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Everything posted by TheReasonIFail

  1. So what you have listed in the first post is all the winnt.sif has? There has to be something else going on that you need to use that sid program for all your new installs...
  2. Well, My question is, what's going on that you need to run newsid on these PC's if you're doing a fresh install? Care to show us what's listed in the winnt.sif file?
  3. I'm actually in the process of reimaing my desktop that I use WAIK with, but the image name is "6001.18000.080118-1840-kb3aik_en"
  4. I noticed this exact same issue with me in the last image update. I imaged the drive with imagex and and with ghost. Reapplying the image with ghost does not give me any issues, but I get BSOD's when reapplying the image with imagex. sdub, you are not alone!!
  5. What happens if you bypass "Analyze" and just click "Defragment"?
  6. Isn't peer to peer limited to 10 PC's or is that no longer the case? Also, Try breaking up the PC's into two workgroups, see if that makes a difference.
  7. What does the HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Device Path entry look like?
  8. Same BIOS version? I remember having an issue with certain motherboards similar to this and I resolved this issue by plugging in the usb mouse and keyboard on the same two usb ports which were at the very top the first time Windows started. Are you initially plugging all the devices into the same usb ports? Also, are these OEM PC's or custom builds?
  9. Trip, do all the PC's have the same USB settings in the BIOS?
  10. Have you tried comparing the contents of the image and the HDD before formatting the HDD? Are they the same? I actually have no idea what could be wrong but that's what I would look at if I were experiencing this problem. Also, care to show us what your sysprep.inf file looks like? I've never used MDT and WDS but what if you remove these two things from the equation and just run sysprep and image the drive with imagex? I assume the image files you are creating are *.wim.
  11. On Error Resume Next '---- ParameterDirectionEnum Values ---- Const adParamInput = &H0001 rem Const adParamOutput = &H0002 '---- CommandTypeEnum Values ---- Const adCmdStoredProc = &H0004 rem 3 tasks rem 1. Store in Database - In Progress rem 2. If 100 Full, say 100/ Full - Done rem 3. If not, say Not Set - Done rem 4. Fix it - Done rem 6. Stop & Start the service to make it up-to-date - In Progress Set StdOut = WScript.StdOut const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002 const IDEAL_SPEED = "100" const IDEAL_DUPLEX = "FULL" Class NICInfo Dim MACAddress Dim Name Dim IPAddress Dim MachineName Dim Result Dim Notes End Class Dim oNICInfo Set oNICInfo = new NICInfo Dim strKeyCurrentPath strKeyCurrentPath = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318}" Dim strCurrentControlNetwork strCurrentControlNetwork = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318}" Dim strCurrentVersion strCurrentVersion = "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" Dim oArrayPropertyType rem if there are two properties, first property is for 100/10 & second property is for Full/Half oArrayPropertyType = Array("ConnectionType", "", _ "Duplex", "MediaSpeed", _ "media", "", _ "Media_type", "", _ "MediaSelect", "Duplexmode", _ "MediaSpeed", "", _ "NetworkMedia", "", _ "RequestedMediaType", "", _ "SpeedDuplex", "" ) Dim oReg Dim oSvc Dim WshSHell set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Dim strComputer 'set strComputer = "." Set oDictionary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Dim bShowUsage bShowUsage = True Dim oArgs 'If RetrieveArguments() = bShowUsage Then 'Call ShowUsage 'Else Call setnicInfo 'End If rem Get the NIC Info Sub setnicInfo StdOut.Write vbNewLine & _ "----------------------------------------------------------" & vbNewLine & _ "Computer Name" & vbTab & "Result" & vbTab & "Details" & vbNewLine & _ "----------------------------------------------------------" & vbNewLine & _ vbNewLine 'for