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Posts posted by Oleg_II

  1. datarelm

    I don't play in modern games ;) but as far as I remember a lot of BIG games CD come with DirectX on it. Why not to try refusing to install DX when it asks for it? All needed files and regestry settings are on your computer already (if you HFSLIPed it right ;) and it should work without re-installing DX :)

  2. Sgt_Strider

    Have you tried the methods described by two links I gave above?

    You still can try official way using OEM file that should come with the driver.

    I also heard about using BIOS settings where you can change the type of hard disk controller (don't remember - something like change to IDE controller insted of RAID). I heard it works on all modern computers.

    Or you can try installing from 32-bit enviroment LiveCD (WinPE, BartPE, WinBuilder).

    And yes, of course, you can use floppy ;) Even if it is a USB floppy (there is a topic about using USB floppy for this in Drivers Forum).

  3. daddydave :hello:

    Thanks for the great app and support :thumbup

    Tomalak :hello:

    Well, this is not perfect method but I found there is no perfect methods for all drivers at all ;) Maybe with one exception though: official MS and using OEM folders :whistle:

    I also have some issues and think it's because of bad-formed INF files. It happens. It's fun trying to troubleshoot it if possible. But still - not perfect I accept...

  4. gaiabeliever

    It's sad to know you lost your data. I see you've already used a very good program - GetBackDataNTFS. Sometimes you need to try a few programs to run in this situation. I'd recommend R-Studio, some people say EasyRecovery works too. It's better to run them connecting your drive to the other computer as a slave or even from WinPE/BartPE/WinBuilder CD to ensure you are not touching the information on your drive.

    In general it's better try not to touch your drive and install anything on it!

    If you connect the drive to other hard disk and after starting the system suggest to correct some errors don't do this! I still belive it's better to boot from LiveCD or floppy and restore data or make image to the working drive.

    If the information is important for you and you have the other disk with some free space that is more than your drive capacity I'd recommend making the exact per-sector copy of you drive to that other disk. It can be made even if you drive had bad sectors with such imaging software like Ghost, DriveImage Pro, DeployCenter or WinHex (you need to read manuals then). The image is going to be very big and include even deleted files. After that you can try to deploy it to other drive or virtual machine and try to save information from it without touching mal-functioning software.

    Or you can make the image directly to CD/DVD but you are going to spend a few of them and you need to verify the content of the image - it'll take some time (maybe hours).

    And last but not least - there should be specialists that can do it for you for some money. I don't know how much it would be in your country, it's about USD 100-200 in Russia, sometimes cheapper. It depends on the importance of you info of course.

  5. Sorry friends :blushing: I just had an idea but I can't support it because it needs more knowledge and time that I have :rolleyes:

    I leant recently that there are at least two different versions of iastor.sys - one of them supports older versions of controller. The issue can be solved by renaming one file and its refferences but it would be better to make a driver pack with files included then.

    In fact it is not my method. It's the same as described in Unattended Drivers in a few threads and can be found in Internet also. I just want it a bit automated :rolleyes: and I sincerelly belive it can be done with HFSLIP :thumbup

  6. I'm still using my set (not much changed since I shared it, maybe added a couple of files and deleted a couple of files). I also have some small modifications to FDV's file set and some tweaks in INSTALL.CMD and ISTALL.INF (running through HSLIP.CMD in SVCPACK folder). But don't think they are critical.

    By the way, when running HFSLIP do you select "Clean FDV's file" option? This one is may be the problem if you don't.

  7. Just a quick note: using HFSLIPed and HFCLEANUPed Windows 2000 with DirectX9C and USP5.02 (and a couple of newer hotfixes). Everything I need is working. i386 folder with LANG included (I need Chinese) and some files added is right 100MB. Installed numerous times without any problem.

  8. I have my Unattended CD made with HSLIPed source and some programs on it.

    What is on my CD:

    - folder i386;

    - folder OEM (for installing some drivers on different computers);

    - folder media (programs for viewing, listening and editing multimedia files);

    - folder office (tables and documents editing, dictionary, PDF printing, riminder, calendar);

    - other folders.

    There is also a file INSTALL.CMD that I placed in HFSVCPACK during HFSLIPing the source with the content like this:

    @echo off
    Title Instaling Appz
    color 1e


    echo Creating Windows Account
    set User="Oleg 2"
    set Pass="z"
    net user %User% %Pass% /add /active:yes /expire:never /passwordchg:no
    net localgroup Administrators %User% /add
    net accounts /maxpwage:unlimited

    REM find cdrom and set variable CDDRIVE
    for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\cdrom_nt.5 set CDDRIVE=%%i:
    nircmdc regsetval expand_sz "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" "CDDRIVE" ^%WINPATH%^

    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\media\1by1.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\media\ARFlashPlayer.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\media\audiograbber.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\media\avidemux.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\media\codecs.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\media\mp3directcut.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\media\mplayer.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\media\vStrip.exe

    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\office\birthmil.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\office\CompareIt.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\office\Dictionary.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\office\help.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\office\kdepim.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\office\manager.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\office\OpenOffice.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\office\pdffactory.exe
    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\office\pdfreader.exe

    start /wait %CDDRIVE%\tools\daemon.msi /qn Reboot=Suppress
    nircmdc shortcut "%programfiles%\D-Tools\daemon.exe" "~$folder.programs$\Accessories" "D-Tools"

    expand -r %CDDRIVE%\I386\chimes.wa_ %WinDir%\Media\

    ECHO Creating IMPORTANT Text File on Desktop (for Changing Logon Password and Computer Name)...
    xcopy "%CDDRIVE%\tweak\afterinstall.inf" "%UserProfile%\Desktop\" /Y
    xcopy "%CDDRIVE%\tweak\IMPORTANT.txt" "%UserProfile%\Desktop\" /Y
    xcopy "%CDDRIVE%\tweak\clean.cmd" "%UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\" /Y

