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Everything posted by gora

  1. Fixed. I do not understand. Give a link to this file and what you want to get?
  2. Config: ;!@Install@!UTF-8!GUIMode="2"SetEnvironment="Var=%%S"RunProgram="run.cmd %%S";!@InstallEnd@!run.cmd: @Echo OffEcho %*Echo %Var%PauseNo problems
  3. magsood1 7zsfx.info 2 do not understand
  4. kostiamololkin1991 Ответ быт пару страниц назад.
  5. http://svn.7zsfx.info/filedetails.php?repname=7zSfxMod&path=%2Ftags%2F1.6.0.2797%2Fbin%2F7zsd_160_2797.7z
  6. config: SetEnvironment="SfxString25=Button OK"SetEnvironment="SfxString26=Button Cancel"SetEnvironment="SfxString27=Button Yes"SetEnvironment="SfxString28=Button No"module version - 1.6 develop (build 2797) 25.03.13
  7. In this line you want to remove unnecessary: cmd /C and %%T\\ RunProgram="\"some path\\test.bat\""
  8. This is ERROR, correct as follows: RunProgram="cmd /C \"%%T\\test.bat\""
  9. config: ;!@Install@!UTF-8!RunProgram="test.bat";!@InstallEnd@!test.bat: @Echo OffEcho %1Echo %2Pausestart line: test.exe -! firstParam "C:\\some path with space\\test"out console: firstParam"C:\\some path with space\\test"Для продолжения нажмите любую клавишу . . .
  10. Your config has an error and switches -ai and -ai1 will not work. But it is not important now. Write a batch file with a single command xCopy, put it in the unpacked archive and have for command xCopy. This is not a module, then you need to know the batch file.
  11. Change and see that writes to the console RunProgram="cmd /k xcopy \"%Var3%\" \"%ProgramFiles%\\Oracle\\VirtualBox\" /i /e /y & sleep 5"
  12. @ nova-s Here are some interesting solutions and answers to many questions.
  13. @ SevenOptimus Are you Russian? In one of the packages I have our Russian file. (.\uniextract165_noinst\bin\Shell\whatisnew.txt)
  14. You have old modules, update for ver 1.6 develop (build 2712) ;!@Install@!UTF-8!Title="Variables %SfxVarModulePlatform% module in %%P OS"BeginPrompt=" Check of variables %SfxVarModulePlatform% module in %%P OS• Click 'OK', variables will are shown in a console window• Click 'OK', retaining [Shift], variables will be are saved to the file %SystemDrive%\\vars_%SfxVarModulePlatform%_module_on_%%P_OS.txt"FinishMessage="The module %SfxVarModulePlatform% finished operation"SetEnvironment="cmnd=@Echo Off& Title Module - %SfxVarModulePlatform%, OS - %%P& Echo Module - %SfxVarModulePlatform%, OS - %%P& Echo.& Echo Folders:&Set SfxFolder& Echo.& Echo Vars:&Set SfxVar& Echo %%^M=%%M& Echo %%^P=%%P& Echo %%^S=%%S& Echo %%^T=%%T& Set CommonD& Set MyDoc& Echo UserDesktop=%UserDesktop%& Echo."RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c Echo"RunProgram="%%P:fm0:cmd /k %cmnd%"AutoInstall="hidcon:cmd /c Echo"AutoInstall="%%P:fm20:hidcon:cmd /c (%cmnd%)>%SystemDrive%\\vars_%SfxVarModulePlatform%_module_on_%%P_OS.txt"GUIMode="2"GUIFlags="2+4+8+16+32+2048+4096"MiscFlags="4";!@InstallEnd@!;!@Install@!UTF-8:Language:1049!Title="Переменные %SfxVarModulePlatform% модуля в %%P ОС"BeginPrompt=" Проверка переменных %SfxVarModulePlatform% модуля в %%P ОС• Нажмите 'OK', переменные будут показаны в окне консоли• Нажмите 'OK', удерживая [Shift], переменные будет сохранены в файл %SystemDrive%\\vars_%SfxVarModulePlatform%_module_on_%%P_OS.txt"FinishMessage="Модуль %SfxVarModulePlatform% завершил работу";!@InstallEnd@:Language:1049!
  15. Hi, ThePackager See variable module %SfxVarSystemPlatform% - operating system platform; takes values ​​x86 and x64 depending on the bit OS
  16. ;!@Install@!UTF-8! Title="Redneck Rampage" BeginPrompt="\nPack Includes:\n\nRedneck Rampage\nCuss Pack\nManual and Cheats" CancelPrompt="Are you sure you want to cancel ?" GUIFlags="4+8+16+32+64+256+2048+4096" GUIMode="1" OverwriteMode="0" InstallPath="%ProgramFiles%\\Redneck Rampage" ExtractPathText="Choose your \"Redneck Rampage\" installation folder..." ExtractPathTitle="Redneck Rampage" ExtractCancelText="Abort" Shortcut="Du,{%%T\\Redneck Rampage Manual.pdf},{},{Redneck Rampage},{Redneck Rampage Manual},{Manual},{%%T},{},{}" Shortcut="Du,{%%T\\DOSBox.exe},{-conf \"dosboxRR.conf\" -conf \"dosboxRR_single.conf\" -noconsole -c exit},{Redneck Rampage},{Game},{Redneck Rampage},{%%T},{%%T\\RR.ico},{}" RunProgram="unpack.bat" ;!@InstallEnd@!
  17. SfxFolder23=C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs SfxFolder02=C:\Users\gora\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs ;!@Install@!UTF-8! RunProgram="Setup.exe /S" Delete="%SfxFolder23%\\Test\\Test.lnk" GUIMode="2" ;!@InstallEnd@! ;!@Install@!UTF-8! RunProgram="Setup.exe /S" Delete="%SfxFolder02%\\Test\\Test.lnk" GUIMode="2" ;!@InstallEnd@!
  18. No. The module will return only your own exit code.
  19. ;!@Install@!UTF-8! GUIMode="2" RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c myprogram.exe & Echo %ErrorLevel% >\"%%S\\Errorlog.txt\"" Autoinstall="hidcon:cmd /c myprogram.exe & Echo %ErrorLevel% >\"%%S\\Errorlog.txt\"" ;!@InstallEnd@!
  20. Yes. sfx.exe -InstallPath="%ProgramFiles%\\NewFolder"
  21. 2 alfreire The module does not support wildcard (*,?)
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