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Everything posted by gora

  1. Incorrect criterion of check of extraction of a file (comparison of the size of a folder before/after extraction). For example, the first extraction has passed successfully, but at repeated extraction of the same file will be given out the error, the size of a folder has not changed, though extraction has passed successfully.
  2. Bug in 1.6: By call PEiD, UE hangs, as PEiD has version 0.95
  3. Hi, nitro322. It is glad that you have decided to continue work over UE. If you will interest, something from this, I can give source codes. Excuse my bad English, my native language Russian.
  4. 2 strel This is not correct: IF /I "%TARGETOS%"=="XP" IF EXIST "!TMPDIR!\XP-KB971276-V3\UPDATE" ( COPY /Y "!TMPDIR!\2K3-KB971276-V2\SP2QFE\*.*" "!TMPDIR!\XP-KB971276-V3\SP3QFE" >NUL FOR %%I IN (spuninst.exe,spmsg.dll,spupdsvc.exe,update\spcustom.dll,update\update.exe,update\updspapi.dll) DO COPY /Y "!TMPDIR!\2K3-KB971276-V2\%%I" "!TMPDIR!\XP-KB971276-V3\%%I" >NUL XCOPY /E/Q/Y "!TMPDIR!\XP-KB971276-V3\*.*" "!DNF30DIR!\DNF30\XPS" >NUL ) ELSE XCOPY /E/Q/Y "!TMPDIR!\2K3-KB971276-V2\*.*" "!DNF30DIR!\DNF30\XPS" >NUL this is correct: IF /I "%TARGETOS%"=="XP" ( IF EXIST "!TMPDIR!\XP-KB971276-V3\UPDATE" ( COPY /Y "!TMPDIR!\2K3-KB971276-V2\SP2QFE\*.*" "!TMPDIR!\XP-KB971276-V3\SP3QFE" >NUL FOR %%I IN (spuninst.exe,spmsg.dll,spupdsvc.exe,update\spcustom.dll,update\update.exe,update\updspapi.dll) DO COPY /Y "!TMPDIR!\2K3-KB971276-V2\%%I" "!TMPDIR!\XP-KB971276-V3\%%I" >NUL XCOPY /E/Q/Y "!TMPDIR!\XP-KB971276-V3\*.*" "!DNF30DIR!\DNF30\XPS" >NUL ) ) ELSE XCOPY /E/Q/Y "!TMPDIR!\2K3-KB971276-V2\*.*" "!DNF30DIR!\DNF30\XPS" >NUL
  5. 2 ALL Modules 1.4 alpha build 1704 (x86 & x64) are updated (April 2, 2010) and are accessible on: http://7zsfx.info/ru/download.html.
  6. Raoul90 The file Mscorlib.dll Version=2.0.50727.4005 is in NDP20SP2-KB963676-x86.exe, try to delete it (NDP20SP2-KB963676-x86.exe) from a working folder and check up the version of a file Mscorlib.dll after installer assemblage.
  7. Version 2.0.50727.4005 is absent into KB976569. Who setup file this version I do not know. Show list file all fix into work folder. This is my list:
  8. 1 Check up presence and value of a key of the register after installation: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 2\SP2\KB960043] "ThisVersionInstalled"="Y" 2 Check up the version of a file: \Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Mscorlib.dll (Version="2.0.50727.3607" or Version="2.0.50727.4413")
  9. Yes, I don't get. On "live" system the problem with repeated sentence KB976569 is solved by installation KB978254
  10. 2 strel Problem with NDP35SP1-KB976126-v2-x86.exe fixed code change on this: ... IF EXIST NDP35SP1*.exe FOR /F %%A IN ('DIR /-B/ON NDP35SP1-KB*-x86.exe') DO FOR /F "TOKENS=3 DELIMS=Bb-" %%I IN ("%%A") DO ( IF /I "%%I"=="963707" IF /I NOT "%DNF35FFCLICKONCEEXT%"=="YES" SET SKIPHFX=YES IF /I NOT "!SKIPHFX!"=="YES" ( 7za e -o"!TMPDIR!\HFX" -y %%A *.msp >NUL IF EXIST "!TMPDIR!\HFX\NDP35SP1-KB960043*.msp" ( ECHO %%A process delayed. IF NOT EXIST "!TMPDIR!\DELAYEDHFXS" MD "!TMPDIR!\DELAYEDHFXS" MOVE "!TMPDIR!\HFX\*.msp" "!TMPDIR!\DELAYEDHFXS" >NUL ) ELSE ( ECHO Processing %%A... ...
