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Everything posted by bluejazz74us

  1. @ hp38guser, May I upload it to rapidshare
  2. Hi all What is the switch for silent install for Super DVD Creator? Thanks SOLVED: /SILENT
  3. Actually I've tried regshot and choosed to use html format but did not know how to deal with it, can you tell me how because I've already make 1st & 2nd shot.Thanks
  4. Many Thanks mazin but how do you know such things, I've spent hours exploring registery key (Current user - Local machine) looking for such a thing and failed to find it, and still there are many things I want to do with register, if you can help with that it will be ok Thanks
  5. Hi all: When you right click on taskbar > properties > then choose start menue tab > then choose start menue > then choose customize > and under general tab > and under programs region > then point to number of programs on start menue = x what shall I do to make this numb equal to the number I want ? Is it a registery entry, or something to add to WINNT.sif? Thanks
  6. Yes, hit refresh more then once make it working I'm downloading now, Thanks
  7. can any one upload it to another link? Thanks
  8. Thanks Kelsenellenelvian for the trick, you are an asset to this website
  9. There are a number of extension that allow you to capture or download the media and flash files embeded in the website, just make a quick search on the website I remember I've seen it there
  10. Actually I've tried thier forum but no one replied since a long time, beside the new version is really desseve to try it.
  11. I understand, but can you just give me a way to go with, because autoit (SCITE Script Writer) can not make it, because tab button is not working at all, and when I choose mouse click record it clicked toooo early which missed every thing but if you can not, Thanks for your reply
  12. I did refresh it all the timeNOTE: just a lovely thing happened, I left PC opened on this topic, and when I come back I hit refresh, then I found your topic says never pressed the refresh button in your browser, it seems as if you were talking to me, lol..hahahahha
  13. so does it exist in any other place?
  14. The file does not exist, can you repload it, and does it support latest version?
  15. When I click the download link, I've recieved the following error: You are not authorized to view this page, HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden What can I do?
  16. hey muiz, it is me again ... the ugly as being an expert can you post your script in auto it section? and if not applicable for you, can you mentione a quick steps you followed
  17. What could be the reason that let you need such a thing
  18. didn't think it was so simple even life many people do not think that it is so simple
  19. when I try to run the UARegistryTweakageDOTNET0.4.1 I keep recieving the following error:
  20. Hi all Install the application with /S switch and use the following registery entry to register it [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SlySoft\AnyDVD\Settings] "CheckUpdate"=dword:00000000 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\SlySoft\AnyDVD\Key] "key"="INSERT KEY HERE" Thanks P.S. Thanks for muiz
  21. Sure its very easy.... First unpack power dvd setup to a folder. Then install and register it, also the plugins if you have those. Then go to your power dvd folder and copy the "PowerDVD.sim" file to the folder wher you extracted your setup. Then export the following reg key : REGEDIT4 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CyberLink\PowerDVD] "Header"="Deluxe" "HasCDKEY"=dword:00000001 "InstalledPacks"="CPRM Pack, DivX Pack, DTS Pack, DTS 96/24 Pack, DVD-Audio Pack, Express Pack, Interactual Pack, Mobility Pack, MPEG4 AVC Pack" "UI_PMK"="xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx" "UI_RMK"="xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx" "TEST"=dword:00000000 "KeyUpdate"=dword:00000002 "CPNav"=dword:00000002 "MustUpdateKey"=dword:00000002 (xxxx stands for your own keys) i named it : "PowerDVD7.reg" Now copy that reg file in the same folder as where you extracted your setup. In the folder withe the extracted setup open the "Custom.ini" file and add this : silent=1 GoogleToolbar=0 You can now remove the google toolbar folder. And make a SFX file with those files , like this : ;The comment below contains SFX script commands Setup=Setup.exe Presetup=REGEDIT /S PowerDVD7.reg TempMode Silent=1 Overwrite=1 You van give it your own icon with winrar. Now your switcheless silent powerdvd is ready. Welldone, a full time job, I think you should work as a doctor coz every thing seems easy and has a way mate thanks
  22. Yes people like muiz, roughspear, ryan, ...etc sure there is some one must know about it
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