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Everything posted by ilko_t

  1. That's good to know, thanks for the feedback.
  2. Can you elaborate a bit more on what you have in mind? Which tool, which version, are hidden partitions permanently visible, after reboot?
  3. Hi Jaclaz, been a while : ) Thanks for reminder, actually, a bigger portion from setup.cmd: ... if exist mountvol.exe ( for /f "tokens=1 delims=: " %%? in ('mountvol.exe ^|find ":\"') do ( dir %%?:%TAGFILE% > nul 2>&1 && set CDDRIVE=%%?: if defined CDDRIVE goto :CDDRIVE_found ) ) else ( FOR %%h IN (U V W X C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T Y) DO ( IF EXIST "%%h:%TAGFILE%" ( SET CDDRIVE=%%h: goto :CDDRIVE_found ) ) ) ... As far as I remember mountvol.exe wasn't present on some systems or versions, hence the check above), and since I've started generating migrate.inf with the updated procedure, USB disk was reliably getting U V W or X drive letters, hence the previous post.
  4. Do you have a card reader? What drive letter did the USB disk get during setup? The error shows up when presetup.cmd script is searching for OEM folder in each drive letter accessing the empty card reader slots, same must be happening with another script run by RunOnceEx. Disconnect the card reader, ignore the errors, or amend the scripts as in setup.cmd, drive letters where USB disk is most likely to be found go first: ... FOR %%h IN (U V W X C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T Y) DO ( ...
  5. What do you mean by "cannot get it to work"?
  6. Try integrating BTS mass storage driver pack in your source and redo the USB disk: By the way- Setup should see the hard disk in IDE/ATA mode, is the source modified in some way, drivers removed?
  7. Which software did you use, which version? If that's WinSetupFromUSB, attach the log file produced, can be found in program directory or cab compressed in "backups" folder.
  8. No worries, glad you got it sorted.
  9. Right now program fails to find DPMS folder in C:\ Lets make a clean start : 1) Stop temporarily any antivirus programs running 2) Download a fresh copy of beta8: http://winsetupfromusb.googlecode.com/files/Win%20Setup_1_0_beta8.7z 3) Extract the archive in c:\WinSetup. Use 7-zip for the purpose, some other programs do not handle properly 7z archives. The executable files WinSetupFromUSB_1-0-beta8.exe and WinSetupFromUSB_1-0-beta8_x64.exe should end up in c:\WinSetup\ directory. 4) Extract the test version in c:\WinSetup\ too and run it. 5) Try with XP SP3 source and post the log file produced. By the way- program searches for its files in paths, relative to the executable file location, hence you can't run the exe file, say from desktop, while the FILES directory is elsewhere. In addition, if DPMS folder is missing and XP/2000/2003 source is being transferred, and "do not use DPMS" option is not selected , program would error out the same way.
  10. Download and extract the file attached and place it next to the original program files. Run it and test with Windows XP source, not PE, and post the resulting log file. Do you have rights to write to the user's temp folder, typically C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Temp? Is it moved or restricted in any way? Is C: drive or wherever Windows is full or nearly full? And yes, adding AMD64 folder would mess things up, source will be assumed to be x64 making the relevant changes. Why does your XP SP2 source have AMD64 folder? WinSetupFromUSB_1-0-beta8_testINS.7z
  11. Interesting... Can you check if there is any empty subfolder of H: and delete it? There is something which breaks the function which makes the list of files and folders to be copied. Program does not distinguish between SP2, SP3 and so on, SP level is obtained and used only to make the relevant folders and boot menu name.
  12. Please run in command prompt: dir /b /s h: > c:\winsource.txt and attach c:\winsource.txt with your next reply. Assuming Windows source is still in H:.
  13. Is this the full log file, unmodified?
  14. It seems the source has been modified and DOSNET.INF contains characters or paths which program couldn't work out. Either zip and attach E:\Windows library\ISOs\WINDOWS 2000\I386\DOSNET.INF to see what's in it, or just use the latest 1.0 beta8 version, which is recommended to be used anyway and should get you going.
  15. I can't see any clue in them for something wrong in regards to CDFS. I'd ignore this for now unless another report comes up. I believe that's the same issue with the one a few posts above with newest mass storage DP. Text mode uses iastor7.sys, during PNP detection in GUI mode iastor.inf is read and it references iastor.sys, not iastor7.sys, setup prompts where the file is. The former. Install and tune everything and make an image of that partition. There are number of solutions:http://www.msfn.org/board/forum/89-nlite/ http://www.msfn.org/board/forum/93-windows-post-install-wizard-wpi/ http://www.msfn.org/board/forum/129-hfslip/ http://www.msfn.org/board/forum/126-windows-xp-powerpacker/ to mention a few..
