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Lost Soul

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Posts posted by Lost Soul

  1. How can I make my cleanup.cmd invisible in wpi window and run it always after all programs are installed? Means last step of installation is always the cleanup, without option to check or uncheck it.

    Anybody some suggestion? maybe change one of the .js or make a new point in config,js?

    i believe the only way youll ever make your cleanup seem invisable is to use the @ key before all lines of your cleanup script to give it the power of the command but the hidden feel you may be looking for


    @RD /S /Q "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Mozilla Firefox"

    @Del "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Desktop\Mozilla Firefox.lnk"

    hope that helps

  2. Just a quick note to anyone who is interested. If you grab the config folder from the downloade ktool script and put in your tools folder. You can modify the config.ini file so that the:

    ProgressType =

    entry value is one you will get a progress bar with a percentage on it, however it only shows a single application during install.

    I am trying to modify the runonceex version of the install so that it has a percentage on it as well i wil keep you posted.

    Just incase you all wanted options!

    sounds like good progress definatly a step closer to your goal :)

  3. I would like to change the default Welcome Screen in a custom XP pro cd. The best guide I found was this tut, but that has nothing to do wtih adding it to a custom unattended cd.

    I do have some idea on what to do. I found the LOGONUI.EX_ in the I386 folder. So im guessing all I need to do is change that then recreate the ISO and go from there. But im not sure if that is the correct way, or even sure how to create an .EX_ file. I know, from googe that .EX_ is a compressed exe file, which is the same exe file that hold the pic for LOGONUI.EXE.

    here the guide in msfn is very informative for things like this


  4. Yeah, it is patched via nLite. Even the original teletubies theme doesn't always apply automatically, surely that thing should still work? Should I revert to the original uxtheme? Or is it because the uxtheme.dll isn't being patched by nLite?

    are you using any other theme packs by any chance to install them with nlite ? some premade theme packs already havea pre patched uxtheme in them, if so after the nlite has done its job you need to place a new hacked uxtheme file in the i386 dir,, for some odd reason right now if nlite sees 2 uxtheme patches it will pretty much void each other out there for making your themes not work,

  5. if your start.cmd (im assuming this is for cleanup) is in your install directory,, your deleting it, before it has a chance to run the shut down command

    if your start.cmd is in your install directory then just move the shut down line before the it deletes the install directory like this


    ECHO Restarting the PC in 1 minute...

    shutdown.exe -r -f -t 60 -c "Windows XP will now restart in 1 minute, this will give enough time for the shortcuts to update and for the shell to fully load before its ready to restart!"


    ECHO Deleting Temp Installation Files...



  6. hi im having trouble using my clean up script to clean off some unwanted desktop icons and rerout my start menu programs,,

    the problem is my cleanup script is running before the desktop gets a chance to fully setup so the script runs before everthing is fully set so it has nothing to delete and reroute, then its set to auto matically restart the pc

    is there any way i can set the pc to restart after everything is finally set up , then have it in the cmd remember to run the cleanup script after the desktop is setup then delete it self ?

  7. thanks. i think that the compile exe file should be along with OutpostProInstall.exe. am i correct?

    i will install autoit tomorrow i begin my trainig ;) thanks for your script. in my opinion outpost is the best firewall by far. i hate when all us computer magazines talk wonders about zonealarm. it isnt bad but i prefer outpost's ability to display all kinds of info on almost everything that is happening in your network.


    yes it should be along side the installer,, and yes i agree with you on it being the best, but thats just my opinion, each to there own huh :)

  8. i've never used autoit but i already download it to try it with outpost. can you post your script to see if it helps me on it? thanks.

    sure no worries,, hope this will help you out

    name this what ever you want with the extension .au3 and then save it,, then compile it after youve edited it the way you like ,, change the time delay to suit your own needs

    ; AutoIt Version: 3.0.102

    ; Language: English

    ; Platform: Win9x / NT / XP

    ; Author: Lost Soul

    ; Script Function: Instals Agnitum Outpost Pro Firewall 3.5

    Run("OutpostProInstall.exe /VERYSILENT /SP- /NOICONS /NORESTART")

    ;pass automatic config screen

    WinWaitActive("Configuration Wizard")

    WinActivate("Configuration Wizard")


    ;pass configuration wizard screen


    WinWaitActive("Configuration Wizard")

    WinActivate("Configuration Wizard")


    ;pass finish installation screen

    WinWaitActive("Configuration Wizard")

    WinActivate("Configuration Wizard")




  9. what is /NOICONS for? for avoid the shorcuts? or what? thanks.

    i use myself outpost and will try to get the latest version working silently on my ua dvd. will let you know if i found something on the config wizard.

    have you tried at the outpost forum in agnitum's website? i will look tonight.

    the /NOICONS switch makes the installer not create desktop and quicklaunch shortcuts

    btw .. the only way ive found to get around the configuration wizard was to use a custom autoit script with the

    /VERYSILENT /SP- /NOICONS /NORESTART switches in it, its not the perfect solution but it works, :)

  10. hello everybody the latest version of Outpost Firewall Pro 3.5 (build 638/457)

    has just been released on the 9th i believe

    im trying to make a silent installer otu of it, and so far its going kinda good but yet i ran into 1 little snag

    first the good pints is that it uses a type on inno setup installer

    so you can install it like this OutpostProInstall.exe /VERYSILENT /SP- /NOICONS /NORESTART

    but the problem is the (configuration wizard) pops up

    does any body have any ideals on how to get around this ?

    other then that it installs just fine

  11. The top end cases are by Lian Li.

    I have an NZXT Lexa which I adore!

    Antec makes some really good ones.

    UR getting a separate PSU right?

    yea im gonna get the psu seperate, and yes i know what the top brands are, just wanting some feed back on what ppl think is the best full tower cases out on the market today

  12. this has always been a tough question on browser wars, as far as the news has stated they say and expect firefox to take over,, but you never know,, even tho i use firefox, i still say theres a few things it can be worked on to improve but yet i can point out that in ie and netscape and opera as well, so i guess only the future holds the answers :)

  13. And instead of
    cmd1[pn]=['REGEDIT /S %cdrom%\\Retestrak\\ACDSee8\\acdsee8.reg']

    (not only this line) I would use the regb and rega variable, as you do it for some other apps, too

    its funny in a way you still never hear or see any body using the rega path to install there reg files

    i wonder why that is

    me i prefer the regedit /s in the command line,, but if you can explain why its better to use the rega variable, as in pros of it vrs cons,, it would help out on why and why not to use it

  14. hi every body, im currently in the process of building a new pc and using my old one as a file server

    as of now im just trying to pick out what pieces id like,, so far i just kinda know roughly what i want but this is what i want to do with it

    overclock,, and water cool based maybe even a step further with vapor but undecided on that

    right now id like some help with ideals on the best FULL tower case i can get with a price limit but id like to hear any ideals

    this case must be aluminum

    well ventilated, / suitable for over clocking

    id rather the case be under 200 bucks ,, matter of fact the better the price vrs quality the better,,, im trying to get the best value

    meaning i dont want to go insane on this

    thanks for any help / advice you can give

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