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Lost Soul

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Posts posted by Lost Soul

  1. strange issue your having, just out of curiosity,, does your screens resolution change automatically to the one prefered after your installs are all complete ?

    your using a very large resolution, that would definatly hurt my eyes,, have you ever tried bumping it up,, and also if your going to stick with 800 x 600 you should try bumping it up to 32 other then 16 in wpi.cmd

    next question is what res do you have it set to on your options of wpi,, im assuming default right ?

    and boardbabe is right you really do need to go back and edit your post and add the code tags it makes it easier for ppl to look at your code and deciple it

  2. There is an actual program called Trojan Remover, and it has been updated probably... several dozens of times over the past several years, but it is not free, and I have heard more bad reviews about it than good. It supposedly has the largest database of trojan recognitions, but I'm really not quite sure.

    ive used trojan remover to remove a few trojans on other pcs and it seemed to work fine but i really havnt heard the bad sides of it,,mybe its because i dont really get problems to deal with trojans that much , can you tell us what are the bad sides to it when compared to other removers ?

  3. id say after my first test not all apps install perfectly meaning one extension in particular is running updates to psp x

    the extension is

    1001_EN.MSP /qb

    this is run off a cd even tried to use msiexec /i infront of its addy but im afraid that only worked for msi files

    im not sure yet how it handles the ability to install from inf but ill test that soon also

  4. Details so far excluding the write-up above.

    -Works well with 7 application installs with UNC path, Mounted Network Drive, and CD.

    --CD install called from GUIRunOnce in Winnt.sif

    -Noticed I had to change my .msi files to include the "msiexec /i" preceding the install path...think it is a function of how kTool handles msi.

    i was wondering why i was having trouble installing any msi files

  5. is any one having any luck getting the 1002_EN.MSP update to actually install silently,, mine keeps searching for the pspx.msi even tho that was extracted to the windows temp folder and installed

    btw i tried to send everything to temp folder to install for psp x because it wasnt installing off a cd

    ive been trying it like this

    pspx.msi Serialnumber=xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxx /qn

    1001_EN.MSP /qb

    1002_EN.MSP /qb

    and it hasnt been installing the 1002_en.msp

    also another question is any one getting this to install off a cd base instead of the hd

    when i try to install mine from the cd, they dont install for some odd reason

    and also 1 more question

    i tried to slipstream the 2 updates into the retail version of psp x and that wouldnt install off cd or hd any one having any luck getting both updates slipstreamed and installed properly ?

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