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Everything posted by Godfatha

  1. do it the runonce method way... as u mentioned detached method works for u... use that one, but instead of copy method use a registry key (run or runonceex), if u use runonceex it'll start only once, if u use run its like the startup folder (a millisecond earlier tho..). but since u wanna run only one time that doesn't matter. So just do a reg add on the batch file or import a pre-done regfile to your needs. that should work for sure (just look out if u have spaces or placeholders in the reg command (something like %systemdrive%) these are supported by reg.exe tho (somewhere in the msfn guides was a guide for that too...)) so u would copy 2 batchfiles via detached way, execute one thru guirunonce, that one would import (or create) registry entries on HCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run (one guide would be here: http://unattended.msfn.org/intermediate/me...s/runonceex.htm or u use "REGEDIT /S REGFILE.reg", where REGFILE.reg consists of the entries that have to be added to your run key). the path should point at the 2nd batchfile, that would be executed when the PC starts. as far as i know the HCU does support a run key and so it would startup after the pc booted. The thing i am not 100% sure is, if the HCU is working already, because ur username never logged on before, a workaround could be a batchfile executed in HKLM\...\runonce\setup, which is executed after user logs on (read here: http://www.windowsnetworking.com/kbase/Win...pLocations.html. but its strange that the copy method doesn't work for you tho... try the registry way (even tho its complicated and sucks... ) regards -T
  2. http://unattended.msfn.org/advanced/cosmetics/theme.htm there u find the guidance to make your desktop look like u want after unattended setup. i dunno what network probs u got, but check in winnt.sif this out: [Networking] InstallDefaultComponents=No [NetAdapters] Adapter1=params.Adapter1 [params.Adapter1] INFID=* NetCardAddress = 0x000000000000 PciBusNumber = 0 PciDeviceNumber = 0 PciFunctionNumber = 0 ConnectionName = "Connection1" [NetProtocols] MS_TCPIP=params.MS_TCPIP [params.MS_TCPIP] DNS=No UseDomainNameDevolution=No EnableLMHosts=No AdapterSections=params.MS_TCPIP.Adapter1 [params.MS_TCPIP.Adapter1] SpecificTo=Adapter1 DHCP=No IPAddress= SubnetMask= DefaultGateway = DNSServerSearchOrder = WINS=No NetBIOSOptions=2 u gotta check if u want/need every thing that is there but the most important part is the [params.MS_TCPIP.Adapter1] and [params.Adapter1]. the first is self explaining (or read the Deploy Tools help files) the second is the thing to config your network: INFID=* (if you don't got it just leave it alone or delete it) NetCardAddress = 0x000000000000 (your MAC address, install your network card one time correctly and check it out with "ipconfig /all") PciBusNumber = 0 (go into your hardware management and open up the properties of the network card, write down its BUS/DEVICE and FUNCTION number and enter them here (and the two entries below)) PciDeviceNumber = 0 PciFunctionNumber = 0 ConnectionName = "Connection1" (name of your lan connection) you can easily add more adapters that way and they will work with that config u told em to use in the winnt.sif btw: these infos u enter there are used for identification of the NIC only, u still gotta add drivers to your unattended cd/dvd if windows can't auto detect ur card(s) -T
  3. Useraccounts.cmd: @echo off net user "USER" /add net localgroup Administrators "USER" /add net accounts /maxpwage:unlimited REGEDIT /S autologin.reg EXIT autologin.reg: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon] "DefaultUserName"="USER" "AutoAdminLogon"="1" "DefaultPassword"="" "LogonType"=dword:00000000 "ForceAutoLogon"="1" that works just fine if u just want one account called USER and to make it login automatically (forever untill u change that) without no password -T
  4. configure your theme stuff, save it (so far u had been) and place your theme and styles here: \$oem$\$$\Resources\Themes (just modify the first part of the path) then open your winnt.sif and put that line there: [Shell] CustomDefaultThemeFile = "%SystemRoot%\Resources\Themes\Theme.theme" it gotta be *.theme instead of styles and systemroot is the "windir" I dunno about your registry stuff, but u COULD place a file called "cmdlines.txt" in your $OEM$ folder that looks like that: [COMMANDS] "registry.cmd" and u create a file called "registry.cmd" in ur $OEM$ folder looking like that: @echo off REGEDIT /S crack.reg REGEDIT /S reg.reg EXIT and last but not least u place your crack.reg and reg.reg in your $OEM$ folder, give that a try, this is how i do my setup. -T
