Randy Rhoads
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Everything posted by Randy Rhoads
Multi Manufacturer Pre-Activation
Randy Rhoads replied to Bezalel's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
^^ If you look inside the oemscan.ini file it will show you which sets of files go in which folder depending on the crc value of OEMBIOS.CAT. They are multiple sets required for some manufactures because a few of their machines have different slp info in the bios than others so all sets will be needed on the disk to have a sucessful activation. -
BDD 2007 RTM now Available
Randy Rhoads replied to fizban2's topic in Unattended Windows Vista/Server 2008
Just for the record..for WINFLP.WIM you need Ximage b4059. Search google for ximage.rar -
BDD 2007 RTM now Available
Randy Rhoads replied to fizban2's topic in Unattended Windows Vista/Server 2008
The WAIK included is RTM..on the connect site i just downloaded the entire BDD 2007 (1500MB) and it was listed as Beta 2..but included the RTM WAIK that was posted at the top of this thread. Anyone know what version of imagex i need to mount and edit the WINFLP.WIM for Windows XP Fundamentals? Tried the RTM and always get a "Header dont match...blah blah" -
Multi Manufacturer Pre-Activation
Randy Rhoads replied to Bezalel's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
Range | String ________________________ 0-FFFF | AcerSystem 0-FFFF | Compaq (2003) 0-FFFF | Dell System (2003) 0-FFFF | Founder PC 0-FFFF | FSC SYSTEM 0-FFFF | FSC SERVER 0-FFFF | FUJITSU-PC 0-FFFF | FUJITSU SIEMENS 0-FFFF | GREATWALL 0-FFFF | HEDYCOMPUTER 0-FFF0 | Hewlett 0-FFFF | Hewlett-Packard (2003) 0-FFFF | HP Pavilion 0-FFFF | IBM CORPORATION 0-FFFF | LEGEND Dragon 0-FFFF | LENOVO 0-FFF0 | NECC_ 0-FFF0 | NEC-PC 0-FFF0 | NEC_Product 0-FFF0 | NEC Computers 0-FFFF | TCL123 0-FFFE | TravelMate 0-FFFF | TSINGHUA TONGFANG COMPUTER E700-FFFF | AMOI Electronics CO.,Ltd C000-FFFF | ASUS_FLASH FE00-FFFF | BenQHub 49A9-49B9 | Dell System E05E-E06E | Dell System E076-E086 | Dell System E840-E850 | Dell Computer E838-E850 | Dell Inc E840-E850 | Gateway E710-E810 | $SAMSUNGPC E600-E606 | MEI_CF DFC0-E000 | Sony Corporation FF80-FFFF | Sony Corporation FF80-FFF0 | Sony Corporation E800-E880 | Sony Corporation 8000-E000 | TOSHIBA FF00-FFFF | TOSHIBA FE10-FE17 | TOSHIBA I'm assuming the list above means as long as that string is within that range they activate? "(2003)" reflects Server 2003 and is not part of the string. What i am trying to figure out is; 1). How can i take a range ..say "E838-E850 | Dell Inc" and know where in the Virtual PC DMI area to place that string. 2). Are some of the above ranges outside of the DMI area of the bios? Having success with HP Pavilion & Virtual PC, i assume range "0-FFFF" is the Type 1 Manufacturer name feild of the DMI area, so i added it in the list although i havnt tested if ONLY that one string there works or if it must require it in the Type 2 area as well. -
Multi Manufacturer Pre-Activation
Randy Rhoads replied to Bezalel's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
Manufacturer: Dell Computer Corporation Model: Dimension 2350 44656C6C 20436F6D 70757465 7220436F 72706F72 6174696F 6E -D F000:E800 F000:E800 28 0E 00 00 00 00 01 00-00 01 00 01 02 00 00 00 (............... F000:E810 00 00 00 00 00 00 1E 50-51 B8 40 00 8E D8 E9 9C .......PQ.@..... F000:E820 07 77 61 72 64 20 E8 17-98 CB E9 73 FF 65 EB 29 .ward .....s.e.) F000:E830 90 63 2E 20 41 77 61 72-64 20 53 6F 66 74 77 61 .c. Award Softwa F000:E840 44 65 6C 6C 20 43 6F 6D-70 75 74 65 72 20 43 6F Dell Computer Co F000:E850 72 70 6F 72 61 74 69 6F-6E 1E 56 51 BE 40 00 8E rporation.VQ.@.. F000:E860 DE 8A CC BE 1A 00 F6 C4-EF 75 27 51 E8 78 C0 59 .........u'Q.x.Y F000:E870 FA 8B 04 3B 44 02 75 10-B8 02 90 CD 15 FB E6 EB ...;D.u......... - -
Welcome. A buddies pc case (MGE Cobra) came with a 500 watt MGE powersupply and was full of Rubycons. May be a good one to look into as just the psu isnt to expensive (under $60 shipped).
