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Posts posted by aresgodofwar

  1. AOL is a big piece of crap, and I'm supprised that the idiots that designed it are even making a profit.

    here here.

    i recommend you getting an email acct that you can download into outlook express or similar email client. that will allow you to backup emails in the event of a system failure.

  2. OK, I presume you are running windows XP or 2003. All you have to do is to go to "Add/Remove Programs" in the control panel. Then on the left hand side look for "Add/Remove Windows Components" then look through the list for internet explorer. Once you've found internet explorer, make sure that it is "unchecked", then click on apply, that should remove ie, restart your comp. When windows comes back up, redo the procedure, but this time make sure there is a check next to internet explorer, then apply. That should have uninstalled ie, then reinstalled it. Next go to windows update, and make sure IE is up-to-date. I hope this works for you. ;)

    that doesn't uninstall/reinstall IE. that merely removes access to IE. xp need IE installed because explorer and ie are so tightly wound that if you truly uninstalled ie, explorer would cease to function.

  3. well i have no idea when you are talking about a "low id"

    i do know that there is a reg hack to get rid of that 10 connection limit.

    i think this is it:

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings]

  4. hmm let me take a stab here.

    you need to first configure the ics computer to be able to use emule. once that works. then just open the ports necessary for network between the two computers.

    i could be way off, but i'd try that first. :huh:

  5. cybri2k:

    Service Pack 2 is merely an update for all versions of windows. it will detect what version you are using and install the appropriate updates. follow the slipstreaming procedure, and you should have no problem. as long as you are using the product key that is legal, you shouldn't have any problems at all. *note that if this is an oem copy of windows you may have problems. especially with dell oem cds.

  6. im not an expert at wmp, but i think it stores it's information in a .wmdb file. itunes uses an .xml file. the xml file that itunes uses is stored in the my music folder by default. you could back that up and as long as your music files do not change location on the hard drive that would work for backing it up.

    as for wmp and itunes sharing the same database file, i don't think it would be possible. i don't see any option to make wmp use a different database. same goes for itunes. they want to use their own files.

    im not too clear as your main question. you want to share your music out across the network, and have somebody connect to it from another computer. then they can copy that music to their mp3 audio device?

  7. what adminpak are you talking about? i'd like to know how to do this as well. i took the files in question from my 2003 server and tried to register the .dll but it didn't work.

  8. here is a reghack you can apply to tell XP that ie is not installed.

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4383}

    set IsInstalled to 0. then try reinstalling IE.

  9. once i am able to send you the batch file and you put it on a dos based boot disk, you will be able to boot to it. just be sure your bios is set to boot from floppy first, then hdd. i leave work in 3 hours, so just a matter of time now! :)

  10. linux is awesome. i have two machines that run linux at home. mandrake 10 to be exact. they are nice to have around. personally, i don't dual boot. but i know some people don't have the luxury of extra computers to install on.

    anyways, i hope you like mandrake. it's a cool OS.

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