  5. Well all explainations are given on http://unattended.msfn.org/index.htm, but on the OEM dist. folder: the OEM folder is handled by the setup for putting files where they should be. Everything structured there will be found where u intended to place them (where that is, is described in the above url). So the OEM folders isn't used to boot the cd (or from the cd as u said). U can also put the cmdlines.txt there (not anywhere else) so you are able to "intercept" the setup at a special time (u have a few possible moments to intercept the setup timeline to mess up ur setup ) to execute commands. These two features are the only things that are important to understand. And yes that structure can be used for a network based unattended installation, but the network based one needs an unattended.txt file and the cd/dvd based one a winnt.sif one. -T
  6. look at this topic, if i install my drivers with that method, windows accepts my "not digitally signed" monitor drivers as the default drivers. Maybe that works for you too. The VGA drivers i do the same, but there windows takes its own digitally signed ones, if the ones you try to install aren't signed. I just downloaded a digitally signed one from NVidia, unpacked it (first with WinRAR and afterwards i had to unpack via "expand" some more files) and placed them in a "01_vga" directory. all is found and installed correctly. Since i'm too lazy to manually expand every freaking file heres a (so far working) batch skript to expand most of the files. After executing this you gotta check if there's any more files ending on *.??_ (where ? is an one-char-wildcard). what the last letter of the ending is you gotta find out yourself by google or so (if you can't guess it). @ECHO OFF FOR %%a IN (*.*_) DO ( IF "%%~xa" EQU ".tv_" ( expand "%%~nxa" "%%~na.tvp" del "%%~nxa") IF "%%~xa" EQU ".sy_" ( expand "%%~nxa" "%%~na.sys" del "%%~nxa") IF "%%~xa" EQU ".ex_" ( expand "%%~nxa" "%%~na.exe" del "%%~nxa") IF "%%~xa" EQU ".dl_" ( expand "%%~nxa" "%%~na.dll" del "%%~nxa") IF "%%~xa" EQU ".hl_" ( expand "%%~nxa" "%%~na.hlp" del "%%~nxa") IF "%%~xa" EQU ".cf_" ( expand "%%~nxa" "%%~na.cfg" del "%%~nxa") IF "%%~xa" EQU ".cp_" ( expand "%%~nxa" "%%~na.cpl" del "%%~nxa") IF "%%~xa" EQU ".xm_" ( expand "%%~nxa" "%%~na.xml" del "%%~nxa") ) (beware of the "del-commands" keep a backup of your files somewhere, or you gotta download the drivers again if the skript messes anything up) so far -T
  7. Here's a list of all hotfixes for Windows Server 2003 (concerning vulns) since SP1: KB883939 KB890046 KB898715 KB896358 KB896422 KB896426 KB896428 KB898792 KB901214 KB903235 regards -T
  8. the MSI file can also be called by MSIEXEC.EXE (located in C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\) to perform an interaction... if u call MSIEXEC.exe INSTALLDIR="SETUP_PATH" -i "PATH_TO_YOUR_MSI_FILE" /QB the msi installer will send the SETUP_PATH to ur MSI file... for this case u'll have to call the *.msi file of ur setup, if u have an install shield setup that runs a MSI file u can also run the *.exe of your setup with switches: /s /v"INSTALLDIR="SETUP_PATH" /QB", then IS will send teh infos to the MSI file (so u got also the opportunity to use IS switches (like /L for choosing language....) and if u got an IS setup u can use the -R switch to record the install, later u run the setup with the *.iss file and it'll be installed in the dir u recorded before. Inno setups u can run with an *.inf file that has the components and location stored. detailed info about all these u can find on the msfn guide site (determing what installer and what switches there are)
  9. your cmdlines.txt is correct, the folder architecture is correct, the runonceex seems correct too, but on your winnt.sif, i see ur key section is called ProductID, that is for win2000, what os are u trying to install? change that to ProductKey=xxxxxxxxx... then do u have all files in the correct location u want to run in the runonceex? (like $oem$\$1\install\apps\...) ? and does your OS start correctly after the install? the only difference i see to my setup is that u don't habe a logon script called from cmdlines.txt ( http://unattended.msfn.org/intermediate/users.htm ), maybe u should try that one too, if nothing helps of the said above i am clueless...