Multi Manufacturer Pre-Activation
Randy Rhoads replied to Bezalel's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
Some questions you need to answer. 1. Did the pc originally come with XP? (COA XP Sticker on the case?) 2. Did you use the COA key from that sticker or a SLP Key? 3. What OEMBIOS files did you use? (CRC of OEMBIOS.CAT?) -
Alot of Antec PSU's are being shipped with cheap Fuhjyyu capacitors. I just recapped my 2 year old SL350, which was full of these, and most all were swollen and leaking. A total recap with quality caps is fairly cheap (around $10 or less): Some quality caps to use to recap: Chemicon: LXZ, LXY, LXJ, KY, KZE Rubycon: ZL, YXG, YXF, YXH Nichicon: PL, PM, PW, HE Panasonic: FC, FM, FK Sanyo: WX, WG Whats a bad cap? Read here: http://www.badcaps.net/forum/index.php Power Supply Section: http://www.badcaps.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=32 Picture of a failing Fuhjyyu cap inside an Antec. Mine looked almost identical when i cracked open the housing: http://www.jonnyguru.com/images/deadAntec/IMG_1099.jpg The other 90% of your Antec psu are usually good quality, but should be recapped along with the best quality fans you can buy after 1 year, especially if you plan to OC or have alot of stress/load from mulitple drives along with OC'ing. This will void your Antec warranty, but your warranty wont cover the other parts it takes out by ignoring it and after a recap and fan replacments it should outlive the warranty many times over. If you have any psu/motherboard, that is over a year old you may want to check your caps for bulging (domed) tops and/or leaking (brown substance on the main top or under the caps) before they take down the hardware. Strange smells from your case is a sign of failing caps as well. Recapping a motherboard is alot more expensive because they are more caps. Its cheaper to just buy an Asus or newer Abit board which come with quality caps already. Watt ratings can be misleading on some PSU's as well. If its rated at 500 watts, but the 2 large input side caps have a UF rating smaller than at 680 its most likley a cheap and overratted value.
Source: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechn...y/oempreac.mspx If the above is true, would'nt one just need to add this file, along with the OEMBIOS files, inside each manufacturer's folder, enter the correct keys for each, and let oemscan copy over the oobeinfo.ini which would'nt require any physical key changes? Or have i totally got this confused ? Does oemscan copy over anything you place inside the folders to system32 or will it only look for the four oembios files?
Should'nt have to. MCE uses the same files, just have to use a specific setuup.ini pid value, the MCE cab files directory in the source root, and a MCE slp key. Ive tried every keychanger i can find; MagicJelly, keyupdatetool, rockxp, keyviewer, and some others and nothing will change this key. I even edited oobetimer with all values of "FF" rebooted and it was still activated. The only thing that will change my key is that reg file.