    ECHO Delete programs from autostart
    nircmdc regdelval "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" "DAEMON Tools-1033"
    nircmdc regdelval "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" "pdfFactory Pro Dispatcher v2"

    ECHO Running tweaks
    rundll32.exe setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 128 %CDDRIVE%\tweak\install.inf


    This is just an example. Most of my programs don't need switches but the switches can be specified in the batch file too (see the example with DaemonTools - daemon.msi). Make your own batch with your program and needed switches.

    PS And it would be more replies if you really paced your question in HFSLIP sub-forum ;)

  9. iWindoze

    Why? If you need this trick and you deleted IE completely just use it :D

    What I mean: this is an additional installer, it depends on you if you want to use it or not. Anyway it's better to delete the files from the distro before installing because your installation will be cleaner. And if you want to add back the ability to open CHM you use the installer (may be done during unattended also).

  10. I've never used this option in HFSLIP. I need to add some more stuff into sourcess folder before creating ISO.

    But I agree that this option is usefull for quick testing purposes.

    I use CDIMAGE.EXE for creating ISOs and CDBURN.EXE/DVDBURN.EXE for burning them on CDs (custom CMD files for creating bootable and non-bootable ISOs, burning on CD or DVD, right click "Create ISO image" on folders shortcut, right click "Write CD or DVD" on ISOs shortcut). Quick and dirty :P

    All sources found in Unattended Forums B)

    PS DVDBURN.EXE didn't worked on my mini-Windows :no: Maybe I deleted some needed files.

  11. x-pert :)

    I think HFSLIP won't work with folders.

    By the way, I was on the computer market in GZ last weekend trying to buy a motherboard with a controller which needs a floppy during install. I coundn't find one :wacko: All new motherboards support SATA drives during installation without using floppy. I even found one with a couple of floppies but XP installedj fine on it without using them :blink:

    I learnt that drivers should be installed after system installation in order to use all potential of SATA drives.

  12. Not sure if it works for you with different kind of distro but you may try this:

    1. Install from any distro you have.

    2. Write down all usefull information about you computer: Computer Name, network settings, etc.

    3. Un-join domain (if any).

    4. Run sysprep.exe and reboot.

    5. After rebooting type in the key, Computer Name, network settings, etc.

    6. Join domain.

  13. Have to look into installation INF. I'm going to the airport in a few minutes. Come back in a few hours or tomorrow (hopefully my flight won't be delayed - it's raining here).

    You can try without chipset drivers in STORAGE folder first (or place them into OEM folder on CD or into DRIVERS folder before HFSLIPing).

    A quick look (try this STORAGE.INI):

    iastor = "Intel SATA RAID Controller"

    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_27C6&CC_0104 = "iastor"
    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2682&CC_0104 = "iastor"
    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_27C3&CC_0104 = "iastor"
    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2652&CC_0104 = "iastor"
    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2682&CC_0104 = "iastor"
    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_27C3&CC_0104 = "iastor"
    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2652&CC_0104 = "iastor"

    Check if there are lines in TXTSETUP.SIF (or they a bit different):

    [sourceDisksFiles]iaahci.cat = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0

    iaahci.inf = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0

    iastor.cat = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0

    iastor.inf = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0

    iastor.sys = 1,,,,,,3_,4,1


    iastor = iastor.sys,4

    My flight was delayed :realmad:

  14. Tinnitus :hello:

    I had a quick look at the provided files. Try this (copy, past into Notepad and save as STORAGE.INI):

    jraid = "JMicron JMB36X Controller"

    PCI\VEN_197B&DEV_2360&CC_0104 = "jraid"
    PCI\VEN_197B&DEV_2361&CC_0104 = "jraid"
    PCI\VEN_197B&DEV_2363&CC_0104 = "jraid"
    PCI\VEN_197B&DEV_2365&CC_0104 = "jraid"
    PCI\VEN_197B&DEV_2366&CC_0104 = "jraid"
    PCI\VEN_197B&DEV_2360&CC_0106 = "jraid"
    PCI\VEN_197B&DEV_2361&CC_0106 = "jraid"
    PCI\VEN_197B&DEV_2363&CC_0106 = "jraid"
    PCI\VEN_197B&DEV_2365&CC_0106 = "jraid"
    PCI\VEN_197B&DEV_2366&CC_0106 = "jraid"

    After running HFSLIP check (open with Notepad and look at the end of the file) if the lines above are included into TXTSETUP.SIF along with these few lines:

    jraid.sys = 1,,,,,,3_,4,1
    Jgogo.sys = 1,,,,,,3_,4,1
    jraid_f.inf = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0
    jraid.cat = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0

    jraid = jraid.sys,4
    ;Jgogo = Jgogo.sys,4; This entry is made automatically and probably wrong!

    You aslo can add your ich7core.inf into STORAGE or DRIVER folders.

    If you have any other questions I'll try to help you (if I can).

  15. Works fine with OEM drivers installation, should work in nLite and works perfect with HFSLIP.

    Unpack the hotfix with WinRar or WinZip (or other archiving utility) and get all files from commonfiles folder. You will need only 5 files and 2 INF:








    These files are drivers and you treat them as drivers :)

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