  10. first: if i get it right the hotfix files are only 0,7MB ? maybe u downloaded the webupdate files? not the fullfiles for administration installation? the hotfix EXE files sizes are different, some are less than 1mb some more then 3 ... check that and if u downloaded the webinstall files, u could install windows without being connected to the internet, i dunno for sure if its possible to run a webupdate while the setup is still running, but if its possible u could suppress the update by pulling the plug. if no update is installed u got the wrong ones. last but not least u could use the '/l' switch on one of the update files, it'll list all installed packages, if they are there u could be sure that they are installed.
  11. About the switches on plugins: open the java.msi file and look into the "checkbox" thread there u'll find: CheckBox1 = 1 IEXPLORER = 1 MOZILLA = 1 NETSCAPE6 = 1 but u're indeed correct about the switches for the jre package.. there u'll find only IEXPLORER and MOZILLA but about the reboot procedure, there are a few switches in the file on that: ISREBOOTREQUIRED (set as NOT or AND) ISSCHEDULEREBOOT (set as NOT or AND) ISCHECKFORPRODUCTUPDATES="1" (or 0) SDKSILENT=1 (strage one, sems only to affect to IE routines on checking it somehow, but not too sure on that) /Reboot (one switch from JRE...) JAVAREBOOT=1 (also JRE only) i didn't get any reboot messages with ReallySuppress, and i am not using NETSCAPE6 switches since i don't use netscape stuff, did u also call it via "msiexec [...] -i [...]" ?? or did u just send everything to the msi without calling the msiexec? maybe thats the difference between the method i used and the one u used... hope that helps
  12. heh yeah i do know...
  13. I'm sorry, one little mistake in this... REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\install\java.msi /QB" /f has to be REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\install\java.msi /QB REBOOT=ReallySuppress" /f and REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 2 /D "%CDROM%\install\jre.msi /QB IEXPLORER=1 NETSCAPE6=1 MOZILLA=1 REBOOT=Suppress" /f has to be REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 2 /D "%CDROM%\install\jre.msi /QB IEXPLORER=1 NETSCAPE6=1 MOZILLA=1 REBOOT=ReallySuppress" /f u need to ReallySuppress the reboot dialog else u'll get a "need to reboot/restart" message... my fault...
