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Posts posted by Panarchy
Just get the new 8800GTS 512MB
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^I'd rather have non-virtual drives. That why I bought 2 harddrives (a 400 and a 500GB)
Gparted is a free equivalent of Partition Magic. From what I know, it is not a boot manager (I might be wrong here, or maybe you were told about "Grub" or "Lilo" instead).+If you intend to give each OS its own primary partition and for some a swap partition or common data partitions, you have a little "overcrowd"problem. "Ranish Partition Manager" can get around that but it was made long ago and I don't know if it will recognise your disk as it runs under DOS.
Well tell me any program (freeware or shareware) that will allow me to boot 3 OS's on each of my harddrives.
Thanks in advance,
And how about booting from 2 harddrives (I learnt that I can only boot 4 on one HD) so I want to have 3 on each drive.I have a 400GB & a 500GB.
Please tell me if this is alright,
Thanks in advance,
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I was told on another program that to sec-boot my computer, it would be best to use a program called G-Parted... do I need a program?
Is that a good program?
It is for the following OS's;
1. Solaris
2. Ubuntu
3. Vista (ultimate)
4. XP (dunno, XP or Pro)
5. Mac OSX Leopard
6. Novell Linux SUSE
All on one 500GB Hard-Drive. I am thinking of giving each 83GB, but they will probably be less due to lost space.
Please tell me what I should do!
Thanks in advance,
PS: No, I haven't finished my computer build yet, I just need a graphics card which I will be getting tomorrow.
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On the old Win2000 computer, you could probably create the shortcut for lock using some 3rd party software...
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A good game to play on old machines, is Charlie II
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Ended up getting: Hot Fuzz, Scrubs (season 2) & Oceans Thirteen.
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Gonna rent some more tonight!
Any suggestions?
PS: Loved shooter
(saw it in the theatre!)
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At home no, my wife would have a hissy fit.
At work yes, I'm a domain admin so every time I leave my desk. I keep a shortcut to "Lock Workstation" in my quicklaunch.
%windir%\System32\rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation
It would be much quicker to just use startkey + L
(startkey + E is explorer & startkey + R is run)
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PS: Rizon is still good! But no longer my favourite :shifty:
PPS: & are very good as well!
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Well I loved it!
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What's that?
Screesnhots please!
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^Hehe... maybe...
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YAY! Thanks!
Um... can you please try and put this one feature that is in nuno peralta (vista messenger - skin) for 8.1 into whatever your skin will be for 8.5?
The one thing is under the (well in-between) the two user pics (one yours, the other whoever you were talking to) with the icons to change status?
Thanks in advance,
PS: Here is a screenshot of what vista messenger skin looks like (the part I want you to copy):
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A bit offtopic, but can you release a skin for WLM 8.5? (with some of the nuno peralta things, particularly the icon change status thing)
Thanks in advance,
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^Okay, although, the freezing hasn't happened for a while now....
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I ended up renting: 300, The man who sued god, the number 23 & Snatch.
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Oh, what do I want to see.
Well here are all my favourite movies (that I can think of off hand):
The outlaw josey wales,Kung Pow, Shawshank Redemption & Hackers
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That's why I'm asking here what is good
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'bout to go to the rental store (DVD rentals) and am wondering what to rent!
Last time I chose crap movies, so this time it would be good if you guys could suggest some good movies to rent!
Thanks in advance,
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Can't do anything.
I will try NMapping it though... see if it works.
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I love it when people don't lock there computers... I stick my USB into there computer and steal all there passwords!
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My vista computer (not the one I am building at the moment) has recently (as of 2 or 3 days ago) started freezing. Sometime after a few minutes on the computer, sometimes straight away & sometime only after a few hours.
^My specs. (I'm pretty sure it's up to date, I have 7600GS Graphics Card, 80GB Harddrive, Windows Vista Ultimate)
The only software that I have installed recently was about a week ago, and that was just the new version of msn (and the mess patch, and msgplus patch).
Please help me out here.
Thanks in advance,
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Guess what?
Today I bought all the parts that I need to build my computer!
They had everything (or equivilents) that I needed, in stock. So all is good! Except, they didn't have the 8800GT, they say that they will have that in next week or the week after, but if I get some real progress done, I will just get it from somewhere else!
Anyways, here is the list of what I bought;
Motherboard: ASUS P5K P35
Graphics Card: Nvidia 8800GT (I'll be getting this soon, I don't have it yet!)
CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 (2.4Ghz)
Hard Drives: SATA Maxtor 500GB
Optical Drives: Aopen 20x SATA Black DVD Writer
Power Supply: T.P.3 Trio Antec True Power 3 Trio PSU
Memory (RAM): A-DATA 2GB Kit (2x1GB) DDR2 800 640
Case: Antec P182 without PSU
CPU Cooling: Zalman CNPS 9700LED
Hope you think it's good!
If you think any of the stuff won't work with eachother please tell me!
PS: Forgot to include, I got a 22'' ASUS VW222U Monitor
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^Hahaha... oops!
The guy at the shop told me the same!
DivX Pro 6.8 FREE !
in Software Hangout
Posted · Edited by Panarchy