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Everything posted by ilko_t
When non- native SATA controler (probably IDE too) is used and USB stick is listed first. Have a look at post #130I will try the other suggestions. Regards, ilko edit: @wimb - you may select the lines 1 by 1 and use ctrl+c to copy-paste contents.
You didn't' get me right, SETUP writes that, thus making the stick unusable. Setup writes that using the geometry it sees the stick during TXT mode, which is different than the way its formated by HP format utility for example. Formating the stick by XP will result probably in the same geometry which TXT setup will see it, and will not corrupt files, but USB stick formated by XP was in my tests non bootable, no matter FAT16/32 ot NTFS. The idea is to leave TXT setup to rewrite that, and use BOOT.INI on the stick, in this scenario GRUB is not needed (or may be just for the GUI part) and we wouldn't care about improper boot.ini entries, as we could automatically copy a generic one to the hard drive later.
Hi wimb, thanks for posting your results and welcome to the party In my setup NTBOOTDD.SYS was not used, and I don't remember any delays when signature was present in BOOT.INI, I have no idea why it was used for your PATA drive/controller. Will you post your Motherboard model and what controller it uses along with its Hardware PID and VID, ? As for the SATA disks, I am still nowhere, after days in researching on i-net and messing with TXTSETUP.SIF I beleive that the order Setup detects disks is hard coded, may be in DISK.SYS or somewhere else, PATA goes first, then USB, then SCSI/SATA. I have a new motherboard to test on with Intel ICH8R and the next few days I will study how Setup behaves when controller is in IDE, AHCI and RAID mode and will report results. For now I see 4 ways for overcoming SATA drives issue: 1. Make the stick formated (and bootable at the same time) the same way as SETUP will see it during TXT part and write MBR and ntldr/ntdetect.com on it, so even when those are written the information will remain intact, then copy those files to the hard disk using PRESETUP.CMD or any other way. 2. Somehow "force" SETUP not to write this information on the first active hard drive, I have no clue how 3. Somehow "force" SETUP the way it detects the hard drives, or "fool" it to see SATA/SCSI disks as ATA, detecting them before USB. 4. Anything else which one could suggest As for the long delay at T-1 we could use CMDLINES @ T-12 to lift write-protection, rename the two folders on the stick and later use GUIRUNONCE to rename them back. Due to lack of time I haven't tested this yet and am not sure whether GUI setup would re-read registry information about USB write protect at that stage. I consider it as cosmetic issue and will test it after SATA/SCSI issue is fixed. @jaclaz - what do you think of 1.- about the formating? I looked on the new GRUB release, for compatibility reasons for now I prefer to stick with the method I posted- 1 manual selection for TXT setup, the GUI part remains the default selection.
Interesting results I wouldn't think of installing with 2 sticks inserted, exactly because of the GRUB mapping. Tested your script for migrate.inf resulted in correct entries, however may be adding the write-protect entries will be handy, so we'd have a completed migrate.inf. About the boot.ini signatures- I agree that it shouldn't be made this way, but as far as I tested it on different machines it worked fine, at least creating boot.ini pointing to the right place. If we don't use mapping we end up with boot.ini to be modified, an idea how to do it automatically is to place NTLDR and boot.ini on the USB stick, pointing to the hard drive partition with the new installation, invoke NTLDR from GRUB, and at some stage during the GUI part copy NTLDR, NTDETECT.COM and a generic BOOT.INI to the root (if SATA disk is used), and edit BOOT.INI. Presetup.cmd will do the job in this case. Bootcfg.exe behaves in different way in recovery console and XP environment, how it will work during GUI is to be tested. May be a cmd script would also do the work (I am not into this part at all) or another tool like bootpart may do it for us. Still searching for an automated solution to edit boot.ini, a program or script, started by presetup.cmd. With SATA disks I still have no luck at all- if it's not a "native" controller, SATA disks are listed as second, after USB stick and SETUP places boot files on the stick rewriting the boot sector. With 2 sticks I tested- Buffalo 2GB and Lexar 1GB when formated by XP I can't boot NTLDR- "disk error, press any key to restart..". If I format it with HP utility they both boot fine, but when TXT setup rewrites boot sector it corrupts some files and makes next boot impossible. Format in Fat16 and 32 makes no difference. Manually editing the stick