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About livetek

  • Birthday 07/20/1993

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  1. Any updates from @bigmuscle ?
  2. Hi, Aeroglass doesn't work anymore on the new Windows 10 Build 15063.138. Here is the debug log informations: [2017-05-02 09:56:00][0x324:0xA0C] Aero Glass for Win8.1+ x64 correctly loaded (C:\AeroGlass\DWMGlass.dll). [2017-05-02 09:56:00][0x1BC0:0x720] C:\AeroGlass\DWMGlass.dll has been injected into dwm.exe. [2017-05-02 09:56:01][0x324:0x1850] DBGHELP: Symbol Search Path: .;SRV*C:\AeroGlass\symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols [2017-05-02 09:56:01][0x324:0x1850] Loading settings (flags = 0x3) from HKEY 0x0000000000000000 for session #1 [2017-05-02 09:56:01][0x324:0x1850] dwmcore.dll version 10.0.15063.0 [2017-05-02 09:56:01][0x324:0x1850] udwm.dll version 10.0.15063.0 [2017-05-02 09:56:02][0x324:0x1850] DWM incompatibility error 0x2 [2017-05-02 09:56:04][0x1BC0:0x720] dwm.exe process crashed several times. DLL injection has been stopped. [2017-05-02 09:56:04][0x1BC0:0x720] Unloaded from C:\AeroGlass\DWMGlass.dll. Thanks, hope new version will came soon
  3. Yeah, You have a Geforce and i say: If you have a Nvidia, you can update your drivers with windows seven compatibility.
  4. I have tried that: But i don't understand that for launch app: And for the DX9 instal, after downloading the update file, i can't downgrad, where i can found a link to download DX9 without an update file ? Edit: now i'm downloading the DX9.0c Redistribluable instal to force the complet instalation (if it work..) Thanks you
  5. Thanks you for your answer Aviv00 => I have playing all mods and i have testing without mod, result => crash Jaclaz => Now, i downloading DXSDK_Nov08.exe to complet this: that is what i do? If it doesn't work, i will instal DX9. Thanks all
  6. Hello I have upgrading my computer (Vista=>Win7) to avoid small inconvenience me in Windows Vista. Except that after you install it which I am particularly excited level performance, I realized that one of my games Quake 3 Arena did not work because of this error message: And even the games Quake Live from any browser is not working as well. After looking, I realized that it a problem for those drivers who have a graphics card ATI or Nvidia to update except that I have a Intel 965 Express Chipset. Can you help me solve this problem Thanks you. Ps: Other people have encountered the same problem http://forums.techarena.in/video-games/1176841.htm (Translated with Google translate, yes i'm not very good in English for complet explain)
  7. post screenshot please about your soft
  8. Yes i think. You can test this programm, if you have problem, click on "Remove change".
  9. CS 1.6 don't use open gl oO ??
  10. Thanks you, I don't want a big programm just a simple app for convert my pictures
  11. Hello all. I search a power toy for windows 98 to convert a image file Jpg to Bmp or Bmp to Jpg. I know Image Resizer but it is for Windows XP. If you know a easy tools, ask me thanks you.
  12. I know Fury 3x and BatlleZone (battlezone can use Grafic accelerator but it launch with not use this fonction) But BatlleZone is a pure 3d graphic and it work perfectly. Do you know any other game will launch with not opengl ? (escuse me for my bad english ...)
  13. New skin added + ENGLISH + SPANISH Translation!!
  14. New screen added escuse me for screen but i have a sh*t connection :@ (20min for convert and upload screen )
  15. Skinning Internet Explorer 6 + Explorer It is a very easy tutorial for skin your windows 1- You do download skin_ie.exe in this archive: http://www.msfn.org/board/post-a22806-skin-ie-english.exe 2- Extract archive and open skin_ie.exe 3- Click on "Choose a skin" 4- Open your folder to contain your bmp file. in this screenshot i have used this bmp: (You do convert this file in .bmp) You can try with this skin: When you have selected your file click "Ok" 5- To accept this change click again "Ok" You can found over 2500 skins for IE6 here: http://skins.funutilities.com/skins/Skins.html If skin_IE doesn't work, apply this settings: Post your comments here! skin_ie_french.exe skin_ie_english.exe skin_ie_spanish.exe
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