  11. --- WORK FOLDER CONTENT:__SNMsynth.cmd_20SP#_SLIMMING.7z_20SP#LNGbr_KB829019FIX.7z_20SP2_KB974417FIX.7z_30SP#LNG_KB928416FIX.7z_30SP2_REMFONTCACHEFIX.7z_35SP#_FFXBAPSWITCH.7z_35SP#_SLIMMING.7z_35SP1_KB963707FIX_FFCLICKONCESWITCH.7z_KB951847FIX.7z_NDP20SP2-KB969612-x86.exe_REM_MSI_BLOCKING.7z_SNMsynth.cmd_SNMsynth.ini20100118_SNMsynth.zip7za.exe7za1.exe7zSD.sfx7zSD2.sfxdotnetfx.exedotnetfx35.exedotnetfx35langpack_x86ru.exelangpack.exemsxml6-KB973686-rus-x86.exeNDP1.1sp1-KB867460-X86.exeNDP1.1sp1-KB953297-X86.exeNDP1.1sp1-KB971108-X86.exeNDP20SP2-KB958481-x86.exeNDP20SP2-KB971111-x86.exeNDP20SP2-KB974417-x86.exeNDP20SP2-KB976569-x86.exeNDP30SP2-KB958483-x86.exeNDP30SP2-KB976570-x86.exeNDP35SP1-KB958484-x86.exeNDP35SP1-KB963707-x86.exeNetFx20SP2_x86.exeNetFx20SP2_x86ru.exetest_config.cmdtest_time_setup.cmdtest_var.cmdwin_iconv.exeWindowsServer2003-KB971276-v2-x86-ENU.exeWindowsXP-KB971276-v3-x86-ENU.exe --- _SNMSYNTH.ini SETTINGS USED:PROCESSDNF11=YESPROCESSDNF20=PROCESSDNF3520=YESPROCESSDNF3530=YESPROCESSDNF3535=YESDNF20VC8RUNTIME=YESDNF20OFFICE2K3DEBUGGER=YESDNF30RGBRASTERIZER=YESDNF30WIC=YESDNF30MSXML6=YESDNF30XPS=YESDNF35VC9RUNTIME=YESDNF35FFXBAPPLUGIN=YESDNF35FFCLICKONCEEXT=YESPROCESSLNGDNF11=YESPROCESSLNGDNF20=PROCESSLNGDNF3520=YESPROCESSLNGDNF3530=YESPROCESSLNGDNF3535=YESTARGETOS=XPT13ADDONS=ROEADDONS=ALSOINSTALLERS=MERGEFXS=YESSILENT=COMPRATIO=OSZONEADDONS=HIDEPROCESS= --- .\TMP FOLDER CONTENT:20SP#LNGru_REM_MSI_BLOCKING.mst20SP2_KB951847FIX.mst20SP2_KB974417FIX.mst20SP2_REM_MSI_BLOCKING.mst20SP2_REM_W2K_COMPONENTS.mst20SP2LNG_KB951847FIX.mst30SP#LNG_KB928416FIX.mst30SP#LNGru_REM_MSI_BLOCKING.mst30SP2_KB951847FIX.mst30SP2_REM_MSI_BLOCKING.mst30SP2_REMFONTCACHEFIX.mst30SP2LNG_KB951847FIX.mst35SP1_FFXBAPSWITCH.mst35SP1_KB951847FIX.mst35SP1_KB963707FIX_FFCLICKONCESWITCH.mst35SP1_REM_CAB.mst35SP1_REM_MSI_BLOCKING.mst35SP1LNG_KB951847FIX.mst35SP1LNGru_REM_CAB.mst35SP1LNGru_REM_MSI_BLOCKING.mstconfig.txtDNF11REM.TXTDNF20REM.TXTDNF35REM.TXTFILEVER.VBSINSTALL.CMDINSTALL11.CMDINSTALL20.CMDINSTALL30.CMDINSTALL35.CMDINSTEND.CMDINSTREGDOWN.CMDINSTREGDOWN20.CMDINSTREGDOWN35.CMDTEMP.7zTRANSFORMDB.VBSI have not offers from MU repeatedly to instal KB976569.
  12. 2 strel In help ***.exe 3 additional switches are described. They can be used simultaneously: But ***.CMD into installer ***.exe can process only 2 switches, the third switch will not be processed.