each oComputer in oDictionary strComputer = "." ' oDictionary.Item(oComputer) err.Clear rem Get WMI object for registry 'Set oReg = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv") On Error Resume Next Set oReg = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv") If Err.Number <> 0 Then StdOut.WriteLine "Error: (Unavailable Registry at " & strComputer & ") " & Err.Description Else If (GetOSVersion() < 5) Then StdOut.WriteLine "Error: (Computer at " & strComputer & ") Version Less than 5" Else rem Get WMI object for registry On Error Resume Next Set oSvc = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") If Err.Number <> 0 Then StdOut.WriteLine "Error: " & Err.Description Else Dim oArrayPNPDeviceID rem for each oInstNWAC in oSvc.execquery("select * from win32_networkadapterConfiguration where IPEnabled = 'True'") for each oInstNWA in oSvc.execquery("select * from win32_networkadapter where MACAddress <> null") rem where MACAddress = " & Str(oInstNWAC.MACAddress) & "") If (oInstNWA.PNPDeviceID <> empty) Then oArrayPNPDeviceID = Split(oInstNWA.PNPDeviceID, "\", -1, 1) If (oArrayPNPDeviceID(0) <> "ROOT") Then For each oInstNWAC in oSvc.execquery("select * from win32_networkadapterConfiguration where IPEnabled = 'True'") If (oInstNWAC.Caption = oInstNWA.Caption) Then rem Get the Caption for the Network Adapter strCaption = GetRealCaptionStr(oInstNWAC.Caption) rem Continue, only if Connection is Open rem Dim sPnpInstanceIDValue rem sPnpInstanceIDValue = empty rem oReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strCurrentControlNetwork & "\" & oInstNWAC.SettingID & "\Connection", "PnpInstanceID", sPnpInstanceIDValue Dim sNetworkName sNetworkName = empty oReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strCurrentControlNetwork & "\" & oInstNWAC.SettingID & "\Connection", "Name", sNetworkName rem Continue, if there is no error & PnpInstanceID is non-empty If (err.number = 0) Then rem Dim strPropertyDesc rem strPropertyDesc = "" rem strPropertyDesc = rem Print the computer name StdOut.Write strComputer & vbTab oNICInfo.MachineName = oInstNWA.SystemName rem Get the NIC Name oNICInfo.Name = oInstNWA.Caption stop rem Print the MAC Address for the Network Adapter rem StdOut.Write oInstNWA.MACAddress & vbTab oNICInfo.MACAddress = oInstNWA.MACAddress oNICInfo.IPAddress = oInstNWAC.IPAddress(0) GetAllPropertiesDesc(GetLast4Digit(oInstNWA.Caption)) rem StdOut.Write " (" & strPropertyDesc & ")" & vbTab If (True = bStoringToDB) Then StoreToDatabase If (0 <> err.number) Then StdOut.WriteLine "Cant Save to Database. Error: " & Err.Description End If End If StdOut.WriteLine End If End If Next End If End If next End If End If End If 'next End Sub rem End If rem Get last 4 digits from Caption String Function GetLast4Digit(oString) rem split the sting with ] Dim oArray oArray = Split(oString, "]", -1, 1) rem get the last 4 digits from Caption GetLast4Digit = Right(oArray(0), 4) End Function rem Get Real Caption String from a String received from Registry Value Function GetRealCaptionStr(oString) rem split the sting with ] Dim oArray oArray = Split(oString, "]", -1, 1) rem remove the first space too GetRealCaptionStr = LTrim(oArray(1)) End Function rem Get the Properties Description & if found, keep the Index Function GetAllPropertiesDesc(str4Digits) Dim Result Result = "FAIL2" Dim strPropertyDesc strPropertyDesc = "" Dim ArrayCount 'Get the Array Count of the Properties stop ArrayCount = UBound(oArrayPropertyType, 1) - LBound(oArrayPropertyType, 1) 'Go through all the Property Array Elements For iCounter = 0 to ArrayCount step 2 strPropertyDesc = GetPropertyDesc(str4Digits, oArrayPropertyType(iCounter)) If (strPropertyDesc <> "") Then If (oArrayPropertyType(iCounter+1) <> "")Then strPropertyDesc = strPropertyDesc & "***" & GetPropertyDesc(str4Digits, oArrayPropertyType(iCounter+1)) End If Exit For End If Next If (strPropertyDesc <> "") Then rem if strPropertyType1ValuDesc contains 100 & Full string, the result is PASS, otherwise its FAIL If ((InStr(1, strPropertyDesc, IDEAL_SPEED, 