This method works to change the key here, verified with magicjellybean, but one would have to have a reg for each key unless someone knows how to convert the key to the digital id without changing all the kieys manually which i was gonna try but not getting anywhere. I also ran the magicjellybean on a Toshiba OEM Pro i have on Virtual PC with the same error message i got from MCE. I'm using the latest version 1.51. HP MCE Reg:
Sounds good. Here is something weird though. In my HP MCE install i was following the manual steps to change a vlk key from that link i posted and i changed a oobetimer value in the registry to de-activate windows. Next step was to run "%systemroot%\system32\oobe\msoobe.exe /a" so you can choose to update the key. Well, the registry value change didnt de-activate Windows and still showed as activated when i ran msoobe /a command. The magicjellybean key changer wouldnt change it ither. Is this feature only for a vlk install? Edit: Also tried M$'s new keyupdatetool.exe and it gave a "Must be ran on a supported version" error.
If you have one "master" install source this should copy the correct files over, but how will the SLP keys, that match the oem files, be applied in a multi-cd setup unattended? Can one use a generic key in the main setup winnt.sif and then use/modify this M$ key change vbs as the extra command inside oemscan.ini to apply the matching slp key once oemscan is executed? http://support.microsoft.com/kb/328874/ Also, where in the setup process should oemscan.exe be ran? Meaning, Winnt.sif, etc
Multi Manufacturer Pre-Activation
Randy Rhoads replied to Bezalel's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
Nice tool. -
Multi Manufacturer Pre-Activation
Randy Rhoads replied to Bezalel's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
Great. Now that i see how your doing it i will get going on the Dell. -
Multi Manufacturer Pre-Activation
Randy Rhoads replied to Bezalel's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
This was addressed earlier. MGADiag only shows the 1st 4 entries and the Gateways have around 23 in specfic areas. Testing with Dell's will give you simular results. Testing would require all the entries in the same areas that the manufacture uses. You could debug a real Gateway bios that you know the files work on and then edit them into the areas, but who knows where area "E004" or simular are located. Is this a hexadecimal address, and if so, is the address located from an entire bios dump, or the value from just the dmi area of the bios? ** Edit, after thinking about it i believe i remember someone saying that these debug results are related to memory locations** If it is memory locations, how does one determine what exact area of the bios this relates to if you had the Virtual Machine dmi loaded up in a hex editor? -
Multi Manufacturer Pre-Activation
Randy Rhoads replied to Bezalel's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
Systemax -
Multi Manufacturer Pre-Activation
Randy Rhoads replied to Bezalel's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
Have a custom registry tweak file anywhere in your source? If so, look for the entry: If found, remove the entry. If you dont have a .reg file tweak applied during setup, you will need to search through the nlitehive.inf and nlite.inf files saved in the I386 source for any registry line entry simular to the above and edit it out. You may have also removed something during nlite process that may have affected the theme service in some way.
Save the wallpaper of choice to a .jpg extension then rename the wallpaper to: BLISS.JPG Copy the BLISS.JPG file to the root of drive C, open a command prompt, and type: CD\ Press Enter Now, type in: MAKECAB BLISS.JPG Press Enter type EXIT and press Enter Should see a file named BLISS.JP_ in the root of drive C. Copy that BLISS.JP_ file inside the I386 folder replacing the original file.
Cursors Won't Copy during TxtSetup...
Randy Rhoads replied to zedox's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
I have my OS X cusor files in the root of the "$OEM$/$$/Cursor" folder and not inside a subfolder, if that makes any differnce, wouldnt hurt to try. If the cursor file names are differnt than default Windows and you want to use a custom theme along with the custom cursors be sure to edit your .theme file/s with notepad and edit in the cursor filenames so you wont have to select them after install or rename the cursors filenames to default Windows. -
Multi Manufacturer Pre-Activation
Randy Rhoads replied to Bezalel's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
To test a oem cd project stick to oembios files that only looks for one word in the bios and edit that into Vmware. Once you get a cd working correctly in Vmware and want to make a differnt disk, just copy the whole cd contents inside a new empty subfolder, go inside the I386 and replace the keys inside winnt.sif and oobeinfo.ini to match the next wanted manufacturer slp key and replace the 4 OEMBIOS files. Once done, name the subfolder to the manufacturer's name so ya dont get them mixed up. The newer OEMBIOS files, especially Dell, Sony, and Gateway, are more strict to the details of the bios strings and locations.