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  1. Dunno , but for me its working with only one % , if I use two then the list is empty and gets names like %1_CONTENTS LIST.TXT
  2. Make the Acronis bootable CD , then extract the bootimage from it using Ultraiso , you'll get a ~15MB .bif file , rename it to .wbt , In cdshell you must have the bcdw module ( in boot\modules folder ) then put a line like this in cdshell.ini : if $lastKey == key[??]; then bcdw /<path-to>/DDSuite.wbt
  3. this one : REG ADD "HKCR\Folder\shell\List Contents\command" /ve /d "%COMSPEC% /C DIR ""%1\"" /B /O /S>""%1\""\"_CONTENTS LIST.TXT""
  4. the -b is neccessary , YOURCDLABEL should be change to label your compilation for XPSP1 you find them here : Ex: -lX1AHFPP_EN and the targetdir changed too , in your case I guess : C:\XPCD
  5. [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics] "Shell Icon BPP"="16"
  6. You can make one sfx from Opera , I made one for emergency use , in case Firefox doesn't cooperate .
  7. nice idea , just what I did .
  8. he-he , nice thanks , I must say I love the option to make an Iso from the Recycle bin or MyComputer How could I change this to a cascade menu as my context is already crowded .
  9. Why install a third party software when MS gives you that , also , the picture taken from the keyboard Print screen is much better(sharper) then using a soft .
  10. Add "copy/move to" in the context menu
  11. http://aom.heavengames.com/gallery/aoe3-earlyshots?page=1
  12. Sure !
  13. I too removed WMP9 and now I'm with Videolan , good for streamed files
  14. In user accounts panel - "Change the way users log on ..."- check the "Use the welcome screen"
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