geometry using methods suggested by jaclaz will be of no use, as I beleive TXT setup will still place its boot sector on the wrong place considering the way it sees USB stick. I am currently searching for solution how to list USB after non-native SATA if that's possible at all, may be something in txtsetup.sif will help, or driver loaded along with the other SATA/SCSI drivers, but the information I find is quite limited. Haven't found out yet when exactly postsetup.cmd is launched, may be it will help to rename the source folders temporary avoiding the long wait at T-1. At first boot we rename source folders back. If anyone knows what else could be used to launch cmd script after T-20 or T-15, when setup files are no longer needed, please help A little offtopic- another way I am working on is also much quicker and universal- USB stick carrying an image of (not necessary) sysprep-ed "generic" XP installations. Different HALs are no issue, 0x7B BSOD is resolved by the relevant CriticalDevicesDatabase entries with the corresponding drivers and services. Intelppm service, causing BSOD on some AMD machines is disabled in advance. Regards, Ilko_t
(hopefully) some ideas to solve this part of the problem: I doubt that partition table gets corrupt. The MBR code is replaced, that's all. I thought the same, but the fact is when this happens SETUP starts complaining corrupted drive U (the USB stick) and cannot continue install. If I fix GRUB MBR and reboot GRUB complains about invalid or unrecognized partition table but still is able to find SETUPLDR.BIN, the problem is that SETUP complains about missing files, at least 10-20 files are reported as missing. May be it just partly corrupted of something because of the different ways it's formated and the way SETUP sees USB stick, because of the read-only switch in GRUB, or because of the GRUB mapping, you may have better explanation. Actually its not because of drive mapping in GRUB, I remember that I tested with no mapping at all, simply invoking setupldr.bin and MBR got corrupted again. This is an option, but SETUP will still place its boot files on the USB stick, as it's seen as the first hard drive and the first active partition, not on the hard drive. If stick is already with NT MBR this may prevent file corruption, but then we well have to place BOOT.INI and NTLDR on the hard drive and also work on the GRUB mapping and invoking the GUI part. Another option is in BOOT.INI to make second entry pointing to the hard drive, thus we can invoke the GUI part from BOOT.INI instead of GRUB. Also a small script or manual copy of NTLDR and a proper boot.ini to the hard drive will be needed. A way I can think of is somehow to force TXT SETUP to see USB stick as second drive, or removable if it is not seen as such, this will make it place the needed boot files on the hard drive, either by driver or by relevant registry entries placed by migrate.inf. I rename setupldr.bin because on second partition I intend to place Bart PE files and/or working XP to experiment and it's easier to manage partitions and drive mapping in GRUB, if one intends to use stick solely for XP install it's not needed.
On ATA drives I had success on all 3 different machines, but on SATA drives it went nowhere. The SATA drive appears after the USB stick when SETUP detects disk configuration. I've tried different mapping in GRUB to no avail, no mapping at all, and preserving the USB drive letter. In every occasion SATA drive was recognized after USB: On ATA drives it looks like that: Continuing installation when SATA drive is second cause XP boot sector and NTLDR/BOOT.INI being written to the USB stick, corrupting the partition table, then SETUP complains about damaged drive D (or U when old mounted devices was used) and a new boot from the stick is not possible. Repairing GRUB MBR fixes boot, but some files are missing. This was tested on 2 different SATA controllers, Sil2112r and SIS Sata. No IDE drives were attached, only one SATA disk. Any ideas? May be Dietmar's way of installing XP directly on USB and a separate driver for the USB storage could help, I am going to study this option further. BTW while studying BTS KTD method I noticed the usage of presetup.cmd, which is launched in GUI mode right before anything else. So another way to write-protect the USB during GUI part could be a single line like REG ..... or regedit ... if it's available at that stage. Any ideas when postsetup.cmd is launched? Google returns no results. edit: About the long wait at T-1- if we find a way to rename the 2 folders on USB, at lets say T-20 or after installing devices, where source files are no longer needed and make post- setup script renaming them back, this may "fool" setup to stop looking for them and avoid the long wait. If anyone has an idea which method could be used for this purpose would be great.
