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Posts posted by Oleg_II

  1. I'm trying to move temporary files for all users to one location (say C:\Temp). That will be a Ram-disk and all the files will be deleted after computer being turned off. But it will be later (can't install needed Ram-disk unattended at the moment). I am using a .cmd file from cmdlines.txt:

    cmdow @ /HID
    @echo off

    SET KEY=HKCU\Environment
    REG ADD "%KEY%" /f /v "TEMP" /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "%systemdrive%\Temp"
    REG ADD "%KEY%" /f /v "TMP" /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "%systemdrive%\Temp"

    SET KEY=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders
    REG ADD "%KEY%" /f /v "Cookies" /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "%systemdrive%\Temp"
    REG ADD "%KEY%" /f /v "Recent" /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "%systemdrive%\Temp"
    REM REG ADD "%KEY%" /f /v "History" /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "%systemdrive%\Temp\History"
    REG ADD "%KEY%" /f /v "Cashe" /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "%systemdrive%\Temp"

    SET KEY=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders
    REG ADD "%KEY%" /f /v "Cookies" /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "%systemdrive%\Temp"
    REG ADD "%KEY%" /f /v "Recent" /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "%systemdrive%\Temp"
    REM REG ADD "%KEY%" /f /v "History" /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "%systemdrive%\Temp\History"
    REG ADD "%KEY%" /f /v "Cashe" /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "%systemdrive%\Temp"

    SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ActiveX Cache
    REG ADD "%KEY%" /f /v "0" /t REG_SZ /d "%systemdrive%\Temp"

    SET KEY=HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment
    REG ADD "%KEY%" /f /v "TEMP" /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "%systemdrive%\Temp"
    REG ADD "%KEY%" /f /v "TMP" /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "%systemdrive%\Temp"

    The only folder I can't move at the moment is "Temporary Internet Files". There is a line

    REG ADD "%KEY%" /f /v "Cashe" /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "%systemdrive%\Temp"

    but the location doesn't change (it is in profiles folder). Any thoughts or help with solving this would be appriciated.


    Oleg II

  2. Caycep

    There are 2 entries I'm not familiar with in your sif-file:


    Not sure if it can interfere the install process but try to look at these two items.

    And my sif-file that works in W2k (you need to change, add or delete some settings for your needs):







      Quick_Link_1_Name = "My HomePage"
      Quick_Link_1 = http://www.kitaist.com/

       Title1="Unattended Russian.url"
       Title2="Yahoo Mail.url"


      ;"regedit /s settings.reg"

       BitsPerPel =8
       Vrefresh = 60
       Xresolution =800
       Yresolution =600












  3. gtb

    I use the following settings:


    0419 for Russian; specifying 0804:e00e0804 let me type in Chinese Simplified; 9 and 10 let me read in Simplified and Traditional (I don't type in Traditional so I don't need to specify InputLocal for Traditional but some times I have to look to HK sites so I need the support for it).


    Oleg 2

  4. Something like this will be for your Favorites. But it will be in hex (it looks not exectly "D:\New_Favorites" but a line on numbers). I'd recommend you to change it in Regedit32 and then export this key. Open it in Notepad and edit (save the line you need in your Regtweaks.reg).

    It is more sofisticated for OE Store folders. But it is possible. Have a look at



    Oleg 2

  5. idle.newbie

    I can confirm that reg-tweak works during unettanded:

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\WAB\WAB4\Wab File Name]

    and one Address Book is set for all users.

    I tried to run the .js script in RunOnceEx but it didn't work with wscript command. And it didn't work with cmd /q /c command too - strange? How can one run a .js script from RunOnceEx or should it be a .vbs?


    Oleg 2

  6. estman

    Have a look at this thread: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showto...ndpost&p=183075

    I am usinig the script offered by idle.newbie.

    I added moving My Documents to D:\Docs for all users but I think there is a way to do it in separate folders for a few users just look at the rest of the script in that thread.

    My addition (sorry if it is not absolutely correct):

    if (home == "%HOME%") home="D:\\Docs";
    WshShell.regWrite("HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\User Shell Folders\\My Pictures", home + "\\Pix\\", "REG_EXPAND_SZ");
    WshShell.regWrite("HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\User Shell Folders\\Personal", home, "REG_EXPAND_SZ");

    There is only one issue with this script for me - it works when I start it manually but the "My Documents" part doesn't work during RunOnceExe in my Windows 2000 Proffesional if I add shutdown command. I'm working on it.

    And there is one mor thread is going on http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=26586 that makes me thinking about another possibilities of doing that.


    Oleg 2

  7. Takeshi



    The code for Chinese Simplified MS PinYin 98 - you will be able to type characters by typing the trascripion. Try to search for IME. When I was trying to do the same task I found a site (something like MS IME site) where I got this code (Sorry, don't remember now).

    Not sure but you also may try to monitor regestry changes with RegShot after you change the input in installed system.


    Oleg 2

  8. I tried to replace mspaint.ex_ on my boot cd with the old version from w95 (made .cab with IExpress) but after the installation it appears as w2k version :( Where it comes from if I deleted original mspaint.ex_ from i386? May it be in drivers cash or dll cash too? Is it possible to replace Paint in unattended?


    Oleg 2

  9. Can't help you with Australian but maybe my settings will give you a thought. I use Russian as system language on English version of w2k and there are Chinese Simplified and Chinese Traditional - looks difficult, isn't it? ;)


    In this example Russian (00000419) set as SystemLocale. So maybe you need to find out the code for Australian and make it SystemLocale (the code should be different from US English as they are different for Chinese Simplified and Chinese Traditional).