  16. That's the log from last run of the program, I don't see CDFS anywhere mentioned. Can you look in \backups\ folder and find the relevant log file which mentions CDFS? All old log files are cab compressed with date-time in file name.
  17. That's kind of quite surprising, can you post the log file? It's in program directory.
  18. Double check the options needed in the tutorial. BTS mass storage drivers pack is NOT intended to be integrated with nLite. Use a suitable driver pack for nLite or an appropriate single driver. Already answered. To add- I have a few good USB sticks,Lexar and Buffalo, bought 2006 or 2007, 30-32 MB/s read speed and 15-25 MB/s write speed. They are still in great shape, on one of them there was Debian on ext3 running occasionally for over an year, then there was a full XP on NTFS, all were formatted and used for tests literally thousands of times, mostly with NTFS. None of them have failed yet. Another Samsung USB stick failed within a week or so.
  19. Did you integrate them directly on the prepared USB disk? You should do it on your source, then redo the USB disk. http://driverpacks.net/docs/beginners-guide-windows-xp'>http://driverpacks.net/docs/beginners-guide-windows-xp http://driverpacks.net/docs http://forum.driverpacks.net/
  20. Did you miss this part? If you have enough space on the USB disk you can add it alongside the first copy, just run the program again with the same settings.Or you can reformat the driver and add it. Again, I recommend you to use the latest version available, use the auto format option, add the new source and test. How did you fix the internal disk not showing? Added a driver to the source or changed SATA mode to IDE?
  21. Did you try with a good, unmodified source? Try pressing F8 at start, select "Disable automatic restart on system failure" or whatever the option was called. Do you see a bluescreen? What is the error code on it?
  22. Because your SATA controler is in AHCI/SATA mode and XP does not natively support such. You can: 1) Integrate the appropriate SATA driver with nLite for example 2) Switch SATA mode to IDE/compatible if your BIOS has such option 3) Integrate BTS mass storage driver pack in your source, links are just a few posts above This is very common question which has been answered numerous times, please do use the search option. It's perfectly normal, why is this bothering you at all? That's the boot menu which the program made...
  23. You should try NTFS and even better, use the latest version available in the first post, currently 1.0 beta8, it also has an option for auto-format, just leave the default settings. It means to start from USB 3 times during Setup, once for Text mode part, second for GUI mode part, and third for first normal desktop.http://unattended.msfn.org/unattended.xp/view/web/13/ With latest version you need to start from USB only once, for the Text mode.
  24. This seems to fall into the following "F6 driver from virtual floppy" limitation : In short- edit Defaults section with the appropriate driver if floppy contains more records, as the case is with Intel's floppy, do not press F6, or include Firadisk or WinVBlock drivers as mentioned in cdob's posts. Thanks for the feedback, appreciated.The issue is with the logic in DPMS and the inconsistent between the various releases contents of DriverPack_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32.ini, which is serving properly its purpose for its own integrator, but not good enough and of course not intended for the currently implemented logic in DPMS for some cases. The newer DPMS version only contains new set of drivers, the ones included WinSetupFromUSB are the very latest ones at time of publishing it. You may get lucky with some drivers, but unlucky with other ones, and this varies between releases of BTS mass storage packs due to the different DriverPack_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32.ini contents. DPMS uses driver and file names from DriverPack_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32.ini, say that's iaStor7.sys for example, it's copied to the virtual floppy along with iastor.inf and iastor.cat. Text mode works fine, it uses what's written in txtsetup.oem, iaStor7.sys, everything is fine. During GUI mode PNP detection uses iastor.inf, the sys file mentioned in it is iaStor.sys, file is missing, error and BSOD 0x7B on next reboot. The solution as I see it is either to manually edit DriverPack_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32.ini record by record and replace any non-matching file names with the ones in the corresponding inf file, or DPMS.bat has to be amended to use file names as are in the inf file when creating txtsetup.oem. The former is a lot of work, I started but gave up quickly, not to mention that with next driver pack all this has to be redone. The latter I tried too, but grub4dos programming skills needed and used in DPMS.bat (respect to Chenall for also maintaining grub4dos, and not only, and implementing new features and bugfixes) are beyond my abilities. Will try to contact him if he has the time and willingness to work on that. Meanwhile, for anyone needing SATA/RAID/SCSI drivers- integrate BTS mass storage DP with BTS DP base in your source, this is proven and supported solution: http://driverpacks.net/docs/beginners-guide-windows-xp
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