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Posts posted by Oleg_II

  1. FDV :hello:

    No, I mean WE creat STORAGE.TXT (or INI) and place it for downloading. User will download it and place into HFTOOLS directory. And the only thing he need to do - provide the binaries for his/her hardware.

    What about the binaries? I'm not sure if it is legally to make a general package and re-distribute it.

    If it is possible we can create the collection of files for a user to download.

    If not it will need a user place say all binaries himself in the folder (placing files is much easier then editing something ;)

    Sorry I have not tried installing SATA/RAID as I don't have one. But from what I see in descriptions it should be not too hard.

    By the way here is the link I talked about.

  2. Don't remove the CAT files. And try searching more in the future, it's been answered many times before ;)

    Why? Which one CAT is responsible for this? Why only with USB? And why if I turned off Driver Signing Policy?

    I left only one cat in the source and everything is working but USB mouse that requires to install for the first time when attached to different USB port. Could this behavior re-wreten somehow?

    PS I used search but it's not working right for me :blink:

    And I'm going to try deleting the last one CAT if I have luck this time ;)

  3. I think Tomcat76 implemented including files into DRIVER.CAB, right?

    So the method in this topic appears obsolete. The instractions could be changed to use it with including in DRIVER.CAB. There are very few changes and it's only one really metters in fact: under section [sourceDisksNames.x86] change this line 1 = %W2Kcd%,hfdrv.cab,,"I386" to 1 = %W2Kcd%,driver.cab,,"I386"

    I'll change the instructions on the first page and some HFSLIP code could be cleaned out ;)

  4. Hi ALL :hello:

    I'm back cause I just :wub: these Forums :yes:

    But unfortunatelly I missed a lot of things by now and I won't try to make anything with other versions of Windows but Windows 2000 (just won't have time for testing in the near future). I've just tried my last set with the latest HFSLIP release and it works fine for me. I'm going to test the latest reducers too. I'll probably concentrate on W2k untill better time comes :)

    Best regards,

    Oleg 2

    Is it worthwhile for HFSLIP to automagically select compression type A when a hfcleanup is detected? Sounds like this would avoid lots of problems that people are having.
    What about making A option for manual running HFSLIP and placing more advanced option into HFANSWER.INI?

    PS As far as I understand HFANSWER.INI for HFSLIP is something like WINNT.SIF for Unattended, right?

  5. WoW! You are making great things here :thumbup

    I'm a bit confused about all new features added and said in this thread. Tomcat76 is the information on HFSLIP website about using all this stuff - HFANSWER.INI and external plugins - right or needs updating?

    Sorry I missed a lot :blushing: Need some help getting into it again :rolleyes:

  6. Hello ALL :hello:

    I have a little idea about including SATA/RAID drivers into HFSLIP. The solution is not universal and it will need updating as new hardware is out but it may be a way to go.

    Based on TommyP's information:

    1. HFSLIP creats a folder for sata binaries. The content of this folder is added under [sourceDisksFiles] section. The binaries are cabbed and placed into the source.

    2. If HFSLIP founds any files in this folder it writes prepared information about ALL possible SATA/RAID drivers into TXTSETUP.SIF sections [HardwareIdsDatabase] [sCSI.load] [sCSI] like in TommyP's example. A few more additional lines won't hurt. And it is not necessary HFSLIP should contain the information in its code, it could take this from a STORAGE.TXT file with all info placed in HFTOOLS.

    We could take all needed information about ALL possible SATA/RAID settings in BST packs or gather it ourselves (I can provide some).

    Maybe somebody interested even would keep this project like with hotfixes.

    In fact the idea is not mine. If I find the athore (should save the link somewhere) I'll tell you.