Here is a quick guide how I proceeded with 100% success on ATA hard drives. 1. Format the USB stick, I used HP USB Format tool, because XP format was reported as incorrect in GRUB. 2. Install GRUB MBR on the stick, the quickest way I found is by GRUBINST_GUI for WIN 3. Get the latest GRUB4DOS and copy GRLDR to the USB root. Create MENU.LST in USB root This way the default entry is GUI mode, TXT mode must be selected manually. With these GUI entries XP can be installed and booted later from another partition on the hard drive, not only from the first.4. Backup your current BOOT.INI and in the XP setup folder \I386 run after it's finished restore BOOT.INI5. Copy two new folders in the USB stick root - $WIN_NT$.~BT and $WIN_NT$.~LS 6. In \$WIN_NT$.~BT modify WINNT.SIF and MIGRATE.INF If you wish you can preserve your USB storage drive letter keeping the relevant entries in migrate.inf. Note your current USB drive letter and find the line (mine is set to U) , I found that it's not needed. [strings] must be present. 7. Create: undoUSBWP.reg and hiveOEM.inf and place them in $WIN_NT$.~LS\i3868. Copy TXTSETUP.SIF, SETUPLDR.BIN and NTDETECT.COM from \$WIN_NT$.~BT to root of USB stick. Delete BOOTSECT.DAT (necessary?) and rename SETUPLDR.BIN to NTLDRSTP, or modify the relevant entries in MENU.LST 9. Add the following lines to TXTSETUP.SIF 10. If you use unattended mode for the setup make sure you delete the whole [unattend] section, otherwise you won't be able to use System Restore and SETUP will not prompt on which partition to install. I used BTS mass-storage drivers pack, with KTD option and Nlited fully unattended installation, to keep Nlite options copy the relevant entries from the original WINNT.SIF to the new one, don't forget to delete the whole [unattended] section. [Data] section do not modify except UseSignatures="no". Also copy $OEM$ to \$WIN_NT$.~LS\i386 and OEM (BTS scripts) to the root of USB stick. Thanks a lot to porear and jaclaz All credits for the most important part- how to write- protect the USB flash go to cdob, many thanks edit: Forgot to mention that removing write-protect mode after GUI is finished is also done in steps 6 and 7. edit2: some typos corrected, txtsetup.sif
I can confirm that worked fine for the TXT mode on 5 machines - 2 Dell Inspiron Laptops, 1 Dell Dimmension 5150, 1 ABIT AN7 motherboard and 1 Asus P4R800-V motherboard. The problem with the Dell Laptops was in the version of GRUB I was using - 0.4.3 - 2007-03-16. This was causing PC to reboot when TXT Setup was chosen and single disk mapping was performed. The most recent version 0.4.3 - 2007-04-12 and the previous stable version 0.4.2 - 2006-11-26 worked fine on the same Laptops. The GUI part I finished only on the AN7 PC and all was fine, proper drive letters, boot.ini etc. Later on I will test the whole process on the ASUS PC. In the migrate.inf I left just these entries, this was enough hard drive to get every time C, and the USB stick D during the SETUP and the make USB stick read-only during the first stage: May be just the line HKLM,"SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\StorageDevicePolicies","WriteProtect",%REG_DWORD%,1 is enough to set read-only mode for the USB storage, but I haven't tested it.The rest is just as cdob suggested. If no mapping is made for the TXT mode, on the ABIT AN7 machine it results in incorrect boot.ini pointing to rdisk(1), instead of the proper rdisk(0). Tests in Vmware or QEMU wouldn't be relevant, because of the lack of USB boot. If the USB image is used as HD1 XP setup will handle it later during the process in different way than the USB stick. In GRUB mapping I found that single results contents of hd0 to be accessible from both hd0 and hd1, for example NTLDRSTP will be found on both drives. Contents of hd1 are not accessible and could be used when we are not interested in the contents of hd1. does the opposite, the contents of hd0 are this time not accessible, but contents of hd1 are found on both hd0 and hd1. For example NTLDRSTP won't be found from GRUB neither on hd0 nor on hd1 if it was originally on hd0, whereas NTLDR, originally on hd1 will be found on both hd0 and hd1.During the TXT setup "map (hd0) (hd1)" will be preserved I think up until the last stage, when scanning for partitions and writing the new boot.ini, when the installer finds the new XP installation on hd0, or it scans only fixed drives? No clues why it works this way. If double mapping is used this will "swap" the two hard disks, giving access to the contents of both using the new disk number. If we use double mapping, which logically seems the proper one, XP TXT setup complains about missing txtsetup.sif. Why starting it from second hard drive causes that I don't know. Double mapping could be used for the GUI part, when we need XP to be on hd0 and the source files on hd1, but is not needed since the XP installer at some point rescans or resets this information. Another idea- wouldn't it be better to use a similar to the XP CD approach for the default boot order, to make the hard drive default with 10-15 secs time-out as the TXT mode is used only once, but the hard drive will have to be booted at least twice (or more for custom installation). edit: we also need to undo the write-protected mode for USB once install is completed, how do we do that?
