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Posts posted by vinifera

  1. @rant of start screen

    the concept behind start screen is good bud terrible executed (like all MS ideas -_-)

    screens are big and long these days and could remove need of start menu

    but only if you could have either tabbed (or "modern" buttoned) sections instead subfolders that menu has

    and you'd simply have icons with names below nicely named and sorted just like in folder

    there's no need for useless scrolling or intrusive full screen crap

    this don't take rocket scientist to make but they fail at any UX design and make it crap

    I still fail to see how they can say they spend hundreds thousands of $ on user testing and experience when in final product they always serve garbage

  2. take windows vista for example. almost nobody liked it when it launched (?) but there can be no denying that it was a improvement over windows xp.

    LOL I think there are MANY that will argue, rightly or wrongly, with that statement. I also agree that Vista was probably underrated, but that is not the point :)

    well said

    Vista as itself has nothing that much radical improved over XP

    I personally only liked the introduction of DWM which removes the GDI limitations that XP had which caused that OS to be totally unusable

  3. not on taskbar

    but you can make shortcut, put it to quick launch bar

    then right click on taskbar and choose Unlock taskbar, now you can see borders of quick launch

    then right click in empty space of quick launch bar, click on View -> Large icons (set size of icons to be near big as taskbar ones)

    good thing with quick launch is that you can make multiple separate bars and place them to right or left of taskbar :P

    you can also center your icons on taskbar by using quick launch to be like on mac os :P

  4. without doing all that stuff :P

    could it be because my GPU is direct x 9

    and I remember that Vista's DWM (longhorn) was actually dx9

    but since win7 emulates dx9 unlike 10 and 11

    cant it be coz of my gpu being dx9 and win7 emulation of it ?

  5. I'm bit lost

    I have good machine to run win7

    CPU dual core AMD Athlon (X2 5050e)

    3 GB ddr2 RAM

    and high end GPU GeForce 7950 GT

    yet with DWM on, explorer takes 2 secs to open

    browsing through folders lags

    going into pictures folders and enabling thumbnails takes up to 15 seconds to show them

    with DWM off, everything is instant, 1 to 2 seconds

    shouldn't the effect be reversed ?

    shouldn't the system with GPU usage (which is superior than CPU) be faster ?

    (at least in drawing/showing things)

  6. to me whole MS approach is stupid

    bgates once in past said that purpose of SP to him would be only to deploy patches

    but even when "last" SP's are being released, there are tons of patches later

    by the logic there should be "end-SP" that would deliver last "wave" of patches and then to end the product support

    just look how many patches XP has after SP3... its hilarious

  7. our "family pc" has some troubles

    it runs XP SP2

    and 2 days ago we put skype on it, first day it ran ok

    and then yesterday these started to pop-out when it was ran


    then i checked even viewer, and got these:


    PC was scanned with malwarebytes am, nothing was found, I removed previously installed vc++ redist 2005

    and installed vc++ redist 2005 SP1 and 2010 SP1 (just in case), since errors were tied with MachineDebugManager :P

    then since it mentions WUAUSERV i enabled win auto updates (altho it makes no logic to me), but still nothing was better

    then I removed skype, and installed it fresh, again nothing

    and this is the only app causing this mess

    I don't know what else to do

    any ideas ?

    (we don't even mind the event errors, just those annoying popup errors for debug are pain in arse)

  8. I have annoying problem on win7sp1

    last week I bought Transcend "JetFlash 350" stick of 16GB

    and when stiffed in usb port, it takes about 30 sec's to be loaded/shown in explorer

    while on XP it loads it within 2 sec's

    is there any way to tweak/speed this up or win7 has some issues ?

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