a "50,000ft" view of how optical media is interpreted during the boot process. And the differences in physical and logical geometries regarding boot sectors, file systems etc.... I pretty much got an "looky here" and RTFM response...... Hey, that's OK, the topic was too broad and ill-defined to lend itself message board answers.... In contrast, earlier in this thread a post contained """The message "Cannot load OS" is a BIOS message. """" Generally, "missing operating system" is a BIOS message. "Cannot load OS", at least in my experience, is always stored on the boot sector...... But I digress. All I've meant to say, if posters understand the difference between a "forum", a "message board" and a "chat room" everything else will take of it's self.
So what's the deal with the "free stuff" being hyped on so many tech forum sites. So like, if I "test" a product - I get a laptop, or vid card or whatever.....? Anyone try these "offers"....?
Well, yes, XP professional can "act" as an FTP server. But maybe you should tell one of your friends at the ISP just what you want to do. Maybe there's a better way for you to communicate to your PC "from all over the world". If you want more info on a FTP server program --- http://www.ipswitch.com/
I use MSINFO32 and look in the software section, the "loaded modules" section for non-microsoft files that load into memory. The "running tasks" section also give an indication of just what's going on. Seems to me, "hanging during startup" is often a background communication attempt. I'm sick of "time services" DNS rec-updates, nero-checks etcs, and who knows what all deciding to phone home before I've even made a browser request. But that's what's going on....... Everything form MB chipsets to Adobe Acrobat is setting itself up for "auto update" checking. No telling, how these modules perform when the network isn't ready, nor how they "time out " how often they retry...... But I digress...... of course, all these programs work perfectly--all the time.
I've run 64bit XP, not much to see, not much to run in 64bit mode. It's my understanding that just anything runs in 32bit emulation, although no as well... Remember to have 64bit NIC drivers already local or you won't be able to get a connection for any patches or installs after loading, i guess you could you a CD writer or perhaps? a USB drive , but maybe not.....
Are you sure you didn't "name" another computer the same name? Network interface cards - don't have "names", they have hex-ID values, "machines" have names...... Must be some " net-config" issue somewhere......
I'm not sure what has happened, but I suspect that you may need to rename the current mdac files, and reboot, so they are not loaded at the time of a reinstall. It's been several years since I've done this type of custom app support, but I've seen quite a bit, and an OS reinstall isn't required. Just the ability, to unload or overwrite certain files during upgrades.
Thanks, most professionals have tried these kinds of remedies. In some cases the hardware vendors software works more consistently then the MS WZC service. http://techbase.msu.edu/viewpathfinder.asp...intable&id=1986 FYI, there are issues with WZC......just wanted to know what the "latest" news is.....
There seems to be situations where "perfectly configured" wireless networking components intermittantly fail with XP. Often the "WZC" service stops for no known reason. User intervention, restarting the service restores the wireless connection. Has anyone any info on the "latest news" on this subject? I believe the MS position is that this issue is the result of hardware or network configuration, and not any weakness in the WZC service code. Yet, even systems with signed drivers and HCL product experience the glitch. Any comments appreciated.
Thanks, I'm using the AR disk, works fine.
I wanted to configure a ram disk in XP to use as a an Internet explorer file cache. I discovered a ramdisk.sys file and installed a ram disk controller and ram disk in XP pro sp2. These "drivers" display as devices in the device manager, but do not seem to "do anything".. Whats's the deal, are these "test files"? Or is my config wrong? When I look around the Net everyone want to "sell" ram disk utilties. Anyone know of an XP compatible, "freeware ram drive dist"? Thanks.
Thanks, maybe I'll get around to making one of multi-boot dealies. prathapml - I'm sure you have the knowledge to hand off a couple of lines that would make sense to dummies that don't want "rtfm". I'll root through your stuff, obviously when you get around fooling with a hex editor on a sector of disk, you might say "you know what's going on"..... A few years back I did read a couple of "RFC" type docs on how BIOS makers had to write the code to hand-off and prioritize possible boot devices. (and how boot devices had to supply a paramter to "idenitfy" themselves. (boot status) All I wanted was a 50,000ft view of what happens when a given type of optical device is given the "go" and starts munching around the media it detects by it's BIOS. Is it "booktype" > bootsector > TOC ? Bootsector/leadin? > booktype > TOC ? Is there such a thing as a leadin-file? Is there a data structure on all media that emulates an "io.sys" .... or "disk translation" code....? Sorry, if this off-topic, I just wanted the big picture?