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Everything posted by TeT_TaT

  1. i used Proxifier and i got this the proxy server (ISA) is not configured to allow SSL tunnel to port 80. For more information see http://support.microsoft.com/?id=283284
  2. College Network , Wireless Network 802.11g ,with more than 800 users Actually the network for us , in our room not in the college lab Server IP, DHCP, DNS , We use proxy : They use :ISA Server Using :Windows Server Pro Hmm >> they block a lot of thing like MSN Messenger & Yahoo & FTP & P2P indeed right now how to run MSN My PC Windows XP SP2 I tried to use Jap ,Proxifier and Prop. = no use
  3. mickmack what is that file mantispy.exe is it something with Microsoft's AntiSpyware or what cos i wanna use runonceEx
  4. may i know what this mean "%PP%
  5. Ahhhhha that's clear thanx it will work with wallpaper also right
  6. Wow is this english Ineed more explan is this gonna be in bat file or what and where do i have to put SFX all that
  7. SiMoNsAyS could u explan 4 me ur way
  8. i dont know about ur q but could you give me the key.reg that u used and the way off installing
  9. s*** the programe is 8 mb and the update is 9 mb
  10. Thank you Im gonna try it as soon as i can
  11. working with MSI Or not
  12. Thank Astalavista could you explain more what the name of the cap file willl be ??? if i want to put 5 wallpaper what the name of each will be ??
  13. O.K Thank you but if i want the partion will be any what do i have to do ?? like .\\Program Files Or im wrong
  14. thanx but what about the key how to put it
  15. ÈÕÑÇÍÉ ãÇÇÏÑí ßíÝ íÌáÈ ÇáãáÝ ÇæÊæãÇÊíß æáßä ÑÇÍ ÇÌÑÈ ÔßÑÇ
  16. But i could't find it all im Using RunOnceEx
  17. Hello everybody I need some switches Like Dreamweaver 2004 MX McAfee Personal Firewall form you Mosselman =-=-= And Power Archiver 9.1 PowerDVD 5 PowerDVD 5 Patch from you MCT =-=-=-= And Flash MX Pro 2004 CloneCD ACDSee 5.01 from you spachtler =-=-=-= Hex Workshop 4.23 from nateklomp Plz Plz Plz
  18. Thank you all Im so sorry i do not know that the large letters means shouting could you all accept my apologize coz Im arab and my english l'l bad Now i'll have around in the forum >>sorry<<
  19. Thanks but could you explian more how to do it
  20. And Bootable This is the only thing that i want to know could you all tell me PLZ
  21. bhoot shokrya i'll try it
  22. Yoooo No one knows
  23. i have Windows Server 2003 Web Edition on C: It work well but when i installed Windows XP on D: the msg come 2 me windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: windows root>\system32\hal.dll please re_inistall acopy of the above file that when i choos from the boot Windows server 2003 ( Windows XP work well) what to do and how can i get that file from the cd
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