    Oleg 2

  7. Squeeto

    This is a beta and it's my installation so it has some features that I need and you can use it as an example (remove or add components and files) ;) I'll try to answer all your questions one by one but some of them are linked:

    1_ error with Advanced INF Install - Error registering OCX C:\WINNT\system32\qdvd.dll
    QDVD.DLL is removed with DVD.REM. You can comment or delete this file or entire reducer from HFCLEANUP folder. If I'm not mistaken this file deals with DVD playback.

    What is Advanced INF Install?

    2_ Video Controller S3 Trio32/64 installation error (didn't even know I had one of these ohmy.gif )

    Well, probably a file or a few should to be removed from z_DRIVER_v1.RDV reducer. You can find out which files are needed for this controller in your usuall installation and then check if they are in this reducer. If some of them are - delete them from reducer and let me know.

    It's a driver releted thing and it depends on user's hardware. You may unCAB DRIVER.CAB from original source and try to update driver for this hardware specifying the folder with unpacked files.

    3_ Hardware found called MEDIA and no drivers available
    I had similar problem with my TV-Tuner. It also maybe connected with a missing driver (see the previous answer).
    4_ Start - Settings - Printers "This file does not have a program associated with it ..."

    same with Control Panel

    same with Network and dial up connections (except that the shortcut under communications works)

    Strange - it works fine here for printers and connections :wacko:

    5_ mru eraser - reports installation failed
    It also works fine. Try to find MRU_KILL.INF in SYSTEM32 and run it manually (right click and install). Does it work this way?
    6_ you have removed Paint, can you suggest a good small replacement?

    I thought most of us use some graphics application so don't really need Paint. But it can be easily added back if needed (remove Paint.REM and Paint.RIN reducers). I use XNView as a graphics browser and for simple operation (free) and XaraX (not free but great little app that runs very fast and can do a lot of things). I'm also thinking about Photo Line 32 (small, fast and not bloated Photoshop-like program).

    7_ iexplorer exe and lnk removed - could this possibly be still needed by some 3rd party apps?
    Maybe usefull for some software (read FDV's notes not about it). But I don't use such appz so I deleted it.
    8_ what are your FIX files doing? Are they required?

    Nope. You can fill it yourself ;) I just wanted everything works for all testers and placed the files I think may gave problems with my set. INTL.INF is in unicode coding so it can't be edeted without losing some functionality (not critical if using western languages only).

    TommyP made a set for IE users that reduce nearly all the same files but leaves IE engine for those who need its HTML rendering :thumbup

  8. dziubek :hello:

    It's not really difficult. Unfortunatelly I can't help you right now because I'm on my way home and have very limited access to the Internet now. But it's really simple.

    You can do as TommyP advised: unpack CABs and use switchless installers or just place files into HFEXPERT\WIN\SYSTEM32 folder (like CPL files).

    I do it in an old-fashion way with a CMD file like this (an example that can be put into HFSVPK folder):


    @echo off
    Title Instaling Appz


    echo Creating Windows Account
    set User="Oleg 2"
    set Pass="z"
    net user %User% %Pass% /add /active:yes /expire:never /passwordchg:no
    net localgroup Administrators %User% /add
    net accounts /maxpwage:unlimited

    rem Set to default user and user to autologon:
    @echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00> %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Temp\logon.reg
    @echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]>> %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Temp\logon.reg
    @echo "DefaultUserName"=%User%>> %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Temp\logon.reg
    REM @echo "AutoAdminLogon"="1">> %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Temp\logon.reg
    regedit /s %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Temp\logon.reg
    DEL /F /Q %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Temp\logon.reg

    REM find cdrom and set variable CDDRIVE
    for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\cdrom_nt.5 set CDDRIVE=%%i:
    REG ADD "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /v "CDDRIVE" /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d ^%WINPATH%^ /f

    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\defence\antivirus.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\defence\AtGuard.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\defence\avp.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\defence\pdl.exe

    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\games\Digalo.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\games\Eyden.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\games\Govorilka.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\games\irregverbs.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\games\Memory.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\games\memtren.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\games\Simon.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\games\Stamina.exe