    Oleg 2

  10. idle.newbie

    Tried 5 or 6 times with different approaches... cmd doesn't work. Maybe because $Docs don't work in w2k and I have to place it in RunOnceEx, self-extracting archives and so on to get it in Profiles. Or may be there is some difference between applying the tweak in wxp or in w2k. I found that there is only one key in

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Identities\{85E975CA-5280-4399-86EB-3795B21A5909}\Software\Microsoft\Outlook Express\5.0]

    before running Outlook express and the others appear after the first run. After applying .cmd the keys I added with two from the original sctript appear and don't change after starting OE but Store Folder.

    Well, I have to live with .js :) But anyway I'm really grateful for the idea! I've already added a few tweaks to the script and when I add the last tweak with opening .js scripts by notepad (so that no scripts can run automatically on my machine ;) I'll be done.

    Best regards,

    Oleg 2

    PS By the way, I believe you may difine the WAB location with reg-tweak @T-12. Will check it later.

  11. Just thought if the comands work but the regestry settings returns back could it be some restriction for changing windows 2000 regestry with REG.EXE from WXP? Should I investigate REG.EXE from Tool Kit for 2000? It has some different comands.

    Tried REG.EXE for w2k. No luck with this also :( It changes when in comand prompt but after strarting Outlook everything goes back :(

    Tried rebooting after applying. The same result - the value in registry goes back when program starts.

    The most annoying is that .js works so it IS obviously possible to do. But why .cmd can't do this for me?


    Oleg 2

  12. idle.newbie

    .js works perfect as it was already yesterday. But I'm still having troubles with .cmd.

    I change nothing in the script. After running the script the registry changes to:

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Identities\{85E975CA-5280-4399-86EB-3795B21A5909}\Software\Microsoft\Outlook Express\5.0]
    "Store Root"=D:\Home\%USERNAME%\Mail\Outlook Express (in hex format)

    and there is some new folders created on D:\Home\Administrator\Mail\Outlook Express

    But when I start Outlook the Store Folder automatically moved to

    C:\Profiles\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Identities\{85E975CA-5280-4399-86EB-3795B21A5909}\Microsoft\Outlook Express

    and the regestry changes accordingly.

    It doesn't happen when I run .js script. I mean after running the .js script and then running Outlook the registry doesn't change automatically and everything goes smoothly.

    I tried two comands separately and they worked only before strarting Outlook:

    1. c:\w2k\system32\reg QUERY "HKCU\Identities" /v "Default User ID

    2. c:\w2k\system32\reg add "HKCU\Identities\{85E975CA-5280-4399-86EB-3795B21A5909}\Software\Microsoft\Outlook Express\5.0" /f /v "Store Root" /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "D:\Home\Administrator\Mail\Outlook Express\"

    Is it possibly because I should save .cmd in some other coding or what else?

    Best regards,

    Oleg 2

  13. idle.newbie

    .js works without doubt. There is only one thing - I turn off autorun of scripts in Registry tweak file. That's why I'd also prefer .cmd. But I even agree to turn scripts on :)

    After running .cmd the Store Folder returns to:

    C:\Profiles\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Identities\{85E975CA-5280-4399-86EB-3795B21A5909}\Microsoft\Outlook Express\5.0


    Oleg 2

  14. idle.newbie

    OE_MailStore.js works perfect.

    OE_StoreRoot.cmd only creates the folders D:\Home\Administrator\Mail but Outlook Express starts from Profiles directory. I think there is a mistake with script running on my computer. Maybe because there is something missing like REG.EXE (I've already put this file in the the system32 directory and it works).

    Sorry for my ignorance is the command FOR relates on some utility too?


    Oleg 2

  15. idle.newbie

    Wow! If it would be in .cmd I should understand it better and edit it easier.

    I forgot to say that I'm using Windows 2000 Professional so folder $Docs doesn't work for me. No problem with this except I have to add the shortcuts for some appz later with selfextracting archive.

    One more question about the script: could it be like this:

    WshShell.regWrite(key+"\\Store Root", home + "\\Mail\\", "REG_EXPAND_SZ");

    ? It looks shorter and easier for me :)

    Best regards,

    Oleg 2

  16. idle.newbie

    Thank you very much! I don't understand much in scripting but I've got the idea.

    Only two question now:

    1. I should edit the script (where is the store folder and add some more regestry keys) and run it when logged as an Administrator first time. Then when I first log under other accounts I also run the script once. Is it wright?

    2. Where I can read about this scripting so that I can understand it and change a bit accourding to my needs? Something easy to understand for a novice.

    Best regards,

    Oleg 2

  17. Hi all,

    Does anyone know if it is possible to make the universal .reg file with some Outlook Express twiks and options that would apply to ALL users?

    I'd like to twik all the options and apply them unattended next time I'm installing the system: spelling, security, read, compose and so on. And most important - I'd like to store mail folder in D:\Docs\Safe\Mail (on other disk drive). It is possible after the installation though the Option menu to move the folder but is there a way to do it during unattender installation?

    I found that all the options are in: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Identities\{85E975CA-5280-4399-86EB-3795B21A5909}\Software\Microsoft\Outlook Express\5.0]

    The problem seems to be in this Identities string - if I'm not mistaken it is set for every account. But I'd like to use the same store folder under every acount, for ALL users!

    Best regards,

    Oleg 2

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