0)>0) and (InStr(1, UCase(strPropertyDesc), IDEAL_DUPLEX, 0)>0) ) Then StdOut.Write "100/FULL" oNICInfo.Result = "PASS" oNICInfo.Notes = "Speed/Duplex is alreay set to 100FULL" Else StdOut.Write "Not 100 Full" oNICInfo.Result = "FAIL" oNICInfo.Notes = "Speed/Duplex is NOT set to 100FULL" rem Fix It SetPropertyDesc str4Digits, iCounter End If Else StdOut.Write "ERROR" oNICInfo.Result = "FAIL" oNICInfo.Notes = "Couldnt Find the Registery Value for NIC Properties" End If End Function Function GetPropertyDesc(str4Digits, strPropertyType) Dim strPropertyDesc strPropertyDesc = "" rem get the registry value for the specific type of adapter oReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyCurrentPath & "\" & str4Digits, strPropertyType, strTempValue rem get the real string value for the registry value oReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyCurrentPath & "\" & str4Digits & "\Ndi\params\" & strPropertyType & "\enum", strTempValue, strPropertyDesc GetPropertyDesc = strPropertyDesc End Function Sub SetPropertyDesc(str4Digits, iCoutner) rem get the real string value for the registry value oReg.EnumValues HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyCurrentPath & "\" & str4Digits & "\Ndi\params\" & oArrayPropertyType(iCoutner) & "\enum", arrValueNames1, arrValueTypes1 rem Clear all the previous errors Err.Clear rem Go through all the sub keys For i=0 To UBound(arrValueNames1) If ("" = oArrayPropertyType(iCoutner+1)) Then oReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyCurrentPath & "\" & str4Digits & "\Ndi\params\" & oArrayPropertyType(iCoutner) & "\enum", arrValueNames1(i), arrValue If ((InStr(1, arrValue, IDEAL_SPEED, 0)>0) and (InStr(1, UCase(arrValue), IDEAL_DUPLEX, 0)>0)) Then oReg.SetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyCurrentPath & "\" & str4Digits, oArrayPropertyType(iCoutner), arrValueNames1(i) rem if any eror print & exit If Err.Number <> 0 Then StdOut.WriteLine "FAIL2: Couldnt Fix it for Value of " & oArrayPropertyType(iCoutner) & "Error:" & Err.Description oNICInfo.Result = "FAIL" oNICInfo.Notes = "Can NOT fix Speed/Duplex=100FULL; Error:" & Err.Description Else StdOut.WriteLine "PASS2" oNICInfo.Result = "PASS" oNICInfo.Notes = "Fixed Speed/Duplex=100FULL" End If Exit For End If Else oReg.EnumValues HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyCurrentPath & "\" & str4Digits & "\Ndi\params\" & oArrayPropertyType(iCoutner+1) & "\enum", arrValueNames2, arrValueTypes2 rem Go through all the sub keys For j=0 To UBound(arrValueNames2) oReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyCurrentPath & "\" & str4Digits & "\Ndi\params\" & oArrayPropertyType(iCoutner) & "\enum", arrValueNames2(j), arrValue If (InStr(1, UCase(arrValue), IDEAL_DUPLEX, 0)>0) Then oReg.SetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyCurrentPath & "\" & str4Digits, oArrayPropertyType(iCoutner), arrValueNames2(j) rem if any eror print & exit If Err.Number <> 0 Then StdOut.WriteLine "FAIL2: Couldnt Enter Value of " & oArrayPropertyType(iCoutner+1) & Err.Description oNICInfo.Result = 0 oNICInfo.Notes = "Can NOT fix Speed/Duplex=100FULL; Error:" & Err.Description Else StdOut.WriteLine "PASS2: Could Fix it" oNICInfo.Result = 1 oNICInfo.Notes = "Fixed Speed/Duplex=100FULL" End If Exit For End if Next End If Next rem get the registry value for the specific type of adapter rem oReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyCurrentPath & "\" & str4Digits, strPropertyType, strTempValue End Sub Function GetOSVersion() rem Get OS Version from the Current Version Registry Key oReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strCurrentVersion, "CurrentVersion", strTempValue GetOSVersion = strTempValue End Function Sub ShowUsage StdOut.WriteLine "---------------------------" StdOut.Write "setnic.vbs - Sets the NIC's Speed & Duplex to 100 FULL & displays WINS Name, Result, Details" & vbNewLine StdOut.WriteLine "---------------------------" StdOut.Write vbNewLine & _ "Help Information: " & vbNewLine & _ "Set NIC's Speed & Duplex to 100 FULL & displays WINS Name, Result, Details(PASS1, if no need to change, FAIL1PASS2 if could fix it, FAIL1FAIL2 if couldnt fix it)" & vbNewLine & _ "setnic.vbs -m/-Machine WINSName1 [WINSName2] [WINSName3] [...]" & vbNewLine & _ "or setnic.vbs -m . for the localmachine" & vbNewLine & _ vbNewLine & _ "Parameters:" & vbNewLine & _ "WINSName1,2,...Use Machine Name(WINS Name) as the argument to get NIC info. " & vbNewLine & _ vbNewLine & _ "WINSFileName Use .dat FileName as the argument to get NIC info. " & vbNewLine & _ vbNewLine & _ "Example:" & vbNewLine & _ "setnic.vbs -m Computername1 Computername2" & vbNewLine & _ "or setnic.vbs -m . " & vbNewLine & _ "or setnic.vbs -h" & vbNewLine & _ vbNewLine & _ "Error:" & vbNewLine & _ "If the computer doesnt exist or user running the script doesnt have permission to access, it will print an error" & vbNewLine StdOut.WriteLine "---------------------------" End Sub Function RetrieveArguments() Set oArgs = WScript.Arguments ArgsCount = oArgs.Count Dim iCounter iCounter = 0 bGotFile = False bGotMachine = False oComputerCount = 0 rem Get all the Arguments in the Computer Name Array While (iCounter < ArgsCount) LowerArg = LCase(oArgs(iCounter)) Select Case LowerArg Case "/?", _ "/help", _ "/h", _ "-h", _ "--help" RetrieveArguments = True Exit Function 'Case "-Machine", _ ' "-m" ' If (bGotFile = True) or (bGotMachine = True) Then ' RetrieveArguments = True ' Exit Function ' End If 'bGotMachine = True Case Else If (bGotMachine = True) Then oDictionary.Add oComputerCount, oArgs(iCounter) oComputerCount = oComputerCount + 1 set strComputer = "." Else RetrieveArguments = True Exit Function End If End Select iCounter = iCounter + 1 WEnd End Function
  12. Was sysprep used? If so, you can add an entry to change the Windows key.
  13. I think I may have a VB script that will set your NIC to 100/Full. Let me see if I can dig it up...
  14. Wow, I looked at the links you sent me and totally missed that! Thanks!
  15. You'll have to create a text file with the command you want and add this to your startnet.cmd: DISKPART /S FILE.TXT My text file has this: SELECT DISK 0 CLEAN CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY FORMAT FS=NTFS LABEL="Windows XP" QUICK SELECT PARTITION 1 ASSIGN LETTER=C ACTIVE EXIT
  16. The thing is, when I run this file I want it to prompt me to enter this information and then it will edit the sysprep.inf file with the information I input.
  17. [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Colors]
  18. Trying getting to those sites by IP. Then it's possible that the PC may still have some spyware that's redirecting those requests. Also, try running Hijack This! and posting the log.
  19. I've updated the BIOS to the majority of my company's PC's from within Windows without a single problem. So I would think doing it from within Windows would not cause any major problems. I guess it just comes down to what you feel more comfortable doing.
  20. Hi, I'm hoping to create a batch file that will ask me to input certain information and edit the sysprep.inf file accordingly. For example, I'd like for the batch file to ask me to enter a workstation name and once I do so, it will edit sysprep.inf adding that workstation name. So on and so forth...I'd like to do this for a few things, but if you can point me in the right direction I think I should be able to figure it out on my own. Thanks.
  21. cool400, Could the problem be the PC name you've included in your winnt.sif file? Why not let Windows choose a name and then change it once the install is completed?
  22. I found the problem! I put the "Repartition=Yes" under [Data] instead of [unattended]. I've edited the file retried it in my VirtualPC and it's working as I hoped! Thank you very much!
  23. OK, So I've created an unattended install using nlite but I keep getting asked about partitioning and formating. Is there a command I need to put somewhere to tell the install to remove all partitions and create one formatted to NTFS?
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