Well, the same version of GRUB and the final menu.lst worked on another desktop, testing with older/newer versions of GRUB gave result. The one I was using 0.4.3 - 2007-03-16 was causing troubles on the Dell laptops, I tested it on Inspiron 6000 and 6400. Both 0.4.2 - 2006-11-26 and 0.4.3 - 2007-04-12 (latest available) worked just fine with the 2GB Buffalo stick on the Dells :) In a next post, if nothings wrong shows until then, I will summarize all the steps.
GRUB disk mapping i suppose If single mapping is used file is found on both drives, if double mapping is used it appears only on the correct drive. But double mapping doesn't work, have a look at the RED quotes in my previous post.This disk mapping in GRUB is really interesting, as I mentioned it appears that when we do single mapping, we "fool" setupldr.bin and/or ntdetect.com which drive is which, but in later stage this is corrected. In GUI mode thi doesn't work the same way. It also seems that map (hd0) (hd1) results in same information aviable on both drives, like a "virtual" copy or image, at the same time contents of hd1 are not aviable, thats why for the GUI mode double mapping is needed. I did try single command in GRUB, actually I use that the most and apply changes later in menu.lst, in my tests set--root /ntldrstp did not do the trick, so I prefer to use ..... root (hd1,0) chainloader (hd1,0)/ntldrstp ..... About the laptop- I was using 2GB Buffalo stick, tried to use 1GB Lexar and using the very same menu.lst (with single mapping) worked Thats where the long Dietmar's thread will comes handy , I beleive setupldr.bin, ntdetect.com and txtsetup.sif must be written first, before copiyng the other files, may be the laptop BIOS can't see the needed files if they are written too late, but that cause no problems to the AN7 bios. Or it just the USB stick size which matters. However on the Lexar I had an old Nlited installation, not the same "pure" as on the Buffalo. I will test that later today, fingers crossed
sets root (hd0,0), instead of the proper (hd1,0) as ntldrstp is found on both places, that's why I use root (hd1,0), then chainloader /ntldrstp should be fine, instead of chainloader (hd1,0)/ntldrstpFor now I am interested why the same menu.lst did not work on the laptop, I will try to explain it again. On the laptop if I use the following: it causes laptop to restart, the same way as if NTDETECT.COM is not found in the root. Same entries work just fine on the desktop and result in proper BOOT.INI later like If I use on the laptop SETUP starts fine, but cannot confirm whether BOOT.INI will be correct, a lot has to be backed up before I can make tests.If I use it on my desktop PC, SETUP goes fine, but ends up with incorrect BOOT.INI, pointing to giving hal.dll is missing, note it does NOT use signature(....) this time.So we have either to find out why it doesn't work on the laptop, or just find a way to correct BOOT.INI after the final phase of TXT SETUP, when I beleive it's created. With rdisk(1) in boot.ini mapping is not possible, because as I saw in \system32\$winnt$.inf it will look for the installation files on disk(1) This file was the same with both variants of menu.lst. It seems ntldr, setupldr.bin and the TXT mode setup at some point "ignore" GRUB disk mapping in different way and/or stage.So, why does the laptop reboot ?
Here are some findings: -setupldr.bin (renamed in my case as ntldrstp), ntdetect.com and txtsetup.sif must be copied in root, or it simply reboots when chainloaded, tried many options, but all results were either a hang with blinking cursor or just restart. Some experiments with GRUB, with red color were unsuccessful: in this case ntldrstp cannot be found Setup starts, but gives error 14, txtsetup.sif is missing or damaged. boots GUI mode fine, read only switch shouldn't be needed anyway. It finds ntldr in (hd0,0) and completes the GUI part just fine. Boots and completes GUI mode fine, ntldr is found in both in (hd0,0) and (hd1,0), but this seems to cause no problems. ntldr couldn't be found----------------------------------------------------------- The last working menu.lst I is: ntdetect.com, txtsetup.sif and setupldr.bin are copied to root and setupldr.bin renamed to ntldrstp in my case.It would have been perfect if all this worked on my laptop too, but it did not. All the test so far were done on ABIT AN7 motherboard with NF2 chipset and a blank, not partitioned IDE disk. On Dell Inspiron 6000 when I use same menu.lst it reboots when TXT mode is selected. It has 3 partitions with XP Home installed- Dell Diagnostic, System and Dell Recovery. Double mapping didn't work, mapping (hd1,0-2) too, but when I use only: it works just fine with no drive mapping at all. On the desktop computer using the same entries result in incorrect boot.ini ( rdisk(1) )as I already wrote about. Haven't tested yet will it set the correct entries on the laptop with no mapping.Is it because of the different BIOS-es and the way they handle USB? Any ideas?