    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\media\1by1.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\media\audiograbber.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\media\cdrom.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\media\VideoEdit.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\media\mp3directcut.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\media\mplayer.exe

    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\net\eMulePlus.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\net\firefox.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\net\NetStumbler.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\net\Skype.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\net\Teleport.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\net\TheBee.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\net\Thunderbird.exe

    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\office\ATnotes.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\office\birthmil.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\office\Dictionary.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\office\help.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\office\manager.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\office\OpenOffice.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\office\pdffactory.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\office\pdfreader.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\office\UltraCompare.exe

    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\pix\SplitImage.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\pix\XaraX.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\pix\XnView.exe

    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\tools\boot.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\tools\cmd.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\tools\daemon.msi /qn Reboot=Suppress
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\tools\GetDataBack.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\tools\pagedfrg.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\tools\scheduler.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\tools\WinRar.exe

    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\web\WebCraft.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\web\webpub.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\web\xenu.exe

    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\tweak\systemdrive.exe

    PUSHD %~dp0
    FOR %%I IN (%CDDRIVE%\net\ffext\*.XPI) DO (
    START /WAIT "" "%PROGRAMFILES%\Firefox\firefox.exe" -install-global-extension "%%~fI"

    PUSHD %~dp0
    FOR %%I IN (%CDDRIVE%\net\tbext\*.XPI) DO (
    START /WAIT "" "%PROGRAMFILES%\Thunderbird\thunderbird.exe" -install-global-extension "%%~fI"

    xcopy /Y /E /H %CDDRIVE%\games\jiyili.exe %PROGRAMFILES%\Games\
    xcopy /Y /E /H %CDDRIVE%\games\Nmemor.exe %PROGRAMFILES%\Games\
    xcopy /Y /E /H %CDDRIVE%\media\ARFlashPlayer.exe %PROGRAMFILES%\
    xcopy /Y /E /H %CDDRIVE%\media\cd.exe %PROGRAMFILES%\
    xcopy /Y /E /H %CDDRIVE%\media\SCDWriter.exe %PROGRAMFILES%\
    xcopy /Y /E /H %CDDRIVE%\net\nistime.exe %PROGRAMFILES%\
    xcopy /Y /E /H %CDDRIVE%\net\utorrent.exe %PROGRAMFILES%\
    xcopy /Y /E /H %CDDRIVE%\net\TCPOptimizer.exe %PROGRAMFILES%\
    xcopy /Y /E /H %CDDRIVE%\office\Convert.exe %PROGRAMFILES%\
    xcopy /Y /E /H %CDDRIVE%\office\excel.exe %PROGRAMFILES%\
    xcopy /Y /E /H %CDDRIVE%\pix\LiquidIcon.exe %PROGRAMFILES%\

    expand -r %CDDRIVE%\I386\chimes.wa_ %WinDir%\Media

    ECHO Creating IMPORTANT Text File on Desktop (for Changing Logon Password and Computer Name)...
    xcopy "%CDDRIVE%\tweak\afterinstall.inf" "%UserProfile%\Desktop\" /Y
    xcopy "%CDDRIVE%\tweak\IMPORTANT.txt" "%UserProfile%\Desktop\" /Y
    xcopy "%CDDRIVE%\tweak\clean.cmd" "%UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\" /Y

    ECHO Delete programs from autostart
    REG delete HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v Skype /f
    REG delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v "DAEMON Tools-1033" /f
    REG delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v "pdfFactory Pro Dispatcher v2" /f

    rundll32.exe setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 128 %CDDRIVE%\tweak\install.inf


    A few comments:

    - introducing %CDDRIVE% variable - all programs are installed from CD;

    - all programs are on CD placed in folders (Games, Media, Net, etc);

    - most programs repacked into silent installers;

    - some small utilities just copied from CD to their location in %ProgramFiles%;

    Some twicks are implemented:

    - creating TEMP folder (TEMP and TMP variables changed in INSTALL.INF then);

    - a default user is created at the begining of the script;

    - a CMD file that cleans from some possible garbage is ran from Startup during first logon (self-destructive);

    - some regestry lines are deleted (removing some programs from autostart);

    - last line runs INSTALL.INF with other tweaks directly from CD.