  14. U can safely remove .\Support\MSI and MSIE as well as NAVTools the rest i can't tell for sure and its not possible to point the symantec stuff to a different location, the symantc Packager does interpret 3 switches: /i (interactive mode) /qn (silent) and /x (deinstall), and since the msi's have to be started by setup, u can't change the path. i also tried editing the msi files, strange thing is, that my directory variables got ignored... infos from: Symantec.com search on " MSI command-line switches supported by Symantec Packager"
  15. Ok... this is no question this is a description on how to install the JDK (not JRE) by Sun (Version, but maybe it works on other versions too) first of all u gotta download the jdk. best would be not to have any sun java stuff installed start up the exe file but don't follow anything told to you by the setup routine... when u get to the license agreement (first time the setup needs your attention) u go straight to your temp folder. the temp folder is in a hidden directory in your %homepath% (since i own a german copy of WinXP i hope the following path is correct in the english/us version: C:\Documents and Settings\LOGONNAME\Local Settings\temp or %homepath%\Local Settings\temp) there u should find a folder called _isXX now (XX is a number, to be sure about the folder u could also go to the temp folder first and execute setup afterwards, then u'll see which folders are created while setup's running) in that folder u should find: 439 _ISMSIDEL.INI 4.632 0x0409.ini 5.014 0x0411.ini 3.584 1033.MST 48.259.584 J2SE Development Kit 5.0 Update 1.msi 121.078 setup.bmp 1.319 Setup.INI these files u should copy to somewhere save now u accept the license and so on.... then u can choose what u want to install (it doesn't matter what u're choosing, since we are just collecting files) when u are ready press 'Next', and look at the temp folder. after a while another window will pop up telling u to install the Runtime Environment, when that happens another *.msi file will appear in ur temp folder (no need to copy it, because we'll copy it from another place (doesn't matter where u copy it from tho...)) goto c:\program files\common files\Java\Update\Base Images\jdk1.5.0.b64\patch-jdk1.5.0_01.b08 (if u're using another version of JDK then i do, u could do a search for *.cab in windows, or open the *.msi file (from the _isXX folder) with WinINSTALL LE 2003 and read the variables there) here u should find 4 files (well 10 i found, but 3 *.cab files + 1 *.msi file) 113.053 jm150010.cab 867.260 jp150010.cab 180.224 JRE.msi 1.282 jz150010.cab those 4 files we need to proceed, u could copy the others too, they do no harm, nor any use... ok now u should place all copied files in one folder that it looks like that (btw, now u can proceed or cancel your setup the way u want) 439 _ISMSIDEL.INI 4.632 0x0409.ini 5.014 0x0411.ini 3.584 1033.MST 48.259.584 java.msi //former J2SE Development Kit 5.0 Update 1.msi 113.053 jm150010.cab 867.260 jp150010.cab 180.224 JRE.msi 1.282 jz150010.cab 121.078 setup.bmp 1.339 Setup.INI well, we're done (getting the files...) and now the way to install it WITHOUT ur attention: u can name the *.msi files what u want, i named the J2SE Development Kit 5.0 Update 1.msi java.msi as u can see above.... two ways: 1) just call java.msi /QB (jre.msi /QB) runonceex.cmd entry: REG ADD %KEY%\010 /VE /D "Sun JDK" /f REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\install\java.msi /QB" /f //where %CDROM% is a variable that points at the cdram drive (look msfn guide) and %key% => SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx u can also replace /QB by /q which results in showing u nothing at all (QB shows u a statusbar....) and the jre is gonna be installed as: REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 2 /D "%CDROM%\install\jre.msi /QB IEXPLORER=1 NETSCAPE6=1 MOZILLA=1 REBOOT=Suppress" /f (i put jre together with jdk in one ROE entry... u can change that if u like) just keep all files in one and the same folder and u will be fine... (QB can be replaced by /q too...) now way two, same like number one, but u can choose install path: 2) REG ADD %KEY%\010 /VE /D "Sun JDK" /f REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 1 /D "%systemroot%\system32\msiexec.exe INSTALLDIR=\"YOUR_FAV_DIR\" -i %CDROM%\install\java.msi /QB" /f REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 2 /D "%systemroot%\system32\msiexec.exe INSTALLDIR=\"YOUR_FAV_DIR\" -i %CDROM%\install\jre.msi /QB IEXPLORER=1 MOZILLA=1 NETSCAPE6=1 REBOOT=Suppress" /f if u're using any spaces in ur folder/file names use \" instead of " around the pathname (look in the guide on msfn) maybe anyone has fun with this, since many ppl are using only jre, u can adapt this guide on that one too i think
  16. Well... the things described are "neat" but the problem is, that scripting with fdisk would have to be started before the windows setup routine is started. I have no clue how get that working, well one clue but that would involve a kind of "Multiboot" method. Where not windows is booted, the windows boot disks are booted in which u made some changes but that could be complicated. Would that work, you could create all partitions u want new. With the tags in the Winnt.sif: [Data] AutoPartition=1 (Windows chooses the first partition that has sufficient space for the installation) ... [unattended] Repartition=No/Yes (Repartition all partitions to one big partition?) FileSystem = ConvertNTFS (well convert old FAT32 drives to NTFS?) ... u could make windows install on drive C: created earlier. after that you could use DiskPart in the winnt.sif to create the other partitions and formate them while the GUIRunOnce phase. The only problem would be the first partition, which you would have to create manually or with an intelligent script based on fdisk maybe that deletes everything, creates c: and starts the windows setup routine. The problem on the script is, that there are methods to call the correct boot sector with some programs like cdshell, but i don't know about such a program that could ALSO call a batch file. Or the other way i don't know about any program that can boot a bootsector if its possible to call batch files with it. so if there are suggestions on the first part of the problem the rest shouldn't be the hardest act.