In my excitement I forgot to thank porear , many thanks to him gives Error 19, cannot mount selected partition gives the same messageIf in command line I type map (hd0) (hd1) map (hd1) (hd0) map --hook - as far as I know it should be done in order to apply and see the changes in command line rootnoverify (hd1) find /$WIN_NT$.~BT/setupldr.bin --->result is hd(1,0) chainloader /$WIN_NT$.~BT/setupldr.bin gives error 19 chainloader (hd1,0)/$WIN_NT$.~BT/setupldr.bin gives the encouraging "Will boot NTLDR from drive=0x81, partition=0x0..." now booting SETUP is possible, but as far as I remember it will end up with improper boot.ini, pointing to rdisk(1), instead of (0), that's why I stuck with the map --read-only... variant for TEXT mode. This will be first to test. Honestly GRUB for me by far not so easy to understand, in some commands I just can't see logical explanation why work or why not. For example in README.TXT: breaks the rule map (TO) (FROM) and is opposite (or at least not similar) for me as written herehttp://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#map : I beleive makes sense to be changed to This will be second to test and I will report the results with a full step by step guide.
It worked as described, great job cdob, thanks I didn't keep mounted devices in migrate.inf, just the write-protect entry and the USB device got D, hard drive got C. No files were deleted, to avoid the long wait I removed the USB stick after 2-3 minutes waiting. However I had to made a little change for the text- mode in menu.lst : title Phase 1 WinXP Text Mode Setup map --read-only (hd0) (hd1) map --hook rootnoverify (hd1) chainloader (hd1,0)/setupldr.bin savedefault 1 boot title Phase 2 WinXP GUI Mode Setup map (hd1) (hd0) map (hd0) (hd1) rootnoverify (hd1) chainloader +1 savedefault 0 boot otherwise I was getting blinking cursor and nothing was happening, with grub4dos-0.4.3-2007-03-16. @jaclaz- many thanks for keeping this thread alive and all your useful posts, here, in 911cd.net and any other forums
Well, no luck so far, actually I was wrong thinking that the magic "1" changes anything, the mistake was that as a lazy man a few times I used hibernate during the tests and windows probably reported the deleted files as present. I tried different options in txtsetip.sif and winnt.sif, tried to change source paths and so on, but no luck. I rather think deletion is hard coded and because $WIN_NT$.~LS folder is considered as temp folder files in it would be deleted on a few stages. I also tried to leave $WIN_NT$.~BT required during TXT setup and replace $WIN_NT$.~LS with the original I386, also tried to point setup to look for I386 changing options in the 2 sif files, but it only goes to the format stage, tries to format and says something like "setup cannot continue, low memory or corrupted files on the CD". Playing with SetupSourcePath = "\" in [setupData] section in txtsetup.sif didn't help, or I didn't find the right one. I am giving up for now using this method, I'd rather spend time on booting from SDI image or a quick way to recover the deleted files. At the end of the day having pico, nano etc. PE gives much greater flexibility. Next days I will have a look at the above mentioned tools and script. Thanks for your participation again.
Hi guys, first of all you did great job so far , following your posts I beleive you are on the right way and it is doable and I think we are one step closer. Changing this line( actually only removing the 1 at the end of the row) it managed to keep most of the files during TXT portion of the setup. I tracked the changes comparing the folder contents of \$WIN_NT$.~LS\i386 before and after TXT setup using BeyondCompare 2 and found that most of the files were deleted if in [sourceDisksFiles] the file was listed as logonui.exe = 100,,,,,,,2,0,0 . I couldn't find clear explanation of all switches and decided to experiment. Removed the 1 and more than 200MB in files were not deleted, compared to the option with the 1 present. Original txtsetup.sif: New txtsetup.sif: Now much fewer files are being deleted, some of them : I will try to remove the second 0 for some files and will report the results. A full list of the deleted files is attached, as well as txtsetup.sif. I hope there is someone who could explain or give another clue what else needs to be changed in txtsetup.sif. Meanwhile I will make a full list of all files deleted, with their options in txtsetup.sif. Once we make it not to delete files during TXT mode we need to find a way to prevent the 2 folders $WIN_NT$.~XX not to be deleted from the USB stick at the end of the GUI mode, it completely deletes the 2 folders at the stage "removing any temorary files used..." and if one removes the stick after, say "registering components" stage, SETUP won't complain about missing files or media, tested it already. May be a script renaming the 2 folders? But how to launch this script right after "creating start menu...." or "registering components..." stages? Some information about setup parameters can be found on this site, I will be digging in it next days: http://www.osronline.com/ddkx/install/inf-format_0icy.htm TXTSetup_deleted_files1.7z