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Everything posted by aviv00

  1. did u try on original iso and with my ini and inf ? did u intergrade something ?
  2. no u are not i just need to make simple but im lazy i suggest u use rtlite with winsxs removal as ZileXa advise and get good lite and stable win7 with few updates problem for now
  3. i use this method with vlite.... its good but the updates wont completely work
  4. i tried it once didnt got lucky i think its can be done on running os and then sysperp
  5. 1. yes apply (not mount) and then capture and then u can use vlite 2. rebulid all dont make wim smaller but u dont need use vlite to make it just one 1 edition or lite it u can use gimagex \ export tab its much faster then RT lite
  6. vlite with winsxs removal making problem with the pending.xml else u dont need to remove it as far i understand i recommending to use windows 7 with sp1 and not slipstream it or integrate the updates till sp1 clean and pure is the best
  7. no i mean after u install windows u still can update ? and why u have sp1 and all the old update too intergrade ? "Better to delete the file pending.xml after or it did not matter?" which method ?
  8. its still updatable ? winsxs big is 130mb to 200mb with vlite
  9. applying is not mount its just extract the image
  10. no, apply it [ not mount ] the image after rtlite [ the best is to make vhd and apply it there so u could delete just the file] then capture it with giamgex as new wim file then rename it to install.wim and complete the procces with vLite the new wimfilter driver is not supporting by the old one
  11. use the old wimfilter so then u will be able to delete the files else u will have to takeown and permission
  12. weird maybe it cos the applying didnt go so well cos old driver ..... duno cant think about something anyways just recover it
  13. http://www.autoitscript.com/site/autoit-tools/gimagex/ download it from there choose the apply tab choose the install.wim that already lited with rt lite and choose empty dir for destination after it done choose capture tab use maximum compressing and ultimate edition and fill up it with name or mount the RTlited install.wim and capture it original install.wim much faster however didnt test it yet but it should work
  14. i updated the method #5 u need to apply the image with gimagex or imagex and then capture i duno what is the problem im guessing RT lite using same dif wim driver and the old wim driver cant understand it
  15. i duno why its happens i think it cos the differ wim driver i have it too so i apply the image and capture it with old driver
  16. hey got error that install.wim is in used while runing this config http://www.2shared.com/file/f5_Cf7fX/bug.html System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file 'C:\Work\winsp1\Sources\install.wim' because it is being used by another process. when i use this config on 32bit it working without error its only give this error when i use on win 64bit it happens after the tweaks when it saving the image or something if i use only comps removal i dont get the this error but the wim image not working with vlite and i guess with rt lite too
  17. if u dont gonna use rtlite u will have to remove pending.xml from winsxs dir after removing winsxs [aka Method #1] RTlite give u more comps to remove and the no need to remove pendingxml after removing winsxs
  18. yes its not select cos didnt update it "winSxS was NOT selected using your set! So I selected it myself... because thats the whole point right? Removing it in RT7Lite first and then in vLite." u mean removing winsxs with rtlite too ? im not sure about it but should be ok vlite remove winsxs very good i guess no point for that
  19. with the set i gave there its should be ok if u choose something else its should work fine but i cant ensure its hard to tell rtlite dont remove winsxs completely as i tested sometime ago about sp1 yeah its should work and yes u need to install the hotfix too if u like to update
  20. its not question is just advise so i add picture and add overview and same fixs to make it more understandable sorry
  21. i will try to make it more understandable
  22. Hey ver 1.0 Intro So u buyed new ssd 40-60giga installed on ur pc and install ur fav' OS Windows 7 and ... 10-15giga are gone cos the OS few apps like vs2010 and 1/2 games is that all ur SSD is full you find ur self think that u should buying a bigger one. But here another thinking around its a bit thinking out of the box but give it a chance I wanted to put second OS on my laptop but its just slow on my hdd 5400rpm so i think maybe i could put pagefile.sys on the ssd and yes its help the system is more responsive Uses - so what we could use to it 1. as u know 40giga ssd are not enuf in our days ssd still pricy windows 7 is just around 10-15GiGs or even more while the time winsxs growing without any limit so if u dont have time to lite ur os or just need really Stable OS without any changes u could use this put ur os on slow hdd and the pagefile on ssd and put ur vs2010 or any app u wanna use on the SSD and enjoy less boottime then average and full speed with ur programs that anyways u use the most and if u really wanna less boot time use hibernation 2. if u think buying the hybrid HDD with 4giga flash in it[seagate XT] i think this solution will suit u the boottime is about the same and u get more app production with the ssd 3. second OS ofc overview the concept So most of windows files are not need for current using like videos drivers winsxs and much else when u install visual studio u feel the change between SSD and HDD u save much more time with SSD in our daily use of the OS we dont feel big gap between SSD and HDD So with with windows on HDD and pagefile.sys will be on SSD we could gain same improve and save 10-15Gigs or even more for other stuff we really need like apps or games we love to play a lot [aka WOW] Hope it help Ver1.5 soon soon gonna test another thing around 10% of the install size will install on the ssd and the rest will install on hdd wondering how it will change the boottime and respond time
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