  17. Well, i don't know about adding custom drivers to a windows 98 CD, but i know how to automate the install (and that also works for WinME) You would just create a file called MSBATCH.INF into your Windows installation folder on your cd (like Win98 on win98 or Win9x on WinME) and place in it your infos like that: ; MSBATCH.INF ; ; Copyright (c) 1995-2000 Microsoft Corporation. ; All rights reserved. ; [BatchSetup] Version=3.0 (32-bit) SaveDate=01/29/00 [Version] Signature = "$CHICAGO$" [Setup] Express=1 InstallDir="c:\windows" InstallType=1 ProductKey="XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX" EBD=0 ShowEula=0 ChangeDir=0 TimeZone="W. Europe" NoPrompt2Boot=1 [NameAndOrg] Name="User" Org="" Display=0 [Network] ComputerName="Computer" Workgroup="Arbeitsgruppe" Display=0 You could leave a few things away to just automate some filling, e.g. if you do this: ; MSBATCH.INF ; ; Copyright (c) 1995-2000 Microsoft Corporation. ; All rights reserved. ; [BatchSetup] Version=3.0 (32-bit) SaveDate=01/29/00 [Version] Signature = "$CHICAGO$" [Setup] ProductKey="XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX" You would still get all the "crap" but your Key is already typed in (good if you haven't got your serial at hand top manually type it in) If you search for MSBATCH.INF on the inetrnet you'll definatly find infos how to customize it to your needs
  18. Uhm, yes i'm sorry. i've copied the batch example from my multiboot dvd which contains also my private windows. Since i got a VLK license from my university that contains NO SP1 for IE i just install the fully IE package that contains the SP1. that works more than fine for me. and since i standardized (i hope that word exist...) my mutiboot setups, IE SP1 package is installed for every XP os. Thats why this entry is in the batch file (i hope noone got confused), And yes that was all for XP (like the SVCPACK.inf showed). If anyone want another SVCPACK file for any other OS let me know, i could paste mine (2000, XP or 2003 i got).