    I agree that just placing CABs or installers in folders is easy. But you have to run twicks anyway and a couple of scripts containing ALL your installation needs are easy to menage too. In my example there are only three: appz.cmd, install.inf and afterinstall.inf (I use the last one for defining paging file size, Documents placement on other disk and some other stuff that depends on different computer configuration - not needed if you install on one computer) - they define users, installs programs, register codecs and extentions, do other twicks for the system ;)

  9. Updated mini-Windows 2000 Professional set:

    - added Jet Database reducer - thanks TommyP :thumbup

    - corrected a small bug with Gosh reducer.

    Testing new SETUPAPI.DLL for Windows 2003 Server - thanks *** :thumbup It works for not installing OE and Wab right now. Trying to remove files for them too :yes:

    Request: could somebody list all components of Windows 2003 Server that may be used in WINNT.SIF for it?

  10. dirtwarrior

    Themes. There was a post about themes somewhere in HFSLIP Forum. I don't use them but as far as I understood it's possible. However note that themes in w2k are not the same thing as in XP.

    Deleting files. Not tried deleting these 3 (I'm not sure what are they for). Try it and let us know.

    PS I'm trying to delete the files for which I know what are they used for and I'm moving slowly ;)

  11. Electrician

    I have to modify my first post. Please use HFSLIP - it handles drive integration now and rename all MYDRV names to HFDRV in my instructions.

    No reason for INFs in CAB. Just don't think they are worth deleted and I like all my drivers in one CAB just in case ;)

    Still have issues:

    - my CDMA modem is not installing at all (asks for distributive disk);

    - Intel graphic driver asks for distributive disk too, but installs fine without providing it :wacko:

  12. Codecs... yep, I use Mplayer :P It plays virtually everything without external codecs :thumbup

    Anyway, I tried not to remove any files that are needed by the system (found in SYSSETUP.INF and by experiance). Only drivers for specific hardware (a user usually uses the latest drivers for it). But I probably missed something with AudioCD :wacko:

    And for office aplications - I use Open Office B)

  13. saugatak :thumbup

    All new versions will be placed for free download (if nothing strange happens :blink:

    Currently I have an issue with playing Audio CD with old CDPLAYER.EXE (it's deleted from the SOURCESS but I take it from original source) and with the similar programs. Kalo said it's working with foobar (?). It works for me with 1by1 player with CD pluging for WinAmp. But I'd like to find out which file(s) is(are) needed for playing it with CDPLAYER.EXE or similar programs.

    I'd also like to understand what are "Media Changers" and "ATM" and could we safetly remove hardware support for them? I remove hardware support for tapes only by now (I can hardly imaging I'll ever need it but anyway if somebody needs this just remove DRIVERS_TAPE.RDV reducer from HFCLEANUP folder. Other hardware types are supported and should be working.

    And finally there is something I'd like to remove (I don't use it) - Jet Database files. No problems with removing this for me, just a bit busy again :whistle:

  14. ...I know I could just manually do it in 5 seconds but still :(

    I meant: try running HFSLIP without .NET first and install it after Windows is installed. If it works then it also should be a way to integrate it also.

  15. Why not to try first install with FDV's fileset and then install .NET? Will it work this way?

    Some programs don't need all .NET but just some files and maybe some regestry settings. It's a long way to go but you can try to find it out ;)

  16. tommyp edit----

    Please use the fileset located here and not the ones posted by Oleg2. I have decided to do a little work on the reducers while Oleg2 is away (or whereever he is). As usual, please read the instructions and know what you are ripping out. If you rip out too much, your system won't work. Please take care if using with xp and/or 2003. They are a bit buggy for those OS's. It works fine as-is with 2k.