  13. Problem fixed. Change string: START /WAIT %%I /Q /X:"!TMPDIR!\!DNF35LNGSTR!LNGEXT" to string: 7za x -y -o"!TMPDIR!\!DNF35LNGSTR!LNGEXT" %%I>NUL
  14. Line in file XPDNF11SP1ru20SP2ru30SP2ru35SP1ru.CMD IF NOT DEFINED FILENAME SET FILENAME=%0 1 When can it is not defined variable FILENAME? 2 If variable FILENAME it is not defined, Errormsg.vbs will not work (will deduce an error of compilation VBScript). The reason: the variable %0 contains quote "".
  15. 2 strel 1 There is no pair bracket: 2 Lines do not work? Corresponding sections in PROCESSDATA.TXT are empty! DIR /-C/ON|FINDSTR /R "../.*">>PROCESSDATA.TXT DIR /-C/ON TMP|FINDSTR /R "../.*">>OUT%OUTCNT%\PROCESSDATA.TXT 3 Line in Win 7 gives out in a console window: "Moved files: 1". MOVE /Y PROCESSDATA.TXT OUT%OUTCNT% It is better to block a message conclusion MOVE /Y PROCESSDATA.TXT OUT%OUTCNT%>NUL 4 That means the switch -ma=2 in the archiving command? In the description there are only two values at it the switch 0 and 1. What is 2?
  16. 2 strel Small optimisation of creation of a config :EXEMAKER::SETLOCAL DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSIONIF "%FFCLICKONCEINPROCESS%"=="YES" SET ffc= [-noffclickonce]IF "%FFXBAPINPROCESS%"=="YES" SET ffx= [-noffxbap](ECHO ;^^^!@Install@^^^!UTF-8^^^!ECHO HelpText="%%%%M [-gm1 | -gm2] [-quiet | -passive]%ffc%%ffx%ECHO.ECHO -gm1 ^| -gm2 : Show ^| hide unzip progress bar. Should be the first if used.ECHO -quiet^|-passive : Show ^| hide install progress bars.IF "%FFXBAPINPROCESS%"=="YES" ECHO -noffxbap : Avoid to install Windows Presentation Foundation mozilla plugin ^(XBAP^).IF "%FFCLICKONCEINPROCESS%"=="YES" ECHO -noffclickonce : Avoid to install .NET Assistant 1.0 mozilla extension ^(ClickOnce^).ECHO -? , -h : This help.ECHO.ECHO Switchless behavior for this file is %VERBOSITY% for both unzip and install.ECHO Created with Silent .NET Maker synthesized 20100118."ECHO SetEnvironment="FILENAME=%%%%M"ECHO RunProgram="hidcon:%TARGETOS%%NAME%.CMD"ECHO Title="%TARGETOS%%NAME%"ECHO ExtractTitle="%TARGETOS%%NAME%"ECHO ErrorTitle="%TARGETOS%%NAME%.exe"ECHO ExtractDialogText="Extracting..."ECHO GUIFlags="8+32"IF /I "%VERBOSITY%"=="passive" (ECHO GUIMode="1") ELSE ECHO GUIMode="2"ECHO ;^^^!@InstallEnd@^^^!)>TMP\config.txt::SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION
  17. Result cab compression 46 487 908 (is worse than at 7z) and time compression ~53 sec vs ~2 sec at 7-Zip.
  18. Thanks strel & Pasha_ZZZ. 2 strel You will add support NDP35SP1-KB976126-v2-x86.exe in _SNMsynth or I should make it? And even about compression (has tired probably ) I receive file T13XPDNF11SP1ru20SP2ru30SP2ru35SP1ru.7z, the size - 47 094 759. If it to unpack and pack without compression (method Copy) the size - 46 478 136 will turn out. The economy 616 623 B, plus decreases time for packing and unpacking of this archive.
  19. No, you use the standard module. Look properties of the module, at standard (which you use) so: And at the modified module so: Site of the modified module:http://7zsfx.info New versions of the modified module:http://7zsfx.info/ru/download.html The newest versions on Russian forum
  20. strel What "File is not found" ? The list of files in a directory _SNMsynth.cmd: OS Windows XP SP3 (x86)
  21. Standard modules have no parametre InstallPath. This parametre is in the modified modules only.
  22. You used modified modules? x64 or x86? Version modules? Give the link to your test SFX archive.
  23. Your archive test.exe is in C:\Users\Me\AppData\Local\Temp\test.exe. After its start and pressing button "OK" in a dialog box folder C:\Users\Me\AppData\Local\Temp\BSY is created? If "yes", all is correct!
  24. 2 jey350 All works. The folder is created near to SFX archive. Where there is your SFX archive? Can be on CD, or OS (or the antivirus) does not allow to create a folder?
  25. Excuse, did not know. Has corrected the previous post taking into account the remark
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