  19. Well, let me give you the most common example (that was the first way i did my cds/dvds and it always worked fine): in your i386 folder create a folder called SVCPACK (its not case sensitive so no matter if u keep the caps). after that yout copy all hotfixes you wanna install there (if you dunno what fixes that are keep reading and take a look at my svcpack.inf later in this thread). After you put all those fixes in that folder, you delete the old svcpack.in_ and you create a new textfile that you call svcpack.inf. That one you open up and you would paste the stuff i have in my svcpack or if you put anything different there you write that stuff in too. One thing to mention, the begin of the svcpack is different for 2000/XP/2003, here's the correct infos for each OS: For Windows 2000: MajorVersion=5 MinorVersion=0 BuildNumber=2195 For Windows XP: MajorVersion=5 MinorVersion=1 BuildNumber=2600 For Windows 2003: MajorVersion=5 MinorVersion=2 BuildNumber=3790 no matter what OS you got, just replace the three infos to match your os and keep the rest as it is (well change the hotfixes to the ones for your os of course...). so the svcpack.inf would look like that (IF you placed the svcpack folder in the i386 folder): [Version] Signature="$Windows NT$" MajorVersion=5 MinorVersion=1 BuildNumber=2600 [SetupData] CatalogSubDir="\i386\svcpack" [ProductCatalogsToInstall] [SetupHotfixesToRun] hu1002_pro.exe /Q:A /R:N "Q832483.EXE /C:""dahotfix.exe /q /n"" /q:a" KB823182.EXE /q /n /z KB824105.EXE /q /n /z KB824141.EXE /q /n /z KB825119.EXE /q /n /z KB826939.exe /q /n /z KB828035.EXE /q /n /z KB828741.EXE /q /n /z KB835732.EXE /q /n /z KB837001.EXE /q /n /z KB840374.EXE /q /n /z DX9XPOPK.EXE qchain.exe You could still place WMP9 there or other fixes you want there, i have my reasons not to place more there, but we're not done yet.... after you did that, you'll open up the dosnet.inf and you put this two lines somewhere ( i placed them at the start of the file, but it doesn't matter at all): [OptionalSrcDirs] svcpack well, these updates will work already. lets do the rest: You edited your winnt.sif file to make an oem preinstallation i hope, if not do so now. after you did that, create (or open if you got that one allready) the CMDLINES.TXT file and (you could change the way i did it, but here's my version) add the following lines (if you have more commands in there look if everything is still ok after you copied and pasted this stuff): [COMMANDS] "init.cmd" Save the file and create a file (textfile) and name it init.cmd. open it and put the following there (if you haven't got one of these files, skip the line or download the files, else you'll get an error): @echo off CLS cmdow @ /HID TITLE Windows Unattended Installation post install initiation IF EXIST D:\CD.txt set CDROM=D: IF EXIST E:\CD.txt set CDROM=E: IF EXIST F:\CD.txt set CDROM=F: IF EXIST G:\CD.txt set CDROM=G: IF EXIST H:\CD.txt set CDROM=H: IF EXIST I:\CD.txt set CDROM=I: IF EXIST J:\CD.txt set CDROM=J: IF EXIST K:\CD.txt set CDROM=K: IF EXIST L:\CD.txt set CDROM=L: IF EXIST M:\CD.txt set CDROM=M: IF EXIST N:\CD.txt set CDROM=N: IF EXIST O:\CD.txt set CDROM=O: IF EXIST P:\CD.txt set CDROM=P: IF EXIST Q:\CD.txt set CDROM=Q: IF EXIST R:\CD.txt set CDROM=R: IF EXIST S:\CD.txt set CDROM=S: IF EXIST T:\CD.txt set CDROM=T: IF EXIST U:\CD.txt set CDROM=U: IF EXIST V:\CD.txt set CDROM=V: IF EXIST W:\CD.txt set CDROM=W: IF EXIST X:\CD.txt set CDROM=X: IF EXIST Y:\CD.txt set CDROM=Y: IF EXIST Z:\CD.txt set CDROM=Z: SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx REGEDIT /S autologin.reg net user "User" /add net localgroup Administratoren "User" /add net accounts /maxpwage:unlimited REG ADD %KEY% /V TITLE /D "Installing Patches" /f REG ADD %KEY%\005 /VE /D "IE6 SP1" /f REG ADD %KEY%\005 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\install\ie\IE6SETUP.EXE /q:a /r:n" /f REG ADD %KEY%\010 /VE /D "IE6 Patch" /f REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\install\UPDATESXP\Q832894.exe /q:a /r:n" /f REG ADD %KEY%\015 /VE /D "IE6 Patch 2" /f REG ADD %KEY%\015 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\install\UPDATESXP\Q831167.EXE /q:a /r:n" /f REG ADD %KEY%\040 /VE /D "Script Patch" /f REG ADD %KEY%\040 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\install\UPDATESXP\js56nde.exe /Q:A /R:N" /f REG ADD %KEY%\045 /VE /D "Mediaplayer Patch 1 von 2" /f REG ADD %KEY%\045 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\install\UPDATESXP\Q817787.EXE /q:a /r:n" /f REG ADD %KEY%\050 /VE /D "Mediaplayer Patch 2 von 2" /f REG ADD %KEY%\050 