    ------- end edit

    This feature of HFSLIP is UNSUPPORTED so please don't ask TommyP for troubleshouting your problems with reduced installation source.

    The main purpose of this project is to get a 'clean' and fast OS with maximum functionality and minimum bloat. Every user may customize a reducers set (delete or leave components and files) for his/her personal needs.

    Instructions for creating reducer files from TommyP are here Please be sure to read them first before you proceed with reducing your Windows source.

    !!!! You need a modified SETUPAPI.DL_ file in your FIX folder for the cleanup to work properly. !!!!


    1. Try to specify in which INF file you get the names of files you are removing so that others can verify it. If you don't know in which INF they are just make a section _UNKNOWN.XX and list file names under it.

    2. If you want some file not to be deleted with a reducer you can delete its name from it or, better, place a '_' before it (for example: _chimes.wa)

    3. You can post your issues, findings and opinions in this thread but I still think it's better to have one separate post for discussing removing one separate component and have this thread for requests and suggestions.

    Important note: Some features of your OS or some of your programs could not be accessible after running HFSLIP with these reducers. Try troubleshouting installation and post your issues and findings for community.

    Troubleshouting: If something is going wrong with your installation after using a new reducer file try to move it from HFCLEANUP folder and run HFSLIP without using it. If you start using a set of reducer files and have an issue, it's a good idea to test your installation adding reducers one at a time.

    All files will be downloaded in sets and there will be links for them here later.

    For Windows 2000 users: you can try my beta set below but note that there could be some issues in it.

    For Windows XP and Windows 2003 users: we are working for the reducers of your OS. If you can submit your findings it will be apreciated.

    Request: if you know how to make working modified SETUPAPI.DLL for XP and W2k3 that let deleting files please let me know.

    Found files for XP SP2 on JDOE site I also recommend his CAB Tools for SendTo folder (batch version).

    Version 0.02 for mini-Windows 2000 Professional reducers can be downloaded here Read the instructions included in ZIP file before you start!

    Can't resist ;) If you want go nusty with W2k, combine my beta set with tested reducers from FDV's site B) Just to see how small it could be (and some more files will be removed in future).

    Current issues::

    1. When adding some new devices drivers for which should be already on the system (like USB flash disk or input devices) sometimes asks for the path to the installation disk again.

    2. Very strange but with copying IMG files from one partion to the other - floppy disk image copies but without its contents :wacko:

    3. No sound when playing Audio CD with some programs like standard CDPlayer.exe from Windows.

  17. This is not my set because I've got the idea, samples and clear instructions from TommyP :thumbup We tried making one set from our files and it's going to be fun for you to test out and give us your support for further devellopment.

    I have to agree: I'm too slow with this set :( The metter is I have a lot of ideas that I'm also trying to make out and troubleshout during test process.

    But I'm up and ready to publish our set in beta version (we've got one beta-tester by a chance and his reasults even better than mine (kalo :hello:

  18. Oleg2, Do you mean your installed source is down to 100 meg? Out of curiousity, would you be able to compare your actuals with this table.

    Sorry, my English :blushing: I meant the SOURCE will be less then 100MB (remember, all reducers gave me about 76MB in i386 folder without IE6 and DX9 integrated?).

    In fact I'd like to preserve most functionality for an ordinary user (most hardware support and most features) For example I delete speach engine but I leave speach api so that I can install a better speach engine in my native language and leasten to reading some books aloud ;)

    PS I also deleted IEXPLORE.EXE from FDV's fileset - it appears we don't need it for Quick Launch :)

  19. januh

    You can try it yourself - it doesn't hurt ;)

    Just tried: My Computer > Control Panel > Network and Dial-up Connections > Make New Connection > Dialup to private network (very simple wizard) and then there will be a Connect * (your connection name) window where you enter User Name, Password, Dial (telephone number). Everything seems to be working.

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