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Everything posted by b0rk

  1. Made me laugh!
  2. b0rk

    My Site

    Oh and can anyone help me on configuring IPB so it displays "subforums" links under the main headings? Please?
  3. b0rken - Jokes and Funny Stuff It's very new and I'll be looking out for people to bump up to moderator status!
  4. Welcome! Enjoy your stay.
  5. Great to have you here! Welcome!
  6. I'm a noob here too, but welcome!
  7. LOL Thanks!
  8. Source: Gamespot Maxis will release a tool that will let you design characters for The Sims 2 before the game ships later this year. Maxis has announced that it will release its Body Shop application for The Sims 2 in May, in advance of the actual game. The stand-alone application will let players create customized appearances for "sim" characters. Players can change their characters' hairstyles and color, and they can create custom faces for their characters by adjusting facial features like nose length, eyebrow thickness, and chin shape. The tool will also let players modify body textures and even add patterns to clothing, provided that players have access to a standard image-editing program, like Microsoft Paint or Adobe Photoshop. Though the tool focuses on creating a custom appearance for a character, it will not let you customize your characters' personalities or family lines; the "create-a-sim" part of the final game will. However, all characters designed with the tool can be exported into a file that can be traded with other players via e-mail or posting on the Web. The Sims 2 will be the sequel to Maxis' extremely successful "life-simulator" game The Sims. The sequel, like the original game, will let players create and control the lives of computerized people, called "sims," as they work, go to school, and develop relationships with their family members and neighbors. However, the sequel will feature all-new options to create customized sims, including the ability to further customize your sims' appearances, marry them off, have them become proud parents, and eventually grow old and die. The game is scheduled for release later this year. --- I am Sims freak, love the game and will definately be buying TS2 and all the addons; come what may. ---
  9. Here is the last mail from Luc where he talks about his leaving the Sims 2 team. Maxis is moving this week from Walnut Creek to Redwood Shores, and as it happens I am also personally moving to new endeavors. Since I have kept all of you in the loop on everything that happens at Maxis, I wanted to make sure you knew it first before any public announcement in the next few weeks. My time at Maxis as been the most wonderful time of my life for I love the games we make and the individuals who make them. Everyone is so creative, smart and willing to do what it takes to make the best, that I will leave Maxis with unforgettable memories. Maxis is also the place where I learned to connect with you, the key leaders of a vibrant community that helps us make better games and an overall better experience inclusive of creators and leaders outside of Maxis. Timing is always a challenge in succession planning, but I leave with the knowledge that Sims2 is in great shape and will be the most exciting game of 2004. I cannot wait to see all of you play "The Sims 2 Body Shop" in the next few weeks and see the deluge of content that will come from your talented artists. I am also excited that you will be able to play the game at E3 in Los Angeles in May and experience for yourselves The Sims 2 as well as see our new Sims offering for Console for the fall. My next play is within EA and is a secret right now, all I can say is that it will take a few years to come out and it will probably involve the Sims and other EA properties in a completely new way. Ooops I am already saying too much. Replacing me in my role of "General Manager, Maxis" is my friend of many years Neil Young. Over the past few years, Neil managed Ultima Online, Majestic and Lord of the rings among other things at EA. Lucy Bradshaw continues to be the Exec Producer of The Sims 2 and she will replace my weekly emails by her own prose about the details of the game and with new pictures of the game. Thank you again for so many incredible years, Love you all, Luc Barthelet "Forever Maxoid"
  10. I've been holding off on buying UT2004 until enough people praised it. Maybe it's time, maybe.
  11. I want one!
  12. LOL Awww c'mon I'm married and very happy to be that!
  13. & @ Doggie: Totally agree with the description of "ugly" for vB, and what about those lame emoticons that are in vB by standard? :/ Not good really. And from the preview of IPB 2.0 I've seen it's going to be the best board product out there. For sure!
  14. I've used autopatcher XP before and on each of my two computers is caused major b0rkerage, so I now avoid it like the plague. :/
  15. I get a lot of my parts from an online shopping site in Sydney called EYO, http://www.eyo.com.au/ I think that their prices are very competitive. May be worth a look!
  16. Yeah, actually your post just reminded me that at home I've also got a boxed copy of Windows /286. LOL those were the days!
  17. MSFN is definately the cream of many technical forums! (Y)
  18. I knew there was a reason why I prefer windows.......
  19. Being a MS Geek, I nearly died when I saw that on the news all those years ago. But it's funny now!
  20. One reason why I don't like snow!
  21. **Edit** Don't know why but my post appeared twice. Sorry mods, not sure what happened here. :/
  22. I actually have a diskette of DOS 2.01 somewhere at home
  23. I don't know my exact number, since I make backups of my legally bought music CD's onto my computer so I can enjoy my music there too. I have about 5.3GB worth of MP3's. And about 1.3GB of WMA's.
  24. I've really tried to get used to vBulletin 3.0, I've installed it on my *play* server but OMG it's plain gawdy. :/ It's great to see that MSFN is using IPB and I hope this won't change anytime soon. IPB just feels "more natural" to use than vBulletin. Interestingly vBulletin is not *free* and IPB is! I'd be interested in reading what you think about comparing vB to IPB. To me it's a no brainer. IPB is tops. Version 2.0 (Alpha(?)) of IPB is looking even nicer.
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