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\install\UPDATESXP\KB828026.exe /Q /N /Z" /f REG ADD %KEY%\055 /VE /D "DirectX Patch" /f REG ADD %KEY%\055 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\install\UPDATESXP\KB819696.exe /q:a /r:n" /f REG ADD %KEY%\060 /VE /D "Outlook Patch 1 of 1" /f REG ADD %KEY%\060 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\install\UPDATESXP\KB837009.exe /q:a /r:n" /f REG ADD %KEY%\065 /VE /D "Advanced Networking Pack" /f REG ADD %KEY%\065 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\install\UPDATESXP\KB817778.exe /Q /N /Z" /f To make this work, you'll need a few things: create an empty files called cd.txt and place it in the root of your cd (well you could take any other file as well, but then you'd have to change the lines above). Change or delete the adding a user with administrator priviledges and place an autologin.reg in the same folder as the init.cmd and the cmdlines.txt (that would be the $OEM$ folder). In the root of your cd create a folder called install and in that folder you create a folder called UPDATESXP. in that folder you place all of the files above ( you could search for them on the internet or directly at microsoft, but you gotta be sure that you got no express or web setups, you need administrator setups or OPK versions ( search the forum if you want got those). now the last files you can't download, that you'd have to create: the autologin.reg looks like that: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon] "DefaultUserName"="User" "AutoAdminLogon"="1" "DefaultPassword"="" and the cmdow command works because i placed the cmdow.exe in the folder $OEM$\$$\System32 (but that file isn't needed, so you could delete that line if you don't want the batch window to be camouflaged... if you got all the files and placed them correctly, and made no typos or anything like that, you would restart the pc after your runonceex is done and afterwards try a windows update, tada... no critical stuff found nor any servicepacks.
  20. you forgot to put the autologon into your installation.... like told here: http://unattended.msfn.org/xp/autologon.htm afterwards you don't have to click on no picture, you will logon automatically... that maybe happened when you placed the regtweak thing in your cmdlines.txt, you just forgot the autologin stuff... the other profiles are the administrator (thats normal), the ASP account was from DotNetFramework i think (u could delete it) and the guest account is a funny little invention of the MS imperium (you could just let it be disabled or delete it or whatever)
  21. Windows wouldn't take a special order if you put the inf's into the \inf folder..., it takes a order because of the name 00_xxxx... 00 is lower than 01, 02, ... so 00 would be found first. but your inf's would be called like spu0160.inf or so.... thats why the folders are called the way "00_chipset" instead of just "chipset"...
  22. excuse me, what's the question? the cmdlines.txt would be correct, if u place "RegTweaks.reg" in the same folder as the cmdlines.txt. the rest i don't understand what you want.
  23. no, it wouldn't start the batch file from where it reseted to install progress... run two batch files to solve the problem or use runonceex....
  24. well, there should be no need for the alphabetical order at all. I know for sure that you can sort the entries like you want (e.g. first Filesystem= and then Targetpath or the other way around). The other entries like [unattended] i sorted like the Setupmgr made it as default, but the extra entries (like [Components]) i placed at the end of the file with not knowing of a special order. So there should be no problem as long as you keep the correct entries under the topics (like Autopartition under [Data] not under [unattended])...
  25. @[bM]Crusher: the set key thing sets the variable %key% to hold the value HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx so the following adds (i didn't post the full batch file in here) contain "reg add" with %key%\... instead of HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx\... you could just skip the %key% stuff and write the full path for every reg add.... @Alanoll: Allright, sometime this weekend or next week i'll post then in one thread how to do it all from cd (alot of it refers to other guides so i would just link to it) but a few things are different or it wasn't explained the way that i got it. And to copy the whole thing for a multiboot dvd its only a few more steps, so i'd just post one more post in the thread. so far...
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