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About bfoos

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    Windows 10 x64

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  1. Yes, I too have had this problem. I was hoping this would be fixed with 1.4.5 Final, but it's not listed in the change log. Is anything going to be done about this? Or, does anyone know how to fix it?
  2. Yes, if you use either xpconvert or TweakNT or NTSwitch to change the platform ID of any VLK edition of Windows XP or 2k3, it will cause a problem. It's easily circumvented, but like TweakNT, discussion of the method and any tools required is frowned upon. It can be done, but honestly, you will still run into a few apps that will give you grief as your OS is still server 2003. At least with xpconvert, it leaves it so the OS is still detected as server. Most of the apps I've had trouble with will either install in compatibility mode or in the case of msi installers, a droped row in the launch conditions using orca or qwerty.msi will get around it. I'm not sure about TweakNT as it's been many years since I've messed around with it.
  3. My bad, I assumed you already had it installed. Why not just start over? Doesn't nlite remember what you've done?
  4. Go to change settings in microsoft update, scroll down and tick the "Disable Microsoft Update software and let me use Windows Update only" box and apply changes.
  5. Yep, it's fixed so it won't throw up an error during installation. All you will get is the usual error in the event viewer.
  6. Here's the US uxtheme I patched for myself. Win2k3SP2_US_uxtheme.rar There is a cabbed version and an already extracted version. Both are CRC fixed. Enjoy. If you want to patch your own, just load up uxtheme.dll in a hex editor and do a search for this string... 81EC88000000A11C replace it with... 33F68BC6C9C20800
  7. Odd, I slipstreamed it into a SP1 source and had no issues with missing files. No issues at all, actually. Just out of curiousity. How did you guys sliptream it? Nlite? Autostreamer? Or the good old